Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/185

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Miller (W.) on battle of Navarino, ix. 129

Millet (M.) on Basque version of Genesis, v. 396. Maitland (Sir Peregrine), v. 375

Millikin (Halley Benson), c. 1750, his ancestry, xii. 185

Mills (H.) on " Vita posse priore frui," xi. 389

Mills (John), banker, lines by, vii. 406

Milne (J.) on " As warm as a bat," viii. 293. Etymo- logy, vii. 29. Lyngell, its meaning, vii. 472. Motto on Venetian coin, viii. 385. Penny, vi. 430. Royal surname, vii. 269. Seeds, their duration, vii. 437. Skulls on tombstones, vii. 448

Milne (S. M.) on arms of Dutch East India Company, ix. 411. 7th Royal Fusiliers, v. 516

Milton (G. E.) on memory, xii. 311

Milton (John), "Other suns, perhaps," i. 84 ; reading of 'Paradise Regained,' II. 309, i. 464 ; ii. 18; Satan and the North, in ' Paradise Lost,' i. 351 ; ii. 55; "Dewy-feathered," ii. 7, 116, 176; Bearth in ' Paradise Lost,' iii. 425 ; edition of his work by a Friend, vi. 169 ; poem attributed to, vi. 182, 238, 292 ; vii. 90, 235 ; viii. 69 ; spelling of ' Penseroao, ' vi. 485 ; simile in ' Samson Agonistes, ' ix. 55 ; his tract on logic, 107, 178; his 'Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity,' xi. 88, 193, 475 ; xii. 56 ; first editions of 'Paradise Lost,' xi. 107,191; his ' Minor Poems,' 365 ; lines on his blindness, 386 ; epitaph attributed to, xii. 67, 152 ; his use of the word welter, 74 ; window in memory of, in St. Margaret's, Westminster, 123, 164; and 'Nova Solyma,' 168, 232

Mimmes family of Herts and Norfolk, iv. 248

Mina (Francisco and Xaviero), leaders in Spanish guerilla war, ix. 188, 349 ; x. 257, 291

Minakata (Kumagusu) on anthropoid ape, xii. 169. Beaver and python, iv. 24. Boy, a witty, iii. 426. Chinese description of walrus, iii. 487. Chinese medicine, iv. 10. Flying cups, v. 145. Folk-lore or botany, xi. 514. Footprints of gods, vi 163, 223, 322 ; xi. 375. "Gifts then seem most precious," iv. 54. Gimbal, invention of, iii. 427. Japanese monkeys, xi. 430, 517 ; xii. 237. Magic ring, xi. 490. Maize, iv. 276. Owl, xi. 467. " Palo de cobra," xii. 288. Pictures composed of handwriting, vi. 131 ; xii. 172. Reference wanted, xii. 391. Ser- pent's feet, legend of, xii. 112. Single tooth, xi. 488. Son, ungrateful, xii. 116. "Swim-shell," iv. 68. Trinity Sunday folk-lore, xii. 477. Wan- dering Jew, iv. 121, 166 ; v. 333

Minchin (H. C.) on historical point in an epitaph, x. 468

Mineralogist and botanist to George III., xii. 89, 215, 278

Miners, a company of, vii. 390, 497

Miners, Donibristle : curious literary reminiscence, ix. 64

Miniature, etymology of the word, xii. 425

Miniatures, dates of, xi. 289

Minik, matchmakers' term, iv. 535

Minister of the Word of God, its early signification, i.228, 297; ii. 35

Ministers, their letters to the sovereign, iii. 66, 156,

Minnesota, Hallowe'en in, x. 506 Minorca, English gravestones in, vii. 45

Minsheu (John), professor of languages in London, 1623, iv. 237

Minshull, Tarbock, and Caldwell genealogies, iv. 266

Mint, the, list of masters, xi. 168

Mint price of gold, vii. 127

Mint, name of street in the Borough, iv. 348, 403, 506 ; v. 12, 114

" Minute-men," its meaning, iv. 7

Minutes as a measure of time, ii. 509 ; iii. 16, 71, 136

Miquelon and St. Pierre, French islands off New- foundland, v. 375, 421, 486

Miracle play, Provencal, iii. 226

Miranda on Glencairn peerage, x. 509

Mirrors, Dr. Dee's magic, xii. 467

Mirrup, Dorsetshire word, vi. 328

Mirtle : to mirtle, vi. 328

Mischief, poems on, xi. 389, 496

" Mischief-Night," 4 November, ix. 48, 114

Miserere carvings, ii. 37; v. 433

Misericordia, Italian guild, i. 408, 456 ; ii. 55, 495

Misodulus, author of ' Do no Right,' x. 189

Misprint, felicitous, ii. 145

Misprints, iv. 344, 394

Misquotation, curious, ii. 205, 312, 454 ; from ' The Deserted Village, 'v. 115

Misquotations, x. 428 ; xi. 13, 93, 274, 457

Missel- thrush = Norman gizer, iv. 112 ; in Willughby's ' Ornithology,' ix. 468

Mississippi scheme and Law, iv. 84, 317

Mistakes : of booksellers, ii. 206, 531 ; iv. 324, 405 ; of printers, ii. 65, 445 ; of artists, iv. 107, 164, 237, 293; v. 32,317, 400; vi. 44 ; vii. 423,471; viii.171, 328; ix. 274, 372 ; x. 85 ; of the learned, iv. 393 ; "dollies" for "doilies," v. 46; of journalists, vii. 128, 230, 352, 387; viii. 403, 494 ; of authors, viii. 181, 252, 334 ; x. 226 ; in proof-reading, viii. 502

Mistletoe berry plucked for a kiss, xi. 110

Mistletoe in Scotland, ii. 329, 374

Mistletoe on " Box Harry," x. 13. Cleburne : Bowes : Ward, ix. 351. Dive: to dive, xii. 278. Gye family, ix. 511. Lease, long, xii. 513. Mineralo- gist and botanist to George III., xii. 89. Tongue- twisters, xii. 234. Tudor (Lady Mary), ix. 72

Mistral and Tennyson, ii. 487; quotation from ' Mireille,' xii. 23

Mitchell (Sir Francis), his family, vii. 144

Mitchell (G. B.) on charter of St. Peter's Wolverhamp- ton, ii. 46

Mitchell (Col. Henry Hugh), date of birth, vii. 107, 191

Mitchell (Joseph) and Southey, xi. 405

Mitchiner (J. H.) on author of 'The Devil's Walk,' vii. 268. C.I.F., xi. 253. Eating of seals, iii. 111. Hell-in-harness, xi. 417. Rossi (Cardinal), ii. 175. Terminations, female, ii. 291. Todmorden, i. 217, 417, 516

Mitford (Miss), anomalies in copy of ' Our Village, v. 229

Mithered, its meaning, vi. 410, 510

Mitre, its use, i. 14, 212, 351; ii. 34, 98; vi. 150; viii. 324, 493, 531; ix. 174, 334, 397, 496; x. 192, 290, 370, 435 ; xi. 175

Mitton (G. E.) on flogging and the kennels, xi. 288

Moat (Thomas), his ' Stenography,' ix. 29, 176

Models, cardboard, iii. 407, 477