Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/240

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[2nd s. N 12., MAR. 22. '56.

Burkin Burroughes, Esq., of Hoverton Hall (father of the present Member for Norfolk)? And 3rd, When and where the said Thomas Har- rison and his wife died, and were buried? and whether all, or any of their said children, were married, the dates of their deaths, and places of their interment ? ALEX. HUGH FASTOLF.

Michael Servetus. I have before me An Im- partial History of Michael Servetus, burnt alive at Geneva for Heresie, 8vo. London, 1724. On the title-page of my copy the credit of authorship has been given by some one to Aaron Ward, for whom the book w'as printed ; but on a fly-leaf is

the following note: "By Benson.* See

Beauclerk's Cat., No. 873." Who was the au- thor ? Lowndes mentions the work, but without any comment. ABHBA.

Sunday Schools first established by San Carlo Borromeo. It is stated in the Catholic Institute Magazine for October 1855, that Sunday Schools were first founded by Saint Charles Borromeo of Milan ; and that there are several Sunday Schools in Rome at the present time, known by the name of Adunanze, where apprentices and poor children engaged during the week in labour are instructed. Where shall I find information concerning these establishments ? K. P. D. E.

Count Vilain-Quatorze, or Vilain-XIV. What is the rationale of this diplomatist's singular name or title ? J. C. R.

Villemain on Gregory VIL Will some cor- respondent have the kindness to inform me whether M. Villemain has published a book on the subject of Gregory VII. ? Or if not, in which of his works he has discussed the character of Gregory ? J. C. R.

Old printed Editions of St. Augustine s " De Civitate Dei." What is the date of the oldest printed edition of this work ? I have a quarto copy in black letter in my possession, printed at Venice in 1486, and I should be glad to know if there is an earlier printed edition than this.f On the last leaf the following words are printed :

" Aurelii Augustini opus de Civitate Dei. Feliciter ex- plicit cofectuin Venetiis per Bonetu Locatellum, impendio et sumptibus Octaviani Scoti Modoetiensis. Anno a na- tivitate domini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo sexto, quinto idus Februarii."

On the fly-leaf at the beginning is written with ink, in rather a crabbed hand : " Divi Augustini de Civittate Dei. Joseph! Merendi Foroliniensis

[* Dr. George Benson's work is entitled A Brief Ac- count of Calvin's burning Servetus for an Heretic. 8vo., Lond., 1743.]

[t The following earlier editions are in the British Mu- seum, in folio, 1467, 1468, 1470, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1479.]

(here follows a word of seemingly six letters, which I cannot decipher) Hierosolimarii." Was there ever a man of any note of this name living at Jerusalem ? ALFRED T. LEE.

Tetbury, Gloucestershire.

The Crafty Innkeeper at Grantham. On March 19, 1765, four bucks assembled at an inn at Grantham, to drink a glass and play at cards. In the course of the evening they got excessively drank, quarrelled among themselves, cursed the waiter, and were very noisy and blasphemous ; and as they refused to depart at three in the morning, the landlord employed a chimney-sweep to go down the flue, into the rioters' room, and call out, " My father has sent me for you ; infamous reprobates ! " whereupon they all, in the greatest fright, flew out of the room, without staying to take their hats, in broken accents confessing their sins, and begging for mercy.

Can any of your Grantham readers inform me at what inn this took place, and who was the landlord ? As the date has been so accurately preserved, and as the device, and its success, would make a considerable sensation, it is not un- likely that the name of its cunning contriver has been handed down to his admiring descendants. Where was the fashionable " Greens," or " Sar- desons," or " Wakefields," of that day ? The " George," I think, was not then built ; it became, in its day, one of the crack provincial hotels of the kingdom ; but it has never prospered since the owner of the property insisted on irreverently coupling the patron saint of England with a " Blue Boar." The bucks might perhaps have had their revel at the " Angel," which since that day has gone to its opposite, but which, resusci- tated by the immortal Sibthorpe, I am happy to hear is now " bright and fair " under the vivacious gubernation of its present " angelic host."


Thumb Bible.

" Thumb Bible. Can any of your readers tell me the history of the Thumb Bible, reprinted by Longmans in 1850 ? Who was J. Taylor, who seems to have been the author ? He has strangely spoilt Bishop Ken's morning and evening hymns at the conclusion of the book. HERMES."

The above appeared in " N. & Q." (1 st S. iy. 484., but has not been replied to. Perhaps it may now come under the observation of a corre- spondent who can supply the information sought by " HERMES." WILLIAM BLOOD.

9. William Street, Dublin.

Catherine Grey's Marriage with Lord Beau- champ. Mr. Hallam, in a note in p. 292. of vol. i. of the Constitutional History of England, quotes a passage from Dugdale's Baronage of England, in which the latter asserts, that the validity of the