Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/392

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[2nd s. NO 19., MAY 10. '56

familiar allusion of the learned.' Somers Town.


Hunt of St. Allan's (2 nd S. i. 335.) MR. II. L. TEMPLE complains that his chase after this Hunt has come to a check through the want of parish registers prior to 1743. I wish to put him on the scent again by reminding him that copies of the parish registers are to be found in the re-

Etymology of Earwig (2 nd S. i. 357.) On further examination, I feel I ought to confine my argument against the etymology of eruca to the extensive prevalence of the popular belief respect- ing the earwig. It has influenced the formation of words which can have no connexion with eruca. But as to the reasonableness of that belief, though admitted by Linnaeus, I fear there is no certain evidence whatever. Can any of your readers give me the etymology of "prinzajuola." I find it only in the French volume of Alberti's Dictionary (4to. Milan, 1840), but not in the Italian volume, nor in any other Italian Dictionary ; I have con- sulted many. E. C. H.

Parson (2 nd S. i. 343.) Being at present sepa- rated from my books, I am unable to comply with the request of L., to give him the subjects of " The Death of Agricola" and " Boxing Intelli- gence." The latter is an account of a fight between "Bouncing .Ned" (Burke) and "Tom the Stay- maker" (Payne). When I am able, I will give further information. A. HOLT WHITE.

Gertrudes Shoes (2 nd S. i. 88.) It is sub- mitted that MR. INGLEBY'S emendation of shows for shoes, is open to several objections. 1st. As substituting an indistinct, general idea, for a clear, particular one. 2nd. There is felt to be a sig- nificancy in the shoes, as involving the whole state or condition of anyone, which is exemplified by such a phrase as " I would not stand in his shoes." (The Scriptures have many significant allusions to the shoe and its parts.) 3rd. Hamlet's previous use of the words shows and show, urged by ME. INGLEBY, might be an argument against a third and weaker use of the expression ; and that Hamlet is inclined to use clear, common images regarding the hurried marriage, seems to be shown by his presently afterwards speaking of " the funeral bak'd meats," which " did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables."

MR. INGLEBY approves of Theobald's change of shoes into shows (King John, Act II. Sc. 1.), but Mr. C. Knight (Notes to King John} suggests that it arose from a misunderstanding. These are his words :

" The ass was to wear the shoes, and not to bear them upon his back, as Theobald supposed, and therefore would read shows. The 'shoes of Hercules' were as commonly alluded to in our old poets, as the ex pede Herculem was a

gistries of the bishops or archdeacons, generally up to about the year 1600, which may be in- spected upon application to the deputy-registrars.


Double Christian Names (1 st S. passim.') The earliest instance I remember of three names is Oct. 11, 1588, when Henry Donne Lee subscribes the Thirty-nine Articles. P. B.




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Inconsequence of the number of REPLIES TO MINOR QUERIES waiting for insertion we have postponed our NOTES ON BOOKS, anil several in- teresting articles, including Inedited Letters by Isaac Walton, Nalsou the Historian.

J. MARSHALL, M.A. (Taunton.) The change suggested J.y our Corre- spondent /tat not been tout sight of, but involves more difficulties than vie, can at present venture to encounter.

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NDX. The Index to the First Series i.i at press, and proceeding as rai/idlij as the nature of such a work admits.

ERRATA. 2ndS. i. 351. col. 2. 1. 5S../or " Glagalit " read" Glagolit : " 2. col. 1. 1. 12., for " 'ilazalitic" read " Glagolitic ; " 1. 24., for

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