Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/297

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"d s. N 15., APRIL 12. '56.]



cost of repairing the edifice, so as to have all the practical requisites of a cathedral, would be about 18,000, towards which sum nearly 4300/. was subscribed at the meeting. It is a pleasing 'and hopeful sign to find so many of the gentry and clergy of Hertfordshire treading in the track already marked out for them by the labours of Leland, Hearne, Dugdale,. Camden, and others, who in their day and generation inspired the public mind with a zeal for the preservation of our ancient ecclesiastical edifices. And surely there is no spot more sacred in the annals of antiquity, and identified more than any other with the primitive Christianity of our country, than the abbey de- dicated to St. Albau^ the proto-martyr of this island.]

A Model Ecclesiologist and Church Restorer. Cardinal Baronius renewed the old church of SS. Nereus, Achilleus, and Domitilla, in 1596 ; decorated its walls with frescos, and had the bodies of its titular saints translated to the new church. Then he put up an inscription, at the south of the apse, that embodies the true spirit of church restoration :

" Presbyter Card, successor quisquis fueris, per me- rita horum martyrum, nihil demilo, nihil minuito nee mutato : restitutam antiquitatem pie servato : sic te Deus martyrum suorum precibus semper adjuvet."

Gerbet, in his Esquisse de Rome Chretienne, gives the following, but less correct version of the inscription :

" Quisquis es futurus Cardinalis successor, Obsecro te per gloriam Dei et merita Sanctorum martyrum, nil minuito, Nil demito, nil mutato, antiquitatem. Pie restitutam servato, et sic te Deus adjuvet per orationes Sanctorum."

" Blessed," he adds, " is the country where the pre- servation of ancient edifices is demanded, not only in the name of national glory and the interest of the arts, but also in the name of the glory of God, and of the merits of the Saints."


Old WeeK s Preparation for Holy Communion. A new edition of the book, the title of which is commonly thus abridged, has been published by Mr. Eraser, of Alton; and the authorship, if I remember rightly, has been inquired for in " N. & Q." I cannot supply this, but it may be in- teresting to notice two books from which parts of it are taken. The editions which I am using are of The Week's Preparation, the 22nd., London, 1698 ; of Bishop Cosin's Devotions, London, 1852 ; and of Button's Meditations, Oxford, 1838 :

Prep., p. 1. The introductory sentences are from Bishop Cosin, p. 24.

Prep., p. 14. For this sacrament is a sacrament of love,' &c., is from Sutton, ch. ii. p. 8.

Prep., p. 15. " Consider how great care," &c., is from Sutton, p. 11.

Prep., p. 20. " The Holy and good rules" is from Bishop Cosin, pp. 15. and 18.

Prep., p. 23. The first two in the catalogue of sins is from Bishop Cosin, p. 12.

Prep., p. 36. " Many there are," &c., is from Sutton, p. 64.

Prep., p. 37. " If in our earthly," &c., is from Sutton, ch. xv. p. 82.

Prep., p. 59. " Consider that the devil cannot endure," &c., is from Sutton, ch. x. p. 60.

Prep., p. 59. " That whereas," &c., is from Sutton, p. Gl.

Prep., p. 65. " O most good," &c., is from Sutton, ch. liv. p. 206.

Prep., p. 73. " most good," &c., is from Sutton, p. 207.

Again, two of the passages taken from Sutton, at pp. 8. 60., are among those which have been translated and adopted by him from Pinel. See " Pinelli Meditationes de Sanctiss. Euch. Sacram., etc., ex Ital. in Lat. com. a Busaco," in his Opus- cula Piarum Meditationum, Duaci, 1606, pp.181. 273. ; and compare the Preface to Sutton, p. xii.

E. M.


Incumbents of Syston. In Nichols's History of Leicestershire, vol. iii. pt. i. p. 455. is an imper- fect list of the incumbents of Syston. Allow me to supply two omissions, which I am accidentally able to do from the registers of the University of Oxford :

" 1593. 1 Oct. William Wilkinson (no college named) : the presentation published and sealed."

" 1681. Aug. 8. John King, of St. Mary Hall, elected Aug. 8, in Convocation. Mr. Vaughan, Alban Hall, 49 votes ; Mr. Thompson, Lincoln College, 74 ; Mr. King, 78 ; King died in 1697."

P. B.

Wooden and Stone Crosses.

" We use in cross ways to set up a wooden or stone cross, to admonish the travelling man which way he must turn when he cometh thither, to direct his journey aright." 1st Part of the Homily on Alms Deeds.

May not this quotation be useful in the appeal respecting the church furniture of St. Barnabas ?

M. P.

Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Rail- way Motto. The following ingenious motto is painted on the carriages of the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway, together with the arms of the three towns, whose name it bears : " Persevera, Per severa, Per se vera."

Who is the author of it ? Cn>.


Can you oblige me with the names (not given by Lowndes) of the authors of all or any of the following works ?

1. " Histoire de la Yie de St. Patrice. Paris. 1651. 12uio."