Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/563

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Woollett (Wm.),- epigram on his tomb, 112. Worcestershire proverbial sayings, 429. Wordsworth (Wm.) ver. Thomas Campbell, 351 ; Con- versations with, 103. " World's end," an inn sign, 249. Worsborough parochial library, 520. Wotton (Thomas) of Kent, 13. Wotton Waven parochial library, 520. Wotton (William), the boy bachelor, 411. W. (R.) on Dr. Derham's memorial, 139.

Instinct, 203.

Wren (Sir Christopher), noticed, 465. Wren song in Ireland, 102. W. (R. H.) on heelball, 214.

Latitude and Longitude, 134. Wright (Nathan), of Dennington, 394. Writers who have been bribed to silence, 471. W. (S.) on Sir William Gage, 372. W. (T.) on Venus chastising Cupid, 355. W. (W. S.) on Macaulay and the Sidney Papers, 443.

Two-headed eagle, 197. Wylie (Charles) on equestrian Lord Mayors, 102.

Fairies and Bishop Fowler, 393.

Sir John Suckling's death, 172. Wyndymore (Mrs.), cousin of Queen Anne, 148.


X. on paalstab, 435.

Shakspeare : " Mortal coil," 221. X 1. on anonymous works, 233. 293.

Dramatic works, 334.

Jengilier (Zachary), 432.

Manners (George), 314.

Manuscript plays, 334.

Original Poems, 432.

Poems by a literary society, 354.

X. 1. on Tait (W.), translator of Buchanan's Jephtha,

453. X. (A. R.) on school-boy rhymes, 342.

Song on tobacco, 321. Xiv. on Irish car-drivers, 52. -

Tasso's Erminia, 52.


Yarrell (Wm.) on gabriel hounds, 80. Yates (James) on Mercator, 491. Yeowell (J.) on Newcourt's Kepertorium, 261. Y. (F.) on " the righteous man,"&c. 151. Y. (J.) on Dodweli and Macaulay, 49.

Epigram on Sorrel, 487.

Execution of Sir W. Parkyns and Sir J. Friend, 25.

Jack Ketch, origin of cognomen, 72.

Luttrell's Life, 110.

Pantomimes in England, 436.

Satire on Dr. W. Sherlock, 32. Y. 2. (J.) on epitaph in Harrow churchyard, 52.

Griindonnerstag, or Maundy Thursday, 315.

Herbert's (Geo.) portrait, 80.

Posy on a wedding-ring, 304.

Sundial inscription, 323.

Unregistered Proverbs, 331. Y. (J. F.) on Pascal Paoli's school, 111. York convocation address, 1827, 252. Y. (X.) on Rhubarb champagne, 420.

Z. on early printing at Norwich, 343.

Order of John of Jerusalem, 197. Zephyrinus (Pope) and wooden chalices, 211. 340. 440. Z. (X. Y.) on Lord Eldon's poetry, 249. Z. (Y.) on Boyle lectures, 343.


Printed by ELIEZKK CHATER WILSOW, of Compton Koad, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELI., of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Duustau in the West, iu the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid Saturday, July 19, 1866.