Heslop (B. O.) on adulation extraordinary, ix. 31.
Baff week, ix. 372. Bell inscription, viii. 22. Boca
Chica, vii. 312. Corn-bote, x. 253. Keel, vii. 65.
Knurr and spell, x. 293. " Licence to depart," x.
434. Oak, ash, and ivy, xii. 492. Oliver of Ley-
tonstone, xi. 368. "Penny in the forehead," viii.
189. Suff and stuff, xii. 95. Whittington and
his cat, viii. 485
Hesmel, its meaning, i. 87, 273
Hester (L. G.) on Leitnaker family, xi. 108
Heudin, its meaning, iv. 457, 528
Heuskarian. See also Bask.
Heuskarian bibliography, xii. 285
Heuskarian rarity in the Bodleian, viii. 377; ix. Ill,
416; x. 14, 97, 191,496; xi. 31 Hewit or Hewitt (Joseph and Peter), their biographies,
vi. 249, 497
Hewitt (J. A.) on Angier, Anger, or Aungier family, vii. 13. Hewit or Hewitt (Joseph), vi. 497. Rowe ( Rev. Henry), vi. 390 Hewitt (Capt. James Waller) = Elizabeth Catherine
Couse, vi. 392
Hewitt (William), surgeon and author, x. 328, 473 Hewlett (Maurice), MeMiaande in his 'Forest Lovers,'
xi. 33
Hexameter and pentameter riming tables, xii. 367 Hexameters, English, and elegiacs, vii. 321, 514 Hexham Priory and the Augustales, ii. 241, 391 ; iii.
8, 410; iv. 34,116
Heyford Free School, early rules, ix. 41, 175 Heyliri (Peter), his biography, iii. 147 Heyse (Paul), his 'Jan! armer Jan!' viii. 427 Heysham antiquities, ii. 222, 281, 409, 469 ; iii. 169 Heyton (Sir Alan de), his descent, ix. 248, 396 ;
x. 193
Heyward (Zechariah) : Guy of Warwick, viii. 339 Heywood (John) and John Rastell, xii. 383 Hey wood (Rev. Oliver), his diary, 1660-80, xi. 345 Heywood (Thomas) and Shakespeare, xi. 493 Hiati, incorrect use of the word, iv. 436 Hiatt (C.) on Harrison Ainsworth's house at Kensal Green, x. 186. " Bold Infidelity, turn pale and die," iv. 423. Brummel (Beau) and Barbey d'Aurevilly, ix. 8. Building in Gothic period, ix. 475. Cambridge (Duke of), his signature, viii. 525. Chest, old wooden, x. 52. Chocolate, ix. 214 ; x. 257. Cigarette smoking, x. 11. Contemporaries impersonated on the stage, ix. 224. 'Coronation Anecdotes,' viii. 65. Coronation dress of bishops, ix. 507. Cowper centenary, v. 417. Cowslip, ii. 87. Discovery in churchyard of Malvern Priory, ix. 106. English translations of Baudelaire, vi. 15. Englishmen buried abroad, x. 108. Epitaph, at Ledbury, ii. 266; at Leigh, vi. 505. Fighters, female, their portraits, ix. 156. French cathedrals, vi. 174. Griffin (Gerald), ix. 508. Hewitt (W.), surgeon and author, x. 328. Hopeful: sanguine, X. 10. Irish saying on Michaelmas Day, x. 328. Johnson v. Boswell, vii, 285. " Keep your hair on," x. 156. Kit-Cat portraits, x. 316. Laymen reading lessons in cathedrals, v. 466. Mallet or mullet, x. 173. 'Oroonoko' in French, vi. 270. "Parver alley," viii. 514. Pinches (Dr.), his school, iii. 269. Robson, portrait of, viii. 144. St. Saviour's, Southwark, v. 516. Ships, ancient,
still afloat, ix. 66. Shropshire place-names, ix. 449.
Vinrace surname, v. 376. Virtues and vices, v. 444.
Waterloo ballroom, x. 88. Webb (Matthew), his
birthplace, vi. 137. Wenlock Olympian games, v.
513. " Whipping the cat," x. 205. Window glass,
ix. 150. 'Woman's Love Dream,' x. 386
EEibernia on Osborne, x. 508
aibernicism, origin of the word, i. 227 Hibgame (F. T.) on Andre's house at Bath, vi. 46. Anstey (Christopher), his house at Bath, viii. 402. Auction by inch of candle, xi. 188. Ball's Pond Road, North London, viii. 461. Bishop's orna- ments, viii. 289. Blessing of the throats, v. 169 ; vii. 196. Britannia Theatre, Hoxton, xi. 386. Christmas card, first, viii. 504. Coins in founda- tion stones, v. 271. Comic dialogue sermon, viii. 433. Cope, x. 375 ; xi. 335. Cope and mitre, ii. 34. Death of the trumpet - major at Balaclava, ix. 465. Deaths from small- pox recorded on monumental brasses, vi. 251. Defoe's last male descendant, vii. 86. Doctor as Christian name, v. 194. Dryden's house in Soho, viii. 262. Ely Place, Holborn, vi. 284. Episcopal College of St. Edward, x. 213. Faggots for burning heretics, v. 269. Flannelized, literary use of the word, v. 26. Free Catholic Christians, xii. 235. Friday superstition, vii. 337. Funeral cards, viii. 73. Galluses = braces, vi. 393. Goat in folk-lore, v. 522. Lamb on the ass, x. 393. Lant Street, Borough, i. 223. Little Wild Street Chapel, Drury Lane, xi. 246. Livingstone, memorial to, xi. 506. Marble Arch, vi. 428. Mitre, xi. 175. Newspaper cuttings changing colour, xi. 89. Norwich (Bishop of), his Inn, Fetter Lane, vi. 289. Old Guard, surviving officer, viii. 282. Opie (Mrs.), her novels, ix. 267. Postcard, its inventor, x. 126. Postcards pictorial, ix. 228 ; x. 212. Pictures composed of handwriting, v. 255. Plocks, the, v. 127. Pre- Reformation practices in English churches, x. 468. Prince of Wales's Theatre, old, its sale, x. 64. ' Rodiad,The,' i. 132, 218. Settlers in Cape Colony, xii. 226. "Ship" Hotel at Greenwich, xii. 306, 415. Simpson's in the Strand, xi. 185. "Spotted negro boy," vi. 56. Symington (Walter), inventor, xi. 505. Waterloo, last survivor of, xii. 346, 457. William of Wykeham, xii. 249. Zoar Chapel, Southwark, viii. 521.
Hie et Ubique on "Bogie," i. 509. Churchyards, their entrances, ii. 296. French quotation, x. 127
Hicatee, West Indian zoological term, v. 167
Hickes (Dean George) and the Huns' alphabet, xi. 287
Hickory, its etymology, iii. 124
Hicks (Rev. John), 1633-85, his biography and descendants, i. 35, 254, 410
Hicks (J. G.) on Rev. John Hicks, i. 411
Hicks (Lieut. Zachary), d. 1771, his journals, x, 327
Hiddenite, gem-stone, described, x. 45
Hide, its area, i. 28, 96
Hieroglyphics on a souvenir, meaning of, vi. 388, 436
Higgin (Anthony), Dean of Ripon, 1601 24, xii. 502
Higgins (Sir Thomas), c. 1714, his biography, x. 247
High and Low : Conservative and Liberal, vii. 128, 238 ; viii. 150