Page:Notes and Queries - Series 7 - General Index.djvu/11

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SEVENTH SERIES. Allan (Alexander), dramatist, iv. 148 All-a-rooks = in confusion, xii. 486 Allegory, painting by Frances Floris, i. 48 Allen (Anthony), his glossary, viii. 209 Allen (Rev. Isaac), Lancashire clergyman, viii. 209 334 Allen (Joseph), Bishop of Ely, his writings, vii. 370 viii. 94 Allen (Mr.), " Famous," xi. 467 ; xii. 16 Allen (Sir Thomas), or Allin, his arms, xii. 484 Allen (Thomas), of Gloucester Hall, anecdote, xii. 406 All-feed=all-seed, ii. 126, 216 Allhallows Barking Church, viii. 206, 412; xii. 65, 137 Allhallows Church, Bread Street, iv. 309, 378, 434 Allhallows Church, Lombard Street, xii. 363 Allhallows Church, London Wall, xii. 286 Allhallows the Great, its carved screen, i. 249, 417 Allibone's ' Dictionary,' notes on, vj. 184; vii. 54; viii. 6 Allington (Mr.), his vision in London, circa 1570, i. 369 Alliteration in the ' Eolliad,' vi. 226 Alloquor, occurrence of the word, i. 266 Allot (Robert), his ' England's Parnassus,' vii. 141 ; ix. 486 ; x. 118, 198, 318 Almanacs, English, of the sixteenth century, i. 33 ; Murphy's, 70, 117 ; English, of the seventeenth century, ]98; Paddywhack, or Paddy's Watch, 388, 477 ; Poor Robin's, ii. 57 ; earliest, iii. 328, 505 ; earliest American, ix. 226 ; Poor Richard's, x. 228 Almonry, Queen's, its seal, xii. 67, 153 Almoran and his ring, vii. 229, 338, 496 Almouseley Isaac, temp. Haroun-al-Rashid, v. 249 Alnager, Grand, ii. 107, 176, 278 Alnwick, borough custom at, iv. 73 Alpha, pseudonym, ix. 329, 438 ; x. 97 'Alphabet, Literary,' viii. 405 Alphabet in church, ii. 309, 411 ; iii. Ill ; x. 346 : xi. 134 Alphabetical problem, ii. 367, 513 Alpinula (Julia), epitaph, x. 148, 249 Alpue, its meaning, vi. 39, 96 ; ix. 225, 405, 515 Alresford, French prisoners of war at, ix. 322 Altar, Roman, iv. 126 Altar flowers, iv. 387, 476 ; v. 291, 437 ; vii. 115 Altar inscriptions, vii. 9, 234 Altar linen, ii. 345 ; iii. 12 Altarage, its meaning, iv. 49, 172, 292 Altars, armorial bearings on, vii. 148, 231, 316 ; Gattico of Novara on, 381 Altars, Christian, right of asylum at, viii. 226 Alton Castle, co. Stafford, vi. 48, 137 Alverstoke, South Hants, its history, i. 188 Alwyne, personal name, iv. 388, 534 ; v. 32, 153, 234 Amanthis, engraving entitled, viii. 488 Amber, found in England, x. 286, 415 ; superstition about, xi. 27, 98 Ambrose family, xii. 13 Ambrose (Rev. Joshua), Vicar of Childwall, xi. 268, 375; xii. 13 Amelia (Princess) and General Fitzroy, xii. 187 Amenhetep III., his jubilee, iii. 492 America, its discovery, ii. 145 ; iii. 265 ; French emigration to, 1789-1815, iv. 408 j Biblical note on, iv. 486, 535 ; v. 50 ; Irishmen in, 1654, v. 266 ; England and Scotland reproduced in, v. 467 ; vi. 212, 330 ; slate gravestones in, vi. 307, 414, 492 ; two ballads on war with, 341 ; dessert in vii. 226, 337 America before Columbus, works on, i. 267, 411, 473 America or Amerigo, its etymology, iv. 247, 313 American almanacs, earliest, ix. 226 American Bibles, first editions, viii. 445 American historical societies, x. 105, 355 American paper currency, early, v. 308 American Secretaries, x. 65 Americanisms, ix. 406, 424; x. 52, 191, 336, 456 Amice, its etymology, x. 405 Ampoule, its contents, ix. 107, 273 Amsterdam Bourse open to children, vi. 447 ; vii. 15 Amsterdam Coffee-house, its locality, vi. 167, 291, 496 Amu'issement, its derivation, viii. 448 Amusements in 1702, x. 466 Amuss and muss, v. 69, 158 Amymander, origin of the word, xi. 308 ; xii. 34, 131 Anagram on Voltaire, vi. 467 Anagrams on names of the seven bishops, ii. 305 Analcade and cavalcade, vii. 425 ; viii. 136 Anathema cups, xi. 447 ; xii. 95 Anchor Church, co. Derby, xii. 245 Anchors, nondescript, v. 26, 115, 198, 396 Andelinda, Christian name, xi. 266 Ander, as a termination, viii. 266, 374, 518 Anderson (Sir C. H. J.), Bart., his death, xii. 319 Andes, the greater, x. 227, 354, 453 Andrew, a Jew, viii. 48, 173 Andrewes family, co. Gloucester, vi. 28 Andrews and Keen e families, iv. 249, 375, 495 ; v. 211 Andrews (Henry) and Moore's 'Vox Stellarum,' iii. 164, 255 Andrews (Rev. Mordecai), his parentage, iii. 114,251, 499 ndrews (W. E.), his 'Review of Fox's Book of Marty rs,'ix. 268,396,518 Lndronicus, its pronunciation, xii. 187, 274, 290 Anecdotes, religious, vi. 87, 191 ; parallel, ix. 465 ; x. 95, 218, 316 Angell estates, vii. 148, 258 Angelo family, x. 267 Angelo (Michael), article on, xi. 46, 112 Angels and needles, viii. 247 ; ix. 436, 514 ; x. 135, 313 "Angels' visits, few and far between," x. 346, 396 Angelus bell, viii. 109, 195 Angers Cathedral, stained glass in, ix. 47 Anglesea, springs at, vi. 367, 489, 518; vii. 152 Anglesea election, x. 194 Anglesea (Earl 01), the last, i. 328,455 ; ii. 16 ; v. 244 Anglin and Scarlett families, ii. 428, 515; iii. 461; iv. 18 Angling ridiculed by poets, v. 189, 352, 473 ; viii. 77 Anglo-French, works on, x. 98 Anglo- Hindtista'nf words, v. 125, 176 Anglo-Irish ballads, i. 97 ; iii. 147 ; v. 203, 274, 435 Anglo-Israel mania, iii. 27, 70, 96, 136 Anglo-Jews, early, xii. 147 Anglo-Norman genealogies, vii. 249 Anglo-Saxon names, i. 209, 329 ; xi. 227, 352, 376 Anglo-Saxon names of the months, vii. 301 Anglo-Saxon Office in MS., x. 447