Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/294

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S. N 15., APRIL 12. '56.

parchment. At the same time, I suppose it pro- bable that enrolments of these warrants may exist in some form or other in the Tower or Rolls Office. M-


Explanation of King James s Declaration!'

The True and Genuine Explanation of One King James's Declaration.

"J. R.

" Whereas, by misrepresentation (Of which Our self was the occasion) We lost our .Royal Reputation, And much against Our Expectation, Laid the most Tragical Foundation Of vacant Throne and Abdication : After mature Deliberation We now resolve to sham the Nation Into another Restauration ; Promising, in our wonted Fashion, Without the least Equivocation, To make an ample Reparation. And for Our Reinauguration We chuse to owe the Obligation To Our kind Subjects Inclination : For whom we always shew'd a Passion. And when again they take occasion To want a King of Our persuasion, We'll soon appear to take Our Station With the ensuing Declaration. All shall be safe from Rope and Fire, Or never more believe in J. R.

" J. R.

" When we reflect what Desolation Our Absence causes to the Nation, We would not hold Our self exempted From any thing to be Attempted, Whereby Our Subjects, well Beguiled, May to Our Yoke be reconcil'd. Be all Assur'd, both Whigg and Tory, If for past Faults you can be sorry, You ne'er shall know what we'll do for y For 'tis Our noble Resolution "i

To do more for your Constitution, |> Than e're we'll put in execution. J Tho some before us make a pother, England had never such another, No, not Our own Renown'd Dear Brother We have it set before Our Eyes, That Our main Interest wholly lies ID managing with such Disguise As leaves no room for Jealousies.



" And to encourage Foes and Friends With Hearts and Hands to serve Our Ends; We hereby Publish and Declare (And this we do because We Dare) That to evince we are not sullen We'll bury all past Faults in Woollen ; By which you may perceive We draw Our wise Resolves from Statute-Law ; And therefore by this Declaration We promise Pardon to the Nation, Excepting only whom We please, Whether they be on Laud or Seas.

'And farther Bloodshed to prevent, We here declare Our self content

To heap as large Rewards on all That help to bring us to Whitehall, As ever did Our Brother Dear At his Return on Cavalier : Or We to Our immortal Glory, Conferr'd on non-resisting Tory.

" Then be assur'd the first fair Weather We'll call a Parliament together (Chuse right or wrong no matter whether) Where with united Inclination We'll bring the Interest of the Nation Under our own Adjudication : With their Concurrence we'll'redress What We Our self think Grievances, And shall be firm as Words can make it And if We promise, what can shake it ?

" As for the Church, We'll still Defend it, Or if you please, the Pope shall mend it : Your Chappels, Colleges, and Schools Shall be supply'd with your own Fools : But if We live another Summer We'll then relieve them from St. Omer.

" Next for a Liberty of Conscience, With which We bit the Nation long since, We'll settle it as firm and steady, Perhaps as that you have already. We'll never violate the Test Till 'tis Our Royal Interest, Or till We think it so at least, But there We must consult the Priest.

" And as for the Dispensing Power (Of Princes Crown the sweetest Flower) That Parliament shall so explain it As We in Peace may still maintain it.

"If other Acts shall be Presented, We'll Pass 'em all, and be contented,

Let H y, W k, and old C s

Draw Bills enough to load three Barges,

We'll give them thanks and bear their Charges ;

Whether they be for partial Tryal,

Dull Judges Pride, or Self-Denyal,

For Royal Mines, or Triennial.

"Whatever Laws receiv'd their Fashion, Under the present Usurpation Shall have Our Gracious Confirmation, Provided still We see Occasion.

" Our Brother's Irish Settling Act (Which We 'tis true Repeal'd in fact) We'll be contented to Restore, If you'll provide for Teague before; For you yourselves shall have the glory, To re-establish wandring Tory.

" But now you have so fair a Bidder, 'Tis more than time you should consider What Fouds are proper to supply Us For that, and what your Hearths save by Us ; Therefore consult your Polyhymne, To find another Rhime to Chiinny *, Or if I bleed the Devil's in Me. And lest a Project in its prime Should be destroy'd for want of time,

[* These lines remind us of the following couplet in- troduced by the authors of Rejected Addresses, by way of bravado, in answer to one who alleged that the English language contained no rhyme to chimney :

" Thick calf, fat foot, and slim knee, Mounted on roof and chimney."]