Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/553

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M. (Y. S.) on double Christian names, 253.

Genealogical queries, 210.

Greek marriages, 174.

Jakes family, 252.

Kentish fire, 182.

Moustache worn by clergy, 183.

Painter and engraver, 174.

Song, "I am for Bonaparte," 192. Mystics, the English, 93.


N. (A.) on passage in Coleridge, 254. " Naked truth," origin of the term, 233. Nalson (John), original letter, 387. 479. Names, corruption of proper, 451 ; their spelling uncer- tain, 372. 443.

Naphthaline in gas-pipes, 12. 79. Nash family arms, 223. National defences, 470. National Portrait Gallery suggested, 184. Naves, crooked, 432. 499. Negus family, Norfolk, 231. Neil (J. B.) on rhubarb champagne, 293. Neirbo on Latin Pentateuch, 132.

Use of sinning, 114.

Nelson (Lord), his coffin and grave, 169. Nelson (Robert), headings to his Fasts and Festivals,


Neologisms, American, 9

Newburn (Fra.) on walled towns in England, 33. Newcourt's " Repertorium," annotated copies, 261. Newspaper cuttings, how mounted, 292. Newspapers, history of, proposed, 153. 242. 282.

British Mercury, 445.

Dutch, the oldest, 206.

Insurance newspaper, 445. 478.

Paris, 389.

Russian, the oldest, 206.

Sweden Official Gazette, 206. Newspapers, inedited notes from, 345. 465. Newton (Sir Isaac), pedigree, 355. N. (F.) on Heybridge Whitsunday custom, 471. N. (G.) on baptismal superstition, 303.

Buchinger (Matthew), 429.

Bunyan's Bible and grave, 235.

Cheap literature, 519.

Count Boruwlaski, 358.

" Cyprianic Age," its author, 494.

De Champ and Shand families, 389.

Fleming's Rise and Fall of the Papacy, 479.

Glasgow cathedral, interment at, 54.

Hydrophobic patients smothered, 442.

Jacobites of 1745, 520.

Law (Abp.) of Glasgow. 141.

Names of live stock, 417.

Old Nick, 141.

Papal relics, 339.

Pascal's reference to a personage. 412.

Pope and Allan Ramsay, 449.

Running footmen, 121.

Sage (Bp.), author of " Cyprianic Age," 494.

Stephens's Bible of 1534, 240.

Superstition respecting banns of marriage-, 280.

"Trial of a Student," 47 5.

N. (G.) on Weather proverbs, 227.

N. (H. D.) on passage in General Thanksgiving, 121.

Nicholas (St.), fraternity of, 295.

Nichols (John Gough) on Edward VI.'s Treatise, 112.

Shrewsbury painting and inscription, 222. Nichols family arms, 223. Nick: "Old Nick," 141. Nickname, its derivation, 240. Niebuhr anticipated, 343. Nightingales (the Miss) 230 years ago, 171. Nine Worthies, political satire, 25. N. (J. B.) on pedestrian rhymes, 414. N. (J. G.) on Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 175.

Latimer (Bp.) and Commons' Journal, 75. Noel (Wm.) of Kirby Mallory, 460. N. (0. 1.) on oldest insurance newspaper, 478. " Nolo episcopari," 273. 341. Nonconformity, hanging for, 273. Nordstrand, English colony at, 471. Norfolk pedigrees, 162. Norral (James), his tragedy, " The Generous Chief,"


Norris (Thomas), bellfounder, 75. Northland on sermon, "My head! my head!" 271. Norton, as a local prefix, 18. Norwich baronetical family, 375. Norwich, early printing in, 233. 343. Nostock, jelly of a fallen planet, 187. Note, or a letter, 270. Notes and Queries, New Series, 1. Notsa on key and treble, 195. Nottingham Castle, its architect, 333. Numismatic query, 95. 244. Nursery rhymes, 171. 284.


Oates (Titus), ballad against, 109; church preferment,


Oats: " To sow one's wild oats," 229. Obelus on passage in " Timon of Athens," 461. Odinents, its meaning, 433. 482. Offor (Geo.) on New Testament in French and Latin,

63. 0. (J.) on approach of vessels foreseen, 418.

Bezaleel Morrice, 51.

" Country Book Club," 423.

Defoe's Autobiography, 333.

Dictionary of 400 tongues, 45.

Discourse upon uniting Scotland with England, 392.

Discoverer of the safety-valve, 303.

History of the Affaires of Scotland, 411.

Johnson's (Dr.) " Marmor Norfolciense," 407.

Ker (Patrick), 281.

Paul Jones, a song, 341.

Pope Pius and Common Prayer, 202.

Povey's History of William III., 266.

Spelling of names uncertain, 443.

Trial of a Student in Clutha College, 392. 0. (J. P.) on Anglo-Saxon charters, 430.

Horse-talk, 439.

Oneway (S. T.) on Lewis family, 314. 0. (P.) on Pope's Ode for Music, 449. Orchard, its derivation, 65. 161.