B. (W. G.) on French leave, 246. B. ( W. J.) on genealogy of European sove- reigns, 119. By hook or by crook, 205. 237. 281. 405. Byron's Childe Harold and Burton's Me- lancholy, 163. Lara, on a passage in, 262. 443. Byron and Tacitus, 390. 462. CL C. on anecdote of the civil wars, 93. on blunder in Malone's Shakgpeare, . on Cowley, or Coverley Statistics of Roman Catholic Church Whelps Dis- covery of America, 1(>7. on 'definition of Grummelt, 358. on devices of the standards of the An. glo-Saxons, 284. on Dug. tat in, 284. on logographic printing, 198. on Lord Chatham's speech on the American stamp act, 220. , Love's last shift, 476. on M. or N., 476. on Malone's blunder, 461. on May-day, 221. , meaning of pal lace, 284. on military execution, 476. on political maxim, 93. on Pope's translation of Horace, 230. on Salt at Montem, 473. on Sir William Hamilton, 270. on slang phrases, 234. on spurious letter of Sir R. Walpolc, ML on tablet of Napoleon, 461. on Temple Stanyan, 460. on travelling in England, 220. on tureen, 307. on Vertue's MS., 372. C. (A.) on black doll at old store shops, . on Worm of Lambton, 453. on camp in Hulstrode Park, 470. on derivation of holy, 470. Caerphili Castle, 157. 237. Caesar's wife, 277. 389. C. ( A. G.), query as to reference*, 20. Calamity, derivation of, 215. 268. 302. Calver (Bernard), 203. Cambridge, motto of university, 76. Campbell (Dunc:<n), query respecting, 186. Gump in BuUtrode Park, 470. Canidia, or the witches, MS. note in, 161. Cannibal, origin of, 186. Cantab, on coal brandy, 352. on HalUm's Middle Ages, 51. , orixin of swot, 352. Canterbury, catalogue of ancient library of Christ Church, 21. Capel Court, 115. Captivity of the Queen of Bruce in England, no. Capture of the Duke of Monmouth, S. 82.
- . 324. 4fc7.
Caracciuli's Life of Lord Clivc, author of, . 120. Caredon, meaning of, 217. C.ircna on tin- Inquisition, 186. Carlisle House, Soho. 450. Carrington, or Karmthon(Lord murdered, iO Cartwright's Poems (on some suppressed passages in), lo8. 151. Cat, "liin,"SW.i.i.M. Catacombs and bone house*. 171. 210. Catherine Street, Strand, 451. Catsup, catchup, ketchup, 124. 283. Cavell, 47 >. Cawood's ship of Fools. MS. notes in, I6i. C ( B ) on the symbolism of the fir-cone, . C. (C. J.). Phoenix, by Lactantius, 283. Cephas on the Advent bells, 121. on Sangred Judas Bell, 325. Cercdwyn on barnacles, 1G9. Certificate of Nat. Lee, 149. C. (G. A.), Dust pot- Froth lot, 320. on Sir W. Gndbold. 93. on political maxims. 104, on legislators and ballad makers, 153. CH. on buccaneers, 400. on Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter, . on college salting and tucking of fresh- men, 390. on Eachard's tracts, 404. on error in Hallam's History of Litera. lure, 435. , inedited letter of the Duke of Mon- mouth, 379. on Locke's proposed Life of Ld.Shaftcs- bury, 401. on Lord Shaftesbury and Dr. Which- cot, 382. on I .inflow's Memoirs, 384. on the Mosquito country ; origin of the name ; early connection of the Mosquito Indians with the English, 425. on MSS. of Ixx-ke, 401. on Queen's messengers, 445. on Kawdon papers, 400. on Savile, Marquis of Halifax, 384, on Sir William Coventry, 381. on Wellington Wyrwast Cokam, . , who was Lord Karintlion? murdered , 440. on blockade of Corfe Castle in 164, . Chancellors, Thynne's collection of, 00. Change of name, 246. Chapels, origin of the name, 3>3. 391. 417. Charlemagne's talisman, 140 187. Charles I., portrait of, 137. 184. , anecdote of, 437. , his sword, 183. 372. , bust of, 43. , pictures of, in churches, 184. Charles 11. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399. . Charms, old, 293. Charm for toothache used in Ireland, 319. . Charm for wounds, 482. Charms, 429. (li.iri.i- the evil eye. 429 Chart, Kent, early statistics of, 330 Chatham (Lord), speech on the American sump act, 12. -20. Chaucer, queries concerning, 303. , night charm, 229. 281. Cheshire round, 80. 456. Chest, Hand, 173. Chiffinch, letters of Mrs., 124. Childe Harold, parallel passages or plagi- arisms in, 163. 299. Chip in porridge, 3R2. Christian captives. 441. 477. Christian doctrine, fraternity of, 213. 2S1. Christ Church, Canterbury, books lent from, 1. Christencat, meaning of, 109. Christie (W. D.) on Skinner's Life of Monk, 379. Christmas Hymn, 201. 252. Christ'. Hospital, old songs or.ce popul ir there, 313. 421. Chronicle, Morning, when first established, Chrysopolis. 383. Church History, queries In, 158. Church livings, incumbents of. 91. Churchyard cu>toin>, ancient, 4*1. Cilibcr's Apology, chaacters of actors in. 67. Circulation ol the blood, discovery of, Sfl/2. . Cirt-ncester, Rich.ird of, 91. i'Ofi. Civil wars, anecdote of. 93. 338. C. (J.)on M.or N, 415 on regimental badges, 415. C. (J.T.)on Dayrolles, 476. C. (J. W.) on passages from Pone. 245. C. (LO. query respecting horns," SM. Clare Market, Clarendon (Ix>rd), opinion* of, by English historians, 165. Clergy, alleged ignorance of, 51. Clericus, definition of, 149. Clericus on inscriptions of ancient alms- basins. 44. on ordination pledges, I .VI Clerkenwell, eminent residents. 180. Clivc (Lord), Caraccioli's Life of, 108. 120. Clone translation, 4vS. Clouds or shrouds in Shakspeare, 48. C. (M.)onTrophee.m C. (O.) on family of Steward or Stewart of Bristol. 335. Coach-bell, why car-wigs so called, 383. Coal brandy, 352. 4*6. Cock Lane, 244 Coffee, notes on. 95. 154. Coffee-houses, the firt in England, 314, Coffee, the Lacediemnnian black broth, 194. 139. 155. 242. 300. 35. Coffins, use of. 321. Coheirs, Mowbray. 213. i Coins. Kritith, Boduc or Boduoc on, 235.
- Cold Harbour, query as to origin of, 60.
j Cole (Robert) on Lady Arabella Stuart, 274.
- extracts from old records, 317.
' on Dray ton and Young, 213. Coli-man's music house, :>'.'>. Coleridge, Cot tie's Life of. 55. , Christ iibel and Byron's Lara, 384. on a passage in, 26i. Colincu*. 158. Coll. Itegall. Socius on Dr. Whichcott and Ixml Shaftesbury. 444. College salting and tucking of freshmen, 61. 306 341.390. Colley Cibber's A|K>1ogy, 29. Collier (J Payne) on Bishop Ay liner's let' ter and |<oem of the Armada. 18.
- on defence of a bald head and stationers'
register*. 85. on English and American reprints of old books, 210. on Love, the king's fool, 121. Nicholas Breton's crossing of proverbs, on Dr. Percy and the poems of the Earl of Surrey. 47 1 on Shakspeare and deer stealing, 4 on shrouds or clouds in Shaktpe<iire. 5& on William Basse and his poems. 'JUI. Colloquy. .Kline's. I6M. 197. & 218. 278. Comes (M.) on Bess of Hard wick. 339. Commercial and landed policy of England, . 91. ('oinpfiiilyoiis olde tre.itvse, 877. 401 Complaynt of Scotland, 4 . .'. Complexion, the meaning of. ;kW. 472. Co.npluteiu.au Pohglot, 211 851. tOS.SSS. .'. -Mil. Compton Street. Soho, 228. Conrad of Salisbury's Deacriptio utriu.que Britannic, 319. Consecration of Churches, Bishop Cotin's form, :'*>'<. Constantino the artist, 458. Constitution Hill, why so called? 88. Contradictions in Don Quixote. 73. 171. Convention Parliament of lrtt, MS. dUry of. 470. Cook (David), watchman of WcstmtMter.
Ode to, from V. Bourne, 159.
Cook eels. 4 12. Cooper '. II ) on college salting, 306. on Pandoxire, VN4. on Scala Ccrli. 402. on tfiicber Wednetdav. on the Duke of Marlborough, 490. _ on Sayers the caricaturist. |K7. on White Hart Inn, Seole, 245. Copcr ( W. Durrant), on bive and chut* " Caraivinli'* Life of Lord (live, 180. on flecking churches with yew on Easter Day, 294. on early statistics, parish registers, 443. on Eltiabeth and Isabel, 488. Folk-lore, 488,