Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/118

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Garter (Sir William), Knt., his biography, ii. 267 Garth's ' Dispensary,' passage in, vi. 58 Garway family, v. 169, 278 Gas and locomotive, ix. 118, 317, 372 ; x. 35, 96 Gasc (F. E. A.) on " Mascot," i. 312 Gascogne, eighteenth-century painter, vi. 490 Gaskell (Mrs.) and Charlotte Bronte, v. 449 ; ' Cran- ford,' or John Bright, vi. 445 ; vii. 93, 154 ; her ' Wives and Daughters,' xii. 188 Gaskoin (C. J. B.) on Bellars or Bellowes family, ii. 327. Goddard family, ii. 447. Lowley family, ii. 449

Gassee, Pentonville Road, its history, x. 448 Gast, the terminal, its meaning, vii. 308, 418 Gastripheres and Phutatorius, vi. 138 Gate, The, tavern sign, ii. 526 ; iii. 216, 315, 398 ;

iv. 33, 95, 196

Gates of London, i. 1, 431 ; on commons, iv. 107, 155, 251, 405 ; of towns, v. 228, 362 ; vi. 97, 173, 274 ; of Sandwich, vi. 209, 297 ; of Caroline Park, Edin- burgh, vii. 288 ; ix. 110 Gatty (A.) on Nelson's death, vii. 367 Gatty (Alfred), his death, xi. 100 Gaucho, its etymology, vii. 86 Gaufre. See Gofer, Gaunt family in England and America, iii. 327 ; iv.

91, 150, 272 Gaury surname, xii. 287 Gautherot (Madame Louisa), violinist, ii. 288 Gautier's 'Voyage en Italic,' ix. 507; xii. 192 Gavarni and ballooning, ix. 446 Gavel and shieling, their etymology, v. 85, 210, 271 Gavelage and pillar tax, vii. 81, 141 Gavran ab Aeddan, c. 607, his biography, xi. 129 Gaye (A.) on " Four square humors," ii. 267 Gayer (Sir John), Governor of Bombay, his biography,

i. 226 Gayley (C. M.), his < Representative English

Comedies,' xii. 383

Gaythorpe (H.) on Abbot of Furness, vi. 218. Boundary stones in open fields, vi. 92. Shoehorned viii. 48

Gazebo, its derivation, iv. 26 Gazehound : greyhound, sixteenth-century etymology,

viii. 260

Gazetted for refusing an honour, viii. 401 Gazetteer, as applied to a geographical dictionary, its

origin, ix. 197

Gazlay (A.) on Gazlay family, ix. 108 Gazlay family, ix. 108 Geary, its meaning, iii. 287 Gee (J. H.) on Gee family, ix. 10 Gee family, ix. 10, 131, 474 Geese=saddle-girth, iii. 307, 370 Geese, wild, as emblems of constancy, i. 365 ; ii. 114 Geleez, its meaning, iv. 7 Gell (Sir William) and Alba Longa, ii. 201 Gem (S. H.) on "Ah! pourquoi 1'amitie', g&iiirait-

elle encore ? " iv. 308 Gems, plates of antique, v. 395 Gender of "Church," vi. 350, 435; of nouns in

German and Russian, ix. 445 Genealogical research in America, vii. 244, 350 Genealogical trees, vii. 27, 71 Genealogicus on Browne family arms, ix. 290

Genealogist on Callaway family, vi. 369. Family like- ness, viii. 169. King (Archbishop), his prison diary, xii. 187, 235 Genealogy, consolidated indexes of, vii. 426 ; French,

viii. 384 ; Irish historical, xi. 208 Genesis, Basque book of, v. 396, 442 Genesis i. 1, English rendering, ix. 269, 377, 514 enius, and large families, v. 433, 479 ; and insanity, ix. 269, 430 ; definition of, xi. 373, 432, 512 ; its manifestations, xii. 244, 373, 517 Gennadius on 'Dr. Johnson as a Grecian,' iv. 451,

545 ; v. 71

Gennys (J.), his death, v. 316 Gentilitial= heathenish, iv. 344 Gentleman Porter, his office, i. 33, 50, 450 ; ii. 50,

381, 392, 493

  • Gentleman's Magazine,' its first and subsequent

numbers and contributors, iii. 144, 230, 291 Gentlemen, their costume, 1790-1800, iii. 429

Gentle shepherd, tell me where," viii. 423, 530 Gentlewoman and lady, vii. 309 Gentlier as a comparative adverb, vii. 468 ; viii. 114,


Geographical puzzle, ix. 245 Geography, Shakespeare's knowledge of, xi. 208, 333,

416, 469 ; xii. 90, 191 Geology of Kurland, xii. 208, 351 'Geomancy,' MS. work, iv. 328 George = penny roll, i. 74 George as a feminine name, ii. 307, 473 George worn by Charles I., ii. 263, 354 ; iii. 16, 73 George I., cockade of, ix. 428 ; x. 52 ; xi. 93 ; cele- bration of his coronation at Leghorn, x. 404 ; Oxford at his accession, 225, 313, 471 ; his ivory sceptre, xii. 409

George II., his statue at Dublin, i. 307; and Thomas Dunkerley's claim to be his son, v. 106, 237 ; statue at St. Heliers, ix. 45, 138 ; ballads on his corona- tion, x. 121

George III., his weight, iii. 5 ; baronetcy offered by, 387 ; his birthday, iv. 305 ; his household, ix. 167 ; hisjubilee, x. 493 ; poem on his bride, xi. 444 ; and Lord Bute, 492 ; mineralogist and botanist to, xii. 89, 215, 278

George IV., his coronation, ix. 145 ; coronation medallion, 289 ; a living memory of his coronation rejoicings, x. 3 ; his gold dinner service at Windsor, xii. 466

Georges I. IV., lines on, ix. 100, 164, 318 George on duke, ix. 329. Red Hand of Ireland, x.


George (Thorne) on Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol, xii. 456. ' ' English take their pleasures sadly," xii. 509. Envelopes, xii. 434, 490. Flats, xii. 512. Gorges (Sir Ferdinando), xii. 41, 251. Mannings and Tawell, xii. 433

George (W.) on Swigg surname, iv. 329 Georgeirenes (Joseph) and the Greek Church in

Soho, ii. 2 Georges or Gorges (Radulphus de), c. Edward II., xii.

208 Gerard (John), herbalist, his surname, iii. 164 ; his

death, xii. 468

Gerard (Lady), her death at Joppa, v. 209 Gerbier (Sir Balthazar), architect, his biography, ii. 264