Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/545

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(j raves (James) on Strabo on Ireland, 512.

Woodlefe family, 115. Greaves (C. S.) on clerical county magistrates, 18.

Coronership and the horn, 115.

Hangman's stone, 15.

Office of high sheriff, 18. Grecian theatres, 114. Greek fire, notices of, 316. 423. Greek marriages, 174. 219. Green Park gate, and right of way, 336. Greeutree (Isaac), epitaph, 52. Greenwich, locality of Spring Gardens, 315. Grey beards, earthen jugs, 293. 361. 461. Grev (Catherine), her marriage with Lord Beanchamp


Greyhound, the silver, Scottish badge, 493. Grierson (Constantia). private life,~192. 264. 341. Groundolf family, 194. Griindonnerstag, or Maundy Thursday, 315. Grymes (Sir Edward), 81. G. (T. B.) on Journal of the Irish parliament, 405. 427


Gu.ichichil, or Chupaflores a bird, 187. Guano, as a manure, 374. 482. 522. Guclphs and Ghibellines, their badge, 213. Gunn (C. H.) on oldest Dutch newspaper. 206

Peter the Great's testimonial, 130. Gunston (J.), MS. of Apfelio's Eternal Life, 153. Gunstons of Stoke Newington, 375. 436. Gutch (J. W. G.) on Bristol Tolzey, 278. Gutta Pcrcha, its application, 372.


H. on Actajon surprising Diana. 290.

London architecture, 73.

Mass, as applied to the eucharist, 1 2.

Prideaux's form of excommunication, 55.

Saxonicum Verbum. 375. H. 1. on Clifford's Inn dinner custom, 12. H. (A.) on elephants, 402.

Geddes, a metaphysician, 413. Hackwood (R. W.) on Major Andre", 463.

Cobalt mines, 462.

Cobbeof Lyme, 221.

Crafty innkeeper at Grantham, 442.

Deeds, old ones restored, 423.

Fashions, their origin, 332.

Fleur-de-lis, 410.

Franklin's portrait, 122.

" Good boys die in their fifth year," 391.

Gminn, 522.

Hanging, a capital punishment, 374.

Heaven as a canopy, 403.

Ink for records, 503.

Inscription at Stukeley, 193.

Lay readers, 222.

London architecture, 422.

Longevity in Scotland, 253.

Malleable glass, 463.

Mnrbles' game. 283.

Marriage settlements, 1 14.

Mignonette the badge of the Counts of Saxony, 524.

Mnffit (Dr. James), 311.

Monument between Penrith and Appleby, 114.

Hackwood (R. W.) on numerous families, 469. " Over," a top>graphical name. 383. Pantomimes in England, 436. Papier-mache' houses, 271. Peace rejoicings in 1814, 508. Plough Monday custom, 475. Punishment by hanging, 411. Retributive justice, 102. Rhubarb champagne, 420. Sad advice, 410. St. Apollonia's teeth, 420. St. Mungo and St. Machar, 194. Sardinian motto, 442. Servant in want of a place, 209, Short-hand systems, 401. Signal whistle, 442, Song on tobacco, 320. Surnames, 397.

Synonym for being hanged, 323. Tobacco, 182. Tradesmen's signs, 511. Tune that the cow died of, 375. White paper injurious to si^ht, 241. Woollett's tomb, 1 12. Hailstone (E.) on Easter Sunday superstition, 331.

Fairfax correspondence, 337. Hair-powder licences, 503. Hale (Capt Nathan), 500. Hale (Sir Matthew), MS. of his " Pleas of the Crown,"


Halkett (S.) on Anonymous writers, 129. Hall (Spencer) on Hengist and Horsa, 517. Halliwell (J. O.) on Myrrour of the Worlde, 180. Hallowell (Benj.), presents Lord Nelson with a coffin, 170. Hamilton (Gavin), apprehends Col. Rumbald, 375. Hamilton (Dr. W. Ken-), Bishop of Salisbury, his con-

secrators, 314. 401. Hamiltons of Hagg, their arms, 115. Hamiltons of Park Head, 115. Hampstead manorial privilege, 313. Hancock (Thomas) on Urceola elastica, 454.

Mode of producing caoutchouc, 454. Hand, the right and left, 84. 137. 178. Handbills, their preservation, 73.

Handel's Harmonious Blacksmith, 356; mode of com- posing music, 46; musical library, 75. Hanging first used as a capital punishment, 374. 418. Hangman's stone, its legend, 15. 282. 402. 435. 502. Harbin (Dr.), common-place book, 489. Harcourt (Simon, 1st Earl), 325. Hardwick (C.) on prognostications from Cambridge MS.,


Harington (E. C.) on Bradford the martyr, 125. Golden Rose, and other papal gifts, 337. Greek fire, 362. Pope Pius and Book of Common Prayer, 60. 135.


Routh (Dr.) on Macaulay's England, 247. Harington (Sir John), and Ji>lm Bradford, 125. Harlequin, origin of, 313. 436. Hurley on approach of vessels foreseen, 315. Harley (Edward, Earl of Oxford), memoranda on tlw

peerage, 325. ! Harmonizing Gospels," by the Lite Duke of Man

Chester, 316. 3arp in the ar m s of Ireland, 480.