Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/436

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[2nd g. tfo 22., MAY 31

" June 6. Journals read ; Officers of the House petition about introduction Fees, read, and referred to the Com- mittee : George Kellya, Constable, ordered to be commit- ted for his insolence to Lord Longford.

" June 7. Journals read : Message from the Commons for a Conference about Exceptions to the alterations made in the Bill of Repeal ; four Lords appointed to meet them immediately in the Chamber over the Lords House ; the Lords ordered only to hear their Objections, and report them, -which they did accordingly. The Order against waste and Spoiling Improvements, read, and approved : Lord Riverstown moves, that Constables and Sheriffs might have power to commit the Possessor that made any waste ; Judges Opinions asked ; all against it, and the House agrees with them.

" June 8. The House of Commons desire to withdraw their Impeachment against Judge Daly, having accepted his Submission, which was granted : a present Conference desired by the Lords upon the subject of the Last Confer- ence, wherein the Lords of the Committee report what they agree, and what they insist on, together with the Reasons why they insist on them.

' June 10. Journals of the last day read: A Petition of

turned out of possession " do nothing in it ; the ing spent

"June 11. A Free Conference between the two Houses concerning the Bill of Repeal ; the Commons insist on two things ; 1st, That the present Possessors may have time to remove till May next : 2dly, That all Remainders may be forfeited, and vested in the King ; Journals read."


May, 1689. d. p. diem p. mens. 6 16 3 1 Troop of Granadeers con- )

tains - - - -j 6 16 3 7 Regiments of Horse con-)

tain - - - -J




2750 3800


7 Regiments of Dragoons

contain - - -_j The Roval Reg. contains)

22 Comp. 90 in each V 1980 Comp. - - -J

- 42 Keg. of Foot, 13 Comp. ^ 03059 G2 men each - - j

Total - 42432 Deductions : 3 d. per Pound for the Hospital, from all Soldiers and

Officers. 1 d. per diem for the Cloaths, for Shoes, and J for

deaths: Foot. \\ per diem from Dragoons, J for Furniture, ^ for Horses :

Dragoons. H p. diem from Troopers, A to the Captain for Furniture,

1 d. for the Clerk : Horse.

7 Reg.

r Horse.

I Duke of Tyrcomiel. Lord Galmoy. I Coll. Sarsfield. 7 Reg. j Coll. Southerland. Lord Abercorne. Coll. H. Luttrel. (.Coll. Parker.

Dragoons. - Lord Duncan. Sir Neil O"Neil. Coll. Dan. O Brien. Coll.Nich. Purcell. Coll. Clifford. Sir James Cotter. Coll. Simon Luttrel. _,

" Foot 42 Regiments.

Regiments f Col. Ant. Hamilton.

Earl of Clanricard.

Earl of Antrim.

Lord Gormanstown.

Lord Clare.

Lord Galloway.

Lord Slane.

Lord Lowth.

Lord Duleek.

Monsieur Boislon.

Sir Val. Brown.

Sir John Fitzgerald.

Sir Maur. Euslaw.

Col. Wil. Nugent

Col. H. Dillon.

Col. John Grace.

Col. Rich. Butler. , Col. Edw. Butler. l.Col. Walter Butler.

continued. Col. Cavenagh. Col. Gordon O Neil. Col. Nich. Brown. Sir Mich. Creagh. Col. Brien Mac Mag- lion.

Col. Tool. Col. Oxbrough. Col. Maccarty Moor. Col. Barret. Col. Farrel. Col. Bagnall. Lord Bagnall. Lord Tvrone. Col. Cha. O Brien. Lord Iveagh. Col. Donavan. Col. Dora. Brown.

(To be continued.')

fCo1. John Hamilton -c Ramsey. (Eurl of Clancarty.

Col. John Bourk. C'ol. Char. Moore. Col. Corn. O Neil.


As curiosities in the way of epitaphs, or me- mentos, I send you the following, which were carefully copied on a visit to this church, when there was scarce a road to the village, and when once there, you appeared to have no means of egress ; in fact, you seemed to have readied the world's end. Since this period an excellent road has been made through the village, direct from the town of Leamington Priors ; a new and hand- some house on an elevated spot, having beautiful views, has been erected for the clergyman, from whence you overlook the old Roman Foss Way, which is the boundary on one side of the parish. The handsome stone windmill, built in 1632, from designs by the celebrated architect Inigo Jones, stands conspicuously in view from the front of the residence ; altogether, it is a very charming spot. But I am forgetting the epitaphs: in the interior of the old tumble-down chancel wall, which has been recently taken down in order to save it from falling, on a mural monument is inscribed:

" M. S.

Nicol ai Greenhill

in Artibus Magistri

IIuj' 1 Ecclesite per anuos 40


Qtii defmictus

Die 3 Aprilis An. D ni 1650

et ffitatis suaj 70

Felice bio expectat resurrec.

Charissimo Conjugi

Posuit Maria Uxor."

The foregoing is sent, not as a curiosity, but on account of this gentleman appearing to have been the first head master on record (1G02) of the now celebrated Rugby School, although its founder died in the year 1567, and may prove interesting to many Rugbasans.