Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/174

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Maelstrom, its spelling, ii. 285, 451; iii. 58 Mafeking, sowens as an article of food in, v. 413 Mafeking Day in London, celebration of, v. 414, 440,


Magazine and newspaper statistics, vii. 223 Magdalen College, Oxford, its arms, ix. 241, 330 Magdeburg law, xii. 249 Magerful, meaning of the word, vi. 209, 278 Magi, their identity, xi. 346, 408 Magiant (Easter), origin of the name, vii. 34, 136 Magic, Indian, i. 88, 153; sympathetic, vii. 266 Magic ring, xi. 109, 490

Magini (Giovanni Antonio), 1555-1617, iii. 148 Maginn (Dr. William), and ' Blackwood's Magazine,'

i. 122, 212 ; and Sheridan, ix. 305 Magistrate on two of a name in one family, vii. 91 Magnetic Pole, its locality, iii. 447, 493 ; iv. 198, 272,


Magnetism = moral attraction, i. 288 Magrath (J. L.) on "Coll. Reg. Oxon.," ii. 209 Magrath (J. R.) on " Le trecente cariche," vii. 127 Maguey, botanical term, its origin, vii. 405 Maheu de Redman, origin of the name, iv. 288, 351 Mahogany, its etymology, viii. 201, 352 Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahomet or Muhammed or Mohammed, xi. 509 ;

xii. 55

Mahoun = Devil in Scotland, vi. 505 Mahrattas and black cats, xii. 69, 115 Maid of Orleans. See Joan of Arc. Maiden applied to married woman, xi. 128, 28C, 318 Maidenhead, its etymology, ii. 285, 422 Maidens, races for, at Chibham, xii. 49 Maidservants throwing dice, iii. 164 Maike, meaning of the word as used by Hogg, xi. 249;

xii. 110

Maills, its meaning, ii. 469 ; iii. 32 Main family, viii. 463 Maine, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Lord Palatine of, xii.

21, 41, 154, 251

Maitland (Sir Peregrine), his biography, v. 375, 525 Maize, early erroneous mention of, iv. 107, 276 ; its etymology, xi. 227; its native country, 286, 357, 409

Major on Valia as a female name, vii. 447 Major (F. M. C.) on "Say not that he did well," ix. 87 Makau, a precious stone, vii. 469 Malabar, the widow of, origin of the expression, viii.

405, 446

Malabarian Hymn, choice of the title, viii. 104 Malcolmson (A. W.) on name and author of play, iii.

68, 327

Maiden (A. R.) on churches without fonts, ii. 393. Collegium de Valle, Salisbury, v. 69. Donhead St. Mary, xii. 356. Lord's Prayer in the fifteenth century, x. 345. Moon through coloured glass, ii. 492. " Odour of sanctity," x. 358. ' Pepysiana, iii. 388. St. Kevin and the goose, i. 518. Sister Churches, iii. 48. Taltarum surname, v. 131 Maiden (M. E.) on Mrs. Ann Harris's maiden name,

xi. 49. Ireton family, x. 508 Malebisse (Richard), his attack on Jews of York, xii


Malet (Col. H.) on Anglo-Hebrew slang : kybosh viii. 87. Artists' mistakes, viii. 328. Bell with a

story, i. 406. Buck (Adam), vii. 361. Epitaph, iii. 186. " Foot-cloth nag," &c., ix. 69. Fountain inkhorns, ii. 532. Grindstones, uses of, viii. 329. Gun reports, vii. 493. Horse-bread, iv. 173. 18th Hussars, 1821, x. 488 ; xi. 56. Kit-Cat portraits, xi. 91. Ladle, silver, iii. 137. Legend of the serpent's feet, xi. 70. Letters, Old English, i. 212. Marengo, Napoleon's horse, viii. 271. Morales, cavalry engagement at, iii. 395. Mounted infantry in early times, v. 146. Nightcaps, xii. 176. Painted tiles, ix. 9. Pass, xii. 334. Photography, its discoverer, v. 26. Pre- Reformation practices in England, xi. 134. Satirical coloured prints, ix. 353. Seal impressions, iii. 333. Towns which have changed their sites, vii. 492. " Triste He'ritiere " : Lady Rochester, xi. 75. Upright burial, xii. 137.

Malibran, Black, vocalist, her biography, ix. 367, 390, 494 ; x. 36, 193, 350

Malibran (Madame), vocalist, her biography, ix. 390, 494 ; ix. 36, 193

Malketon, alias Malton, Cambs, origin of the name, iii. 228

Mallet or mullet in ' 2 Henry IV.,' Act II. sc. 4, ix. 486 ; x. 93, 173, 193, 293, 374

Mallet used by Sir Christopher Wren, xii. 191

Mallett family, i. 31; ii. 136

Mallorie, Oandishe, and Sir Henry Wotton, xii. 367, 476

Malone (Edmund), and a Shakespeare autograph, iii. 429 ; spelling of his Christian name, iv. 56

Malone (John) on Edmund Malone, iii. 429

Malt, coffee made of, xii. 68, 191, 272

Malt and hop substitutes, vii. 150, 215, 296, 454 ; viii. 26, 72, 171, 247; x. 174, 304

Malta, regiments at, from capture to 1828, iii. 268 ; right of sanctuary in, iv. 437

Maltese language and history, x. 466 ; xi. 91 ; xii. 292

Malton. See Malketon.

Malvern, Burke on, vii. 68

Malvern Priory, discovery in the churchyard, ix. 106

Mammoth, its etymology, xi. 286

Man disguised as woman, vii. 248, 358 ; made in the form of a cross, viii. 264, 448 ; of wood and leather, mentioned by Swift, xi. 369

Man in the Iron Mask, ix. 328, 417

" Man loaded with Mischief," i. 269, 353

" Man of Destiny," the original, xi. 348

Man of Leisure on index-making, ix. 348

Man-of-war, earliest use of the word for ship, viii. 311

Manatee, its etymology, v. 85

Manchester, and Charlotte Bronte, v. 449 ; Cobden's letter to inhabitants of, xii. 469

Manchester (fifth Duke of), elopement of his wife, xi. 68

Manchester Tudor Exhibition, i. 242

Mandeville (Sir John), his travels, iv. 25

Mandcanterie, its meaning and origin, vi. 169 ; vii. 197

Mangan (James Clarence), names and pseudonym, i. 246

Mango family, iv. 208

Mangosteen markings, xii. 330, 417

Manila, its spelling, ii. 6

Manioc, its etymology, viii. 260 ; xi. 403