Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/127

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H (J. B.) on orientation of churches, v. 104. "There I H. (R. T.) on Phillippo, its meaning, vii. 468 were giants in the land," viii. 228. Towns which H. (S.) on an essay by Carlyle, i. 368 have changed their sites, vii. 359 H. (S. C.) on Cellini and Shakespeare, ix. 417

H. (J. L.) on voluntary mutilations in France, vii. 27 H. (S. F.) on salmon disease, v. 87. Scott (Sir Walter), H* (L.) on 'An Englishwoman's Love- Letters,' xii. his Scottish dialect, v. 95

110.' Evil spirits and inkbottles, xii. 297, 416. H. (S. H. A.) on inedited seventeenth-century poem, Memory, xii. 311. Owl-light, xi. 411. 'Passing viii. 469. Kinborough as a female Christian name, By ' xii. 12, 176. Pitt (William), Lord Chatham, | ix. 156 ' 1 Sleep the sleep of the just," xi. 429


H. (M.) on crossing the Line, x." 409. St. Epipha- nius, x. 247. Thackeray and 'Damascus and Pal- myra,' xii. 446

H. (M. J. N.) on Sir Alan de Heyton, ix. 248

H. (M. K. A. D.) on author of lines, vi. 190

H. (M. M.) on designation of foreigners in Mexico, Viii. 130

H. (M. 0.) on John Jenkinson Lanyon, iii. 469

H!M.P.C.C., its meaning, iv. 309

H- n on Count de Bruhl, xii. 373

H. (N. L.) on Richard Lovelace, Cavalier poet, v. 435. " Tres tois d'or," iii. 156

H. (O. 0.) on 'Bataille Loquifer,' x. 7. Bayard, name for horse, vii. 106. Beaulieu as a place- name, ix. 17. Bell, motto on, viii. 430. 'Burial of Sir John Moore,' viii. 72. ' Chaldee MS.,' i. 419. "Church gift," viii. 432. "Cissura robarum Wallensium," ix. 168. Commission of Sewers, ix. 77. 'Coronation Order, 'ix 506. Coronation title v. assumed title, xi. 137. Coventry Corpus Christi Guild, viii. 82. Cucking stool or ducking stool, x. 48. Dante, portrait of, xi. 274. Easter magiant, vii. 136. Eggs, their price, ix. 147. English accentuation, xii. 158. Experts, x. 270. Fault in tennis, viii. 121. Fitz, ix. 153. Gibbons or Gybbons (Thomas), viii. 443. " Grand tour," viii. 114. Hats worn in church, x. 26. Heaf, vii. 93. Heriot, x. 334. Horse with four white stockings toll free, vi. 507 ; x. 116. ' Hymns Ancient and Modern,' viii. 389; x. 432. I printed with small letter, xi. 448. I.O.U., x. 369. Ibsen's mascottes, viii. 361. Jetsam : Lagan, viii. 501. Johnian pigs, ix. 117. Kenyon's letters, ix. 434. King's Weigh House, xi. 390. Lime tree, x. 77. Lotteries, vii. 23. Mont Petee, x. 37. Nightcaps, xi. 489. Nottingham (Lady), x. 336. Packet-boat, xi. 519. Parish registers, viii. 312. Penreth, xi. 411. Perch, its various lengths, x. 134. Politician, viii. 427. " Pou sto," xi. 516. Ranulph, Earl of Chester, viii. 404. Roll of guild merchants of Shrewsbury, vii. 96.

H. (T. E.) on London churches, iv. 349 H. (T, J.) on Three Jovial Huntsmen,' ii. 110. H. (W.) on Calvert family, iv. 403. 'Cogers' Chronicle and General Advertiser,' xii. 68. Shakespeare's Sonnets, ii. 344, 372. Toad mugs, v. 8. Wharton barony by patent, iv. 459. Window portrait of Queen Mary, iii. 68

H. (W. B.) on author and typesetter, viii. 205. Bar- low (Rev. F.), of Burton, viii. 144. Bonaparte ballad, vii. 434. Byron, quotation from, xi. 490. Carant or corant, x. 328. Cashin (F.), artist, ii. 327. Chess playing : a legend, ix. 512. Coincidences, ix. 405 ; xii. 396. Coronation incident, ix. 145. Coronation of Queen Victoria, vii. 437. Counties, rime on, xi. 266. Damage to bridge, iii. 135. Disappearing London, x. 447. Doset Hall, Surrey, ix. 433. Dunstable Court Leet, xii. 85. Epitaph on an attorney, x. 197. George III.'s Jubilee, x. 493. Grotto at Margate, xii. 14. Gwynne (Talbot), xi. 288. Hemington Church, xii. 228. High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, vii. 238. Johnson, (Dr.), ix. 467. King's Champion, xii. 254. " Lee oers for meddlers, and crutches for wild ducks," x. 476. Letters of Junius, viii. 41. Mallet used by Sir Christopher Wren, x. 218. Mannings and Tawell, xii. 233. Martineau, picture by, xi. 109. Mathews (Charles J.), x. 511. Music to Mrs. Hemans's songs, xi. 366. 'My Old Oak Table,' xii. 448. Nana Sahib and the Indian Mutiny, x. 170. National nick names, vii. 253. Oak, ash, and ivy, xii. 328. Outrider, viii. 462. Parody on 'TheMistletoe Bough,' vi. 229. Pews annexed to houses, ix. 31. " Ploughing his lonely furrow," ix. 485. " Pour oil on troubled waters," xii. 389. Ranter, its meaning, ii. 136. ' Red, White, and Blue,' v. 15. Regimental nick- names, vi. 235. St. Heliers, ix. 138. Seals, eating of, ii. 533. ' Serjeant Bell and his Raree-Show,' x. 470. Smallest church in England, ix. 512. Song wanted, ix. 254. 'Stray Leaves,' ix. 449. Sur- names, their spelling, iii. 109. Thackeray (W. M.), keys to his novels, xii. 13. Waterloo survivor, xii. 85. Williamson (Thomas), engraver, viii. 325

H. ( W. H.) on " Puts nowt up to mean nowt," iv. 52 H. (W. M.) on De Mesmes and Memes families, xii.

228. Thetterin, x. 386 H. (W. S. B.) on Book of Morning and Evening

Schoolboys' rights at weddings, x. 65. Seventeenth- H. (W. D.) on Sir J. Reynolds's ' Mrs. Pelham,' i. 13

century plagiary : ' Vindex Anglicus,' ix. 112. | H. (W. F.) on Mr. Ongley's death, v. 249

Sheriffs of Staffordshire, x. 34. Sieve and shears,

x. 455. "Silver trumpet," its meaning, vii. 487.

Split infinitive, ix. 172. Swans, vi. 490. "Thirty

days hath September," x. 331. Veirium, viii. 120.

Wallace (Sir William), xi. 316. Waterproof cloth

ing, ix. H. (P. F.)

vi. 295. Galluses = braces, vi. 393. Jews in Napo- leon's army, v. 515. Mother, dying, kindness to,

v. 313. Picts and Scots, v. 420

the Silent, his assassin, v. 248 H. (R.) on Huguenot, viii. 165 H. (R. P.) on Daniel Hooper, i. 188

vi. 90. William


Prayer only, vii. 409

. (W. T.) on cardinals, xii. 278. Pope self-condemned

Veto at Papal elections, xii.

for heresy, xi. 218.


Habakkuk in Christmas carols, ii. 107, 449, 512 Habberfield( William), "Slender Billy." See Heber-

Hacket (Bishop), his life of Archbishop Williams, x. 401, 423 ; xi. 103