Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/81

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NOTES AND QUERIES: 3 JWebtum of Sntercommuntcatton FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. ( PRICE SIXPENCE. No. 171. [ T 5H] JULY 23, 1921. F- ta. it. J (. Registered as a Newtvawr. The Highways of SCOTLAND. New Guide for the Lover of the Open Road. The New {JftmeS Road Map of Scotland, published this week t forms the most accurate guide to the highways of the Northern Kingdom ever issued. Local surveyors and other authorities have assisted in classifying the roads and bring- ing them up-tO'date, and a great deal of useful information is embodied that is not to be found on any other map, fttmes ROAD MAP OF SCOTLAND is divided into six sheets, on the scale of three miles to one inch. It may be obtained through any newsagent, or direct from the Producers " Geographia " Ltd., 55, Fleet Street, E.G. 4, at the following prices ; On paper, per sheet . . ........ 3/- Mounted on cloth, per sheet ...... 6/- Ditto, and dissected .......... 8/6 Ditto, rollers and varnished ...... 15/-