Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/169

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Lyrics for music, x. 227, 377

Lysart on antiquity of businesses, xi. 410. Black

fast, xi. 38. Brittany and its people, xi. 354.

Easter, xi. 258. Hagioscope or oriel? xi. 491.

Indigo in Dante, xi. 338. Leviathan, xi. 137.

Tennyson's 'Lord of Burleigh,' xi. 194. " Totten

ham is t-urn'd French," xi. 333 Lytes of Lytes Gary, their genealogy, v. 107, 174 Lyttelton (George, Lord), 'Dialogues of the Dead,'

two noblemen in, v. 89

Lyttelton (George William, Lord), his and Mr. Glad- stone's ' Translations,' i. 481 Lytton (Edward Bulwer, first Lord) and Ibn Ezra,

iii. 165, 352 ; arms of, iv. 457; passages in, vi. 428 Lytton (Edward Robert, Earl of), at Luchon, vi. 62


M. on apostle spoons, vii. 410. Arciere, xi. 471 Author and references for verses, vii. 195. Black- strap, its origin, vii. 33. Bontemps (Madame), vii.

. 169. Comic dialogue sermon, viii. 309. Dutton family, vii. 293. Epitaph on Mary Gold, viii. 121. Evans (Sir Hugh), iii. 474. Five o'clock tea, vii. 332. Hesdin (Raoul), i. 348. Hopkins (Bp.), ii. 75. Hume's portrait, vii. 188. Inoculation, vii. 108. Lamballe (Princess de), ii. 149. Mathew (General Edward), xi. 354. Mericourt (Theroigne de) and Marat, i. 206. Pedigree research, vi. 8. Petering, vii. 195. Poem wanted, ii. 7. Powder- ing gowns, vii. 473. Pythagoras and Christianity, v. 248. Scottish army, iv. 288. 'Sir Galahad,' viii, 344. Throgmorton (Francis), vii. 375. " Wake the power," &c., viii. 263. Week, ix. 147. Wed- dings in Bristol Cathedral, iv. 127

M. (A.) on archaeological rarity, iv. 69. Egyptian chessmen, v. 28, 274. Roos family, vii. 169. Savoir Vivre Club, xi. 127. Skull, lines on a, vii. 348

M. (A. D.) on pre-Reformation practices, xi. 134

M. (A. H. H.) on translation of M.Jules Bois, vi. 169

M. (A. L.) on etymology of huzzar, iv. 67

M. (A. T.) on Book of Common Prayer, vii. 126. "Buried, a stranger," i. 207. Christ Church, Newgate Street, ii. 343. Fanshawe (Catherine Maria), ii. 425. Feilding of Barnacle, vi. 409. Marriage and baptism superstitions, v. 54. Minister of the Word of God, i. 228. Motto for laundry porch, vii. 176. Printing of records, xi. 226. Pri- vilegiatus, xi. 494. Registers of Christ Church, Newgate Street, vi. 519. Shere, religious founda- tion at, iii. 448

M. (C.) on curious Christian name, iii. 312. Johnson (Kev. Richard), i. 272

M. (C. B.) on Armada quotation, viii. 423

M. (C. C.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, iv. 137. Wimpole Street eighty-five years ago, ix, 88. Wind from fire, i. 56

M. (C. G.) on public libraries, vi. 57

M. (C. T.) on Mommsen and Brutus, x. 417. Rowe of Cornwall, viii. 470. Veirium, viii. 189

M. (D.) on General John Armstrong, iv. 28. Arm- strong (Sir Thomas), iv. 28. Cobden saying, xii. 327. Economy, xii. 486. "Honours are easy," vi. 229. Merry weather (F. Somner), v. 477. ' Punch ' weekly dinner, v. 397. Reference wanted,

vi. 489. * Rombert : a Tale of Carolina,' vi. 229. Rump Parliament, vi. 309. Sod- widow, its meaning, vii. 268

M. (D. St. M.) on " Old England," vi. 291

M. (E.) on proper use of " Per pro," iv. 38

M. (E. A.) on ' Sweet Richard,' ix. 168

M. (E. T.) on " Old England," vi. 291

M. (F.) on American words, viii. 183 ; ix. 355. Authors of books wanted, vi. 168, 509. Berkeley (Bishop), vi. 449. Booth (John Wilkes), xii. 150. Collate, viii. 192. Crowdy-mutton, use of the term, v. 375. Darayne, its meaning, vii. 288. Fielding and Brillat-Savarin, vii. 248. Inquisition in Spain and Portugal, vi. 210. Lanted ale, vii. 157- Nature myths, vii. 130. Naval pronuncia- tion, xii. 257. Nursery rime, vii. 249. Offor (George), his library, vi. 389. "Pamina and Tamino," vii. 367. 'Vicar and Moses,' x. 334. Whately (Archbishop), his ' Logic,' vii. 69

M. (F. B.) on Lynch of Ipswich, x. 487

M. (F. C.) on Macaulay allusions, x. 129. Macaulay's essays, viii. 384. Wronghead (Sir Francis), ix. 448

M. (F. W.) on Hume or Home family, xi. 327

M. (G. A.) on Commission of Sewers, viii. 485. Eulogies of the Bible by Huxley and Darwin, ix. 328. Horse-bread, iv. 547. ' Life,' by Mrs. Bar- bauld, ix. 134. Macaulay portraits, vi. 215. "Merrily danced the Quaker's wife," xii. 268. Peat, xii. 176. "The generations pass," xii. 68

M. (G. B.) on Les De'tenus, iv. 522

M. (G. H.) on Martel family, i. 475

M. (G. Le) on the Duke of Normandy, vii. 329

M. (G. M.) on bleeding image in Christ Church Dublin, iv. 311, 527

M. (G. W.) on Boulter surname, i. 393. Godbrother, iv. 167

M. (H.) on armigerous families, x. 509

M. (H. A. St. J.) on cyclealities, xi. 392. Rout, ix. 198

M. (H. E.) on Alexandre the ventriloquist, iii. 378. Alphabetic apophthegms, iv. 468. Arnold (Matthew), vii. 77. Author of recitation wanted, vii. 378. Bailey (Philip James), x. 456. Black images of the Madonna, iv. 77, 135. Books and bookmen, their future, v. 35, Caba, vii. 218. Crescit amor nummi," vi. 426. Death of a ghost, iv. 65. Easter egg and rabbit, iv. 91. Events, great, from little causes, i. 356. Five o'clock tea, vii. 332. Folk-lore : Russian, iii. 243, 385 ; swept and garnished, vi. 327 ; devil's dam in a Cossack Stanitza, vii. 6. Germ of a modern centaur-myth, vii. 286. Gipsy funeral, i. 304. "Grave of great reputations," v. 156. Hand of glory, i. 52. Hogarth's 'March to Finchley,' i. 244. Hop-picker, ii. 32. Ice: "An ice," iii. 351. I.O.U., vi. 456. "Jiv, jiv, koorilka," i. 126. 'John Bull,' a newspaper, vi. 255. Khaki as a party nickname, vi. 387, 492. Lady Day and Russian cage-birds, i. 423. " Like one o'clock," vi. 473. Linwood (Miss), her picture galleries, i. 314. Luggage train, vi. 418. Marquee, its meaning, v. 173. Marriage gift, v. 172. Max, slang for gin, vi. 353. Men wearing earrings, vi. 36. Misprint, seasonable, v. 46. Nursery lore, i. 267. " Owl in