Page:Notes and Queries - Series 1 - Volume 1.djvu/520

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W. (G.) on college salting, 322.—on havior, 342.—on tureen, 246.

W. (H.) on Arabic numerals "and cipher, 433.—on Byron and Tacitus, 462.—on the word peruse or pervise, 215. 319.—on a passage in Frith's work, 319.—on Scala Cœli, 455.—on the Supper of the Lorde, 362. —on three balls of pawnbrokers, 42.—why Moses represented with horns, 420.

Whelps, what ships so called, 77, 106.

"Where England's monarch," authorship of, 415, 458.

W. (H. F.) on Dr. Dryasdust, 26

Whichcot (Dr.) and Lord Shaftesbury, 382, 444, 488.

White Conduit House, 395.

White gloves at a maiden assize, 29, 72.

Whitgift and Cartwright, Cunningham's lives of, 379.

Whitehall, 436.

White Hart Inn, Scole, 245, 323, 410.

Why Moses represented with horns, 420.

Wiccamicus on "Angels' visits," 102.

Wickliffite version of the Scriptures, 405.

Wild House, Drury Lane, 228.

Wild Huntsman, The, 363.

Wilkes (John), papers of, 125.

Wilkinson (Henry) on fall of rain in England, 235.—reply to query about the Arabic numerals, 368.

Williams (B.) on transposition of letters, 184.

Williams (W.) on Billingsgate, 94.

Winifreda (St.), 384, 475.

Wives of ecclesiastics, 77, 115, 147.

W. (J. K. R.) on Christmas Hymn, 252.

W. (J.) on early inscriptions, 491.

W. (M.), answer to A Limb of the Law, 72.

Wodderspoon (John) on St. Valentine, in Norwich-Cook-Eels, 293.

Woman's will, lines on, 247.

Woodcut likenesses of Luther and Erasmus, 203.

Woolton's Christian Manual, 399. 400.

Worm of Lambton, 453.

Wotton's Poem to Lord Bacon, 489.

Wreford (J. Reynell) on inedited lines by Robert Burns, 300.

Writers of notes on fly leaves, 51.

W. ( S.) on German version of Gray's Elegy, 150.—on Luther's translation of the Bible, 453.—on Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 457.

W. (T.) on "Bive" and "Chute" lambs, 93.—on the genealogy of European sovereigns, 250.—on Pavoise of the Black Prince, 283.—on Queen's Bagnio, 286.

W. (T. T.), on gib cat, 235.—why did Dr. Dee quit Manchester, 216.—, watching the sepulchre—Dominus factotum—Robert Passellew, 318.

Wyatt (Rev. Geo.), on tracts by Eachard, 320.

Wyattville (Sir Jeffery), 215, 252.

Wycliffite translation of the Scriptures, MSS. of, 366.


X. on pursuits of literature, 253. —on origin of rococo, 357.—on smelling of the lamp, 335.

X. X. on the Liturgy Version of the Psalms 203.


Yard, books by the, 166.

Yarrell (Wm.) on havior, heavier, or hever, 269.

Yates (J. B.) on medal of the Pretender, 103.

Y.(D. S.) on Defoe's Tour through Great Britain, and etymology of Armagh, 158.—on ghost stories of Daniel DeFoe, 241.

Yeoman, what is the meaning of, 440.

Yong and Drayton, 213.

Yorkshire subscriber on Erasmus' Paraphrase of the Gospels, 173.

Young Levite, Macaulay's, 26, 374.


Z. on portrait by Boonen, 386.

Zachary Boyd, 298, 406.

Zenobia, a Jewess, 383, 421, 461.

Zero, derivation of, 215, 268.

Z. (Q. X.) on Genealogy of European Sovereigns, 92.

Z. (X. Y.), query as to the meaning of trunk breeches, Barba longa, and mercenary preacher, 384.


Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St, Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.