Canard, iv. 108. Capricious in 'H.E.D.,' i. 330.
Cards and spades, xi. 508. Carter (John), antiquary,
xi. 207. Catherine Street Theatre, viii. 194. Cetu,
ghost- word, v. 412. Charade, iii. 187. Charitable
Corporation, i. 127. Chisel marks, vii. 233.
Ciaravugli= Charivari, vi. 185. Claret and vin-de-
grave, ii. 434. Coarsie, its meaning, v. 457.
Collier (William), dramatic author, iv. 457. Corn-
wall (Duchy of), offices of the, iv. 378. Cox (James),
his museum, v. 17. Crabe of the Greine, i. 369.
Crooked Usage, Chelsea, xi. 138. Eleanor Cross,
Waltham, vi. 211. Dante, in America, iii. 41, 297 ;
his house at Mulazzo, v. 514 ; his portrait, xi. 187.
Defland (Madame du), her letters, xii. 366.
' Derniere Feuille de Rose,' xi. 389. Doctor's
recommendation, xii. 144. 'Don Giovanni,' iii.
103. Eliot (George), her house at Richmond, vi.
104. Enghien (Due d'), place of execution, xi. 401. Epitaph in Prittlewell Church, iv. 326, 504. Euston Road, ix. 518. Fergusson (Robert), ii. 134. Fleet Street, No. 17, iv. 543 ; v. 237. Foot-lift, its meaning, ii. 168. Foscolo (Ugo) in London, vi. 326; vii. 150, 318; viii. 153, 311. Frederick, Prince of Wales, viii. 224. Gassee, Pentonville Road, x. 448. Gerbier (Sir Balthazar), ii. 264. Gladstone as philologist, ii. 183. Goodere (Capt. S.), v. 443. "Grin through," viii. 225. Guada- gnoli (Antonio), vii. 229. Hansom (J. A.), ii. 58. Harlequin, its derivation, ii. 326. Haydon (B. R.), ii. 45, 338. Hebb family, iv. 495. Bellequin and his household, xi. 173. Heriot (George), his grave, vi. 170. Hogarth's House, Chiswick, vii. 386. Holloway, manor-house at, i. 82. Hotel Lauzun, otherwise Pimodan, xii. 6. Houses without stair- cases, vi. 273, 414. Humbert (Madame) and the Crawfords, xii. 407. Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, vi. 285 ; x. 192. lanthe, x. 328. Index Expurgatorius, viii. 414. Inscription on mace, iv. 305. Ireland Yard, Blackfriars, v. 434. Irving ( Edward), his London residences, vi. 125. Jamshy'd and Kaikoba-d, ii. 327. Keats (John), ii. 186. Lamb (Charles) and the Royal Academy, viii. 104. Lincoln's Inn Fields, vii. 13. Logan (John), i. 350. London and Lonnon, iv. 217. London, East, antiquities and topography, iv. 216, 386. London topography, No. 22, Catherine Street, vii. 285. Lyceum Theatre, gallery staircase, xi. 146. Macau- lay (Zachary), ii. 166. Marat, in London, xii. 7, 451; was he a Jew? xii. 88. ' Marseillaise,' viii. 246. Mayfair Union, ii. 145. "Metropolitan Canterbury License and Authority," x. 488. Mill (John Stuart), his birthplace, viii. 65. " Molub- dinous slowbelly," xii. 487. Mouchard, police spy, viii. 340. Mountfichet Castle, Blackfriars, vi. 25. Mundesley people, x. 468. Nash (John), his por- traits, xi. 54. Neithior or bidding custom, iii. 328. 'New Critical Review of Public Buildings,' iv. 537; v. 190. Newington Butts, i. 386, 485. Oriel = hall royal, iii. H6. Qte-toi de la, que je m'y mette," x. 75. Parks the lungs of London, vii. 289. Pausanias, x. 386. Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), vi. 308; vii. 51, 398. Peckham Rye, i. 296.
1 Perfidious Albion," iv. 169. Petit bleu=closed telegraph card, iii. 244. Pisa, Byron and Shelley at, i. 142. Plackett (Jack), his Common, ii. 508
iii. 423, 491. Plots of plays, vii. 145. 'Prime
Minister at Whittinghame,' xi. 306. Punch and
Judy, v. 513. Putnam family, iii. 106. Queen Square,
Bloomsbury, ii. 248. " Quod non fecerunt barbari
fecerunt Barberini," vii. 246. Randan, its derivation,
ii. 507. Ranger's Lodge, Blackheath, viii. 204.
Rape = division of a county, ii. 165. Raphael's
cartoons: engravings, viii. 414. "Red Lion,"
Parliament Street, iii. 262. "Reed painted to
look like iron," i. 405. Regent Square, St. Paucras,
ii. 85, 230. Roberts (Lord) and Suwarrow, v.
454. Rosendale Hall, Dulwich, iv. 85. 'Rule,
Britannia,' its author iv. 143. Rummer, its
etymology, iii. 36. Ruskin's residences, v. 475.
St. Anne's Church, Blackfriars, vi. 48; xii. 517.
Saints, imaginary or invented, xii. 370. Sandwich
men, vii. 245. Sarson stones, vii. 149. Saunders
(George), F.R.S., F.S.A., architect, vii. 307.
Schnebbelie, two draughtsmen, viii. 182. Scotch
ballad: ' Habbie Simpson,' xi. 229. Selion, its
meaning, i. 391. Serendipity, xii. 349. Settle, its
derivation, i. 245. " Seven Ages," source of the, ix.
432. Shot-free, its etymology, vi. 217. Shroud, sable,
ii. 133. Siddons (Mrs.), house in Upper Baker
Street, ix. 224. Siegel (Christian Heinrich), x.
465. Smithfield, Early English doorway at, i. 424.
Smoking a cobbler, viii. 233. Staircases, houses
without, i. 166, 356 ; ii. 89. Statue in Soho
Square, vii. 209 ; xii. 336, 514. Tennig : origin
of the name, ix. 27. Thackeray (W. M.), his
'Little Billee,' ii. 145; his house in Kensington,
iii. 325; his contributions to 'Punch,' vi. 149,
811; his residences in London, ix. 508; xi. 133.
Thackeray ana, iv. 416. Thorpe (John), architect,
viii. 101, 293. Todd (Sweeny), viii. 181. Tra-
falgar Day, ii. 386. Tramaglino (Renzo), viii.
424. Verbs formed out of proper names, vii.
394; viii. 211. 'Vilikins and his Dinah/
x. 388. Wagner's 'Art and the Revolution,'
xii. 369. ' Wandering Minstrel,' viii. 341.
" Whipping the cat," xi. 276. Whistler (James
McNeill), xii. 85. "Who stole the donkey?" i.
267. Wren (Sir Christopher), i. 44
Hebb family, iv. 495
Heber (Bishop Reginald), his ' Palestine,' xii. 246, 514
Heber (Reginald), his edition of the Racing Calendar,' 1751-68, viii. 285, 354, 427
Heber (Richard), book collector, his portrait, iii. 267, 338
Heberfield (W.) and Bank of England, i. 97, 173, 229, 290
Hebraic enigma, iv. 325
Hebrew incantations, x. 29, 78, 158, 355
Hebrew numerals, ii. 288, 335, 436 ; iii. 58
Hebrews, prohibition of heathen wine among, vii. 145; their intellectual condition, c. 800 B.C., ix. 404
Heckethorn (C. W.) on wind indicator, iii. 347
Hedelin (M.), his ' The Whole Art of the Stage,' vi. 68
Hedge in Bacon's 'Essay on Gardens,' its meaning, vii. 489 ; viii. 53
Hedgehog, as a crest, xi. 30, 157, 247, 317, 334 ; an heraldic emblem, 332
Hedges, plashed, their origin, v. 127, 235, 325