Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/282

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S. NO 14, APRIL 5. '56.

The course of storris brode and wyde Off }> e worde [sic] on euery side, Off alle J> e planetts course be lawe, Iritille a boke he couth hem drawe. The boke he callid 3eor3e, Hyt was wel knowen fer and nye. He fr wille listen to my lore He may be better for euer more.

" Die Dominica.

' Take we nou J>* ilke 3ere j,t begynnes in Janiuere ; For sothe to you tell I may When J> c 3ere begynnes on Sonday, }> e profett I vnderstande

Litull whete shal be in lande, Off wyne and hony differance grete, Wole and wax shal be lete ; As J> e boke can tell, }> e prophett of hay shall cum to well ; Ther shalle no wynter hem do spill. Mony trespas \t shalle be ill : In J> e end of wynter a frost shall fall Jj 4 mony 3ong trees shend hit shall, \> K blake wyndis shal be strong, But J?ei shal not last long, In J> c end of somer shal be weete With hoge reynes and with grete : The cornys shalle cum horn full well, The royne shalle dere hem neuer a dell. A prince of \> e londes wide Shalle barret a 3 ere for her pride: Worre and wrake J>en shal be, }>t alle > e worde [sz'c] shalle hit se : Robbe and refe in \> e londe, Let euery man take hede to his honde.

" Die Lune.

' When )> c 3ere begj'nnes with J>" monday, Strong wynter.Jieri come may. Liyttyng, thonderyng, and tempest grett, Frosty haylyng, and tempest wete. J>er shalle cum in euery londe, For sothe J?en shalle I vnderstonde, Mony men shalle in sekenesse falle, In fevers and o}>er sekenesse with alle. }>* 3ere shal be litull qwete, And plente shal be of appuls grete. Cornes shal be in euery londe, Ther tunnes of wyne shulde stonde, Princes and erles shalle werre and wrake, And man sla3ter J>ei shalle make. Wymmen shalle wepe and sory be, For mennys deth J>' }>ei shall see. J) e princes will, if fei may, Sett ych on oj>er on a day. Sorow and wepyng J>er will rise, Many after in alle wyse.

" Die Martis.

' When )> e tuseday begynnes t> 3ere, ' |> c first day of Januiere, Hete shalle cum well fell, As seith \> e profet Ezechell. J>' wynter shall fall gret wete, And somer shalle drye enery strete : Ferly deth, as I 3ou telle, Shalle \> l 3ere mony man quell. Off wyne and corne shal be fylle, And hony who so hit luf wylle. '

Werre shal be in \>* 3ere, As \> c boke tellis here.

Wyndis thore strenghe of kynde Shalle mony townys ouerwynde. ' The see shalle full of schippus be, Robe men and her meny. Many men shall in J>3ere Be broght to noght for gret date.

" Die Mercurii.

When Januiere begynnes on wedjTisday, Trees shall blowe and wende away ; And litull frute shall J>* 3ere be Off appuls and of perre tree. Wynter shal be colde with alle, And grett cornys on erth shall fallc. In \> end of wynter shalle cum a snowe, And longe lye ; t>' men shalle knowe. Wynde shalle blow both calde and hete, And reyne and heile in euery strete. Whete shall cum in J>* 3ere, Bothe mych strong w} r ne and clere. Men shalle wynne wel of }>er qwete, And haue innogh be Jjer hepe. In }>* 3ere corne shal be In somer tyme gret plente. Alle J) 1 3ere without care Men of j?eir owne shall wel fare.

" Die Jouis.

When thursday begynnes J> e 3ere,

As }> c boke tellus here,

Gret colde shalle cum with )> myste,

With harde frost and long last.

Wynter shal be ouer drye with alle,

J>* no reyne falle shalle.

In wynter in J> e last ende,

Gret reyne shalle cum how so hit wende.

In somer gret tempests shal be,

)? e whete ouer b e course shalle flee.

Be hit went neuer so well,

J^er shal be shent mony busshell.

Mich sekenes in londe shal be

Off mony men and her meny.

In somer after J>* wynter,

J>en shalle hit be mycul better,

And for \> e tyme of"\> e 3ere shelle

Be bothe corne and melle.

J>er shalle plente in )>* 3ere felle,

>* milners nede not for to stelle.

}>* 3ere in somer I vnderstonde,

Sqwine shalle dye to J> c grounde.

He is wise in t>* tyme

J>* slees his sqwine in gode tyme.

"Die Veneris.

.When friday in \> e 3ere is fonde, }>en be welwax J> e husbonde, Jj' he saw after \> e plogh ; For J>en he may haue corne inogh. Iff vynes well tilled be Off wyne shal be gret plente. J> 1 3ere whete shal be ouer alle, \,er shalle mony childer ouer qualle. J? c ch} - ncogh shalle be full rife, ))' raony men shalle short her life. And trees shall blow swith well And bryng frute litul or neuer a dell. Gret sekenesse and mycull woo Shalle mony men haue er >' 3ere goo. Hides and felles shall cum to londe Gode chepe to J> husbonde, Oyle of olif and of fell }}' 3ere shal be onen( ? ) J> e well.