Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/13

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Albino animals worshipped and sacrificed, ix. 307; x. 91

Alcock ( Bishop John), his birthplace and "family, iv. 241

Alcock of Cobridge, busts made by, v. 127

Alcuin Club, its formation, ii. 265, 356, 372

Aldebaran on Roman posca, i. 369

Aldenham ( Lord) on Cheltenham: Chiswick, ii. 349. Crosier and pastoral staff, viii. 90. D'Auvergne family, vii. 516. Depreciation of coinage, v. 217. Dials on clocks, v. 360. Knigma on the letter H, vi. 177. Fanfulla, vii. 51. Fountain pens, xi. 450. Gibbs (Capt.) ii. 190. Hawtrey (Dr.), his Nugse,' x. 390, 455. High-faluting, ix. 313. " In Gordano," its meaning, v. 359 ; vi. 138. Inundate, its pro- nunciation, vi. 113. Latin quip, xii. 478. Lease, long, xii. 234. Letters on a clock, vi. 29. Lord Bishop, i. 230. " Lug the coif," vi. 196. Magnetic Pole, iii. 493. Mark, both coin and weight, i. 123. Mitre, ix. 496 ; x. 290, 435. Pattens and clogs, ii. 494. * Pilgrim's Progress,' ii. 214. Pope self-con- demned for heresy, xii. 52. Popinjay, i, 33. "Prends- moi tel que je suis," i. 113. Romney, missing picture by, iv. 167. Shakeipeare Folios, i. 450. ' Tempest' anagram, ix. 70. 'Tennysonian Ode,' viii. 248. Tongue-twisters, xii. 55. Verbs formed out of proper names, vii. 495. Water-emmets, xi. 451. Went or want ways, viii. 287

Alderney taxes, iii. 208

Aldersgate, its etymology, i. 333, 431 ; ii. 10 ; v. 313

Alaerson (K. S.) on green fairies, v. 155. Nimmet, its meaning, v. 51. Shakespeare and Cicero, v. 288

Aldgate and Whitechapel, iv. 168, 269, 385, 441 ; v. 34, 134

Aldis (Sir C.) created knight, 1821, his title, x. 147

Aldrich (Henry), Dean of Christ Church, his " thrifty nephew," x. 447

Aldrich (S. J.) on Byroniana, xii. 12, 52. Hemington Church, its desecration, xii. 278. Long Melford Church, Suffolk, xi. 472. ' Nobiliaire de Nor- mandie,' xi. 177. R printer, xii. 241. Silvius (Eneas), xii. 151

Aldridge, co. Stafford, 'Notes and Collections' re- lating to, i. 427, 476

Aldrych (Sir George), his biography, iii. 208

Aldus on Pope's ' Dunciad,' vii. 349

Ale, bright, Welsh, and sweet Welsh, i. 265, 391 ; Burton, v. 67, 174 ; lanted, its meaning, vi. 367, 411, 493 ; vii. 75, 157 ; bottled, its invention, vii. 287, 412, 514 ; ix. 18 ; refrain of song on, xi. 349

Ale verses custom at Brasenote College, Oxford, xii. 268

"Alehouse lettice," meaning of the term, viii. 83, 234

Alewife=an American fish, its etymology, vii. 406 ; viii. 250, 451

Alexander hang, v. 513

Alexander I. of Russia, English representative at his funeral, vii. 447, 495

Alexander (Elizabeth Christine), her biography, iii. 287

Alexander (E, J.) on author of hymn wanted, vii. 188

Alexander (John), his biography, iv. 269

Alexander (P. P.), d. 1886, sonnet by, xii. 512

Alexander (William), first Earl of Stirling, his bio- graphy, viii. 83, 132

Alexandra (Princess), ode of welcome to, ix. 506

Alexandre the ventriloquist, his biography, ii. 305, 450 ; iii. 378

Alford (Dean Henry), Latin verses addressed to, iii. 296

Alfred (King), his early history, i. 301 ; date of his death, iv. 435 ; the " Truth-teller, viii. 117 ; some- times called "England's Darling," ix. 290, 412, 454 ; x. 258

Alfriston, Sussex, its registers, ii. 35, 133, 176, 278, 396, 416, 490

Alger (J. G.) on Monsignor Erskine, viii. 453. Hum- bert (Madame) and the Crawfords, xii. 453. James ![., viii. 148. Montaigne and East Anglia, iii. 211. Smyth (Lady), i. 252. Towneley (John), xii. 327. Voltaire's church, vii. 466

Algernon, Christian name, ii. 248, 293, 389, 454, 517

Algoa, meaning of the name, v.336, 424 ; vi. 16, 479 ; ix. 371

Alias in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, xii. 190, 277

Alice on " All tears are vain," x. 367

Alicompaine, its derivation, vi. 449

Aliquis on majolican bacini on churches at Pisa, ix. 116. " Save the face of," vi. 308

Alison (Sir A.), his rectorial address at Aberdeen, ix. 427 ; x. 117

Alken (Henry), his biography, iii. 67, 115

Alkin (Elizabeth), " Parliament Joan," her biography, v. 355, 400

Allardice (R. B.) on Capt. R. H. Barclay, R.N., viii. 220

Allen (Cardinal), his biography, x. 107, 151

Allen (Grant) and iron mines in Warwickshire, v. 515

Allerdale, Cumberland, its early lords, i. 151

Allervale pottery, its mottoes, iv. 128, 193

Allhallows the Great, Upper Thames Street, its wood- carvings, iii. 388, 455

Alliteration, Welsh, vi. 388, 437

Allium, its derivation, ii. 88

All fours, Kentish game, viii. 462 ; ix. 32

All over, use of the phrase, xii. 144, 294

All Souls' Day ditty, iii. 126, 316

Allnutt (W. H.) on Anthony Clerke, ii. 145

Almanac medals, viii. 344, 467 ; x. 53

Almanack, Bijou, vii. 207, 372

Almanacs, English, of the seventeenth century, vi. 386

Almar (George), actor and dramatist, xii. 388

Almond tree as an emblem of old age, x. 68, 175

Almost quite : verbatim as possible, viii. 482

Almsdish, brass, motto on, xi. 108

Almshouses in Savage Gardens, Trinity Square, v. 415

Alpha on Guest family, ix. 508

Alphabetic apophthegms, iv. 224, 468

Alphabet-keeper, use and meaning of the term, ix. 469

Alphita, medico-botanical glossary, iv. 226, 274, 310, 403

Alpine Club, its founders, xii. 406, 452

Alright^all right, viii. 240, 312, 413, 493 ; ix. 72, 111 ; xi. 200

Alsopp (George), his biography, vii. 29