Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/334

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [2nd S . NO 17., APRIL 26. '56.

" Grahme, youngest son of the L d Berkshire, died suddenly coming from hunting, Janu. 173f .

"By the death of Lady Diana Feilding, my Lord Berkshire came into possession of Ashted Park, in Surrey, and Castle Rising, in Norfolk, a noble estate : a house in Duke Street."

Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough. " Charles, Earl of Peterborow, after a long illness went to Lisbon for the recovery of his health, but died there six days after his arrival. My Lord's body was brought over and buried at Turvey, in Bed- fordshire. He married to his second [wife] Mrs. Anastatia Robinson, daughter to Mr. Robinson, a painter, who was blind some years before. L d Peterborow did not own her in publick till a few months before he died, both at Bath and Mont Bevis, where she now lives, and has it in jointure. Her mother was a Lane, descended from the Lanes that took care of K. Ch. II. Charles Lord Peterborow, grandson to y e last, took his seat in Parliament, Janu. 15, 1735.. This lord married sometime since to Miss Cox, the daughter of a Quaker, a great wholesale grocer in Aldgate."

Noel. Earl of Gainsborough. " Lord Gainsbo- rough, 1736, owned his marriage with his keeper's daughter ; her name was Elizabeth Chapman ; he has been married four or five years. Her brother is now keeper to my Lord. Has been married about 11 years, March, 173. Married at Up- pingam."

Paget, Earl of Uxbridge. " He was one of the Lords of the Treasury, Aug. 8, 1710, upon Lord Godolphin's being turned out. Was named to go ambassador to the Court of Hanover, but he re- fused to go, till he was made an Earl. The Queen said he should be, when he returned; he was angry, did not go, and was made by King George an Earl."

Rich, Earl of Holland and Warwick, " Lady Isabella Rich, daughter [of Henry] the [first] Earl of Holland, married S r James Thinne. 2 sons by the Duke of Ormond dyed, I think, abroad. Waller celebrates her playing upon a lute.

" Lady Elizabeth Rich [daughter of Robert, second Earl of Holland] had run out her fortune, and retired to Wales, and there married Francis Edwards, who was a younger son of a gentelman ; he was a purser of a ship, got 601. pr. ann. My L d Warwick [Edward Henry Rich, seventh Earl] died unmarried [in 1721] and without a will, so Edwards, his aunt, became heir-at-law to this estate, and her son drank himself to death, but has entaled the estate, with power of granting leases ; he has entailed it upon all his relations he could think of.

"Edward Henry Rich was of Westminster School ; killed himself with his debauchery. The present Earl of Warwick [Edward Rich, eighth

Earl] has none of the estate of the family ; the person he married [Miss Stanton] was a miliner ; there is one daughter, Lady Charlotte Rich, who was promised to be a lady of the bedchamber to the Princesses, in the room of Lady Susan Hamil- ton, who married Mr. Keck.

" Mr. Joseph Addison dyed at Holland House, near Kensington, Wenesday, June 17, 1719, was buried in Wesf Abbey, June 26. He left one daughter by my Lady Warwick [widow of Ed- ward, sixth Earl], Charlotte Addison."

Henry, Viscount St. John. " Henry St. Johns, now L d Viscount St. Johns, was indicted, and was tryed the 11 of December, 1684, for the barbarous murder of S r William Heathcote, the 14th of Oc- tober, 1684, and was found guilty of murder at common law, as likewise upon the statute of stab- bing. His mother, the Lady St. Johns, procured his pardon at a great price, said to be 10,0002. Old S r Walter, his father, would not meddle with it. My Lady died [August] 1736, buried at Bat- tersea."

Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury. " Gilbert Talbot [son of Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury] is not abroad, but a Jesuit, and cannot take the title ; he lives with my Lady Petre. George Talbot, his brother, did pretend to the title, and his widdow is so silly as to pretend to it, and suffers her three daughters to be called Ladies, and puts the Earl's coronet over glasses and upon plate, but durst not put it upon the achievement nor coach, though in writings she signs ' Mary Talbot.' Mr. George Talbot left six sons and three daughters : the eldest son, George, is at Paris for his education, 1735."

Talbot, Earl Talbot. "Mr. [William] Talbot, my Lord Chancellor's son, married to Mary, the daughter of Adam Cardonnel, by the widdow of Mr. Richard Franklin, and she is and will be worth above seventy thousand pounds. The wid- dow Cardonel had a daughter by Mr. Richard Franklin, who died some time since, and left her mother the fortune. This widdow is since mar- ried to Mr. Fredrick Franklin, her first husband's brother : was often prosecuted, and paid much money. She died June, 173. Mrs. Franklin was the natural daughter of a French refugee, who left 20,000 ; his name was Baudrie, a Spit- tlefeild's weaver."

Vane. "William, Lord Vane, died at his house in Kent, suddenly, Aug. 1734. Had 3 sons. William, the present Lord, married [the widow of Lord William Hamilton] ; they have

since parted ; she a very great w , and he a

great fool. Anne Vane [daughter of Gilbert, second Lord Bernard] died at Bath, March 27, 1736. A son, Fitz-Fredrick, she had by the Prince of Wales; died in March, some time before the mother."