Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/188

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Morse (Dr.), of Bar net, amateur organ builder, circa 1750, ix. 429

Mort = lard, its derivation, vi. 367

Mortar and pestle in use in farmhouses, i. 248, 389 ; ii. 513

Mortara (Marchese de) and Conte de Arro, viii. 443 j ix. 112

' Morte Arthure,' and the war of Brittany, x. 161 ; the baulked coronation of Arthur in, 381, 408

Mortimer (Robert) and the Mortimers of Wigmore, vii. 408 ; viii. 68

Mortimer family, vii. 208

Mortimer's Hole, Nottingham, i. 144

Morton (J. H.) on Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, viii. 524

Morwood (Mr. Vernon S.), vii. 89

Moryson (Fynes), his 'Itinerary,' x. 247, 315, 393

Moscow and London debris, vii. 165

Moseley (B. D.) on bell-ringing at wakes, vii. 294. Beranger : ' Le Roi d'Yvetot,' ix. 218. Boon for bookworms, x. 17. Cellini and Shakespeare, ix. 416. Chalice of wood, ix. 215. Chic, ix. 491. Children on brasses, v. 268. Cinderella, error in translation of Perrault, v. 86. Demon repentant, ix. 51. Dickens and Tong, viii. 303. Double Joes, ix. 164. Flowering Sunday, ix. 508. Francis- can and Mason, x. 205. "Gentlemen and ladies," iv. 476. "Glorious uncertainty of the game," viii. 231. Hebrew incantation, x. 158. Heuskarian rarity in the Bodleian Library, x. 497. Knurr and spell, x. 294. Lamb and ' The Champion,' vii. 131. Lanted ale, vi. 411. Lunebourg table, v. 515. Moliere's ' Tartufe,' iii. 346. Moore (Edward) : James Moore, x. 291. "No great shakes," iii. 277. "Nothing like leather," vi. fill. Odour, hereditary, iii. 78. "Parley's Penny Library," iii. 233. "Pauvre diable," viii. 285. Peaky- blinder, vii. 28. Photography, its discoverer, v. 117. "Policy of pin-pricks," x. 412. 'Sdeyns, its etymo- logy, vi. 434. Sheriffs of Staffordshire, ix. 415. Stone ale, iii. 489. ' Table ttes d'un Spectateur,' viii. 482. Trentham and Gower families, x. 59. Venison feast, xii. 177. Villon, x. 303, 514; xi. 451. Wage = wages, ix. 134

Moseley (W.) and Donhead St. Andrew, xii. 205, 293, 356

Moseley Hall, v. 7

Moses, his horns, v. 284 ; vi. 176

' Moss Rose,' authorship of poem, viii. 82, 148

Mosse (Rev. William}, chaplain to William III. in 1689, viii. 185

Most Reverend, Right Reverend, and Very Reverend, ix. 126

Mother-in-law = stepmother, ix. 445, 517

Motherland, earliest use of the term, x. 45, 198

Motiled or motlet, its meaning, iii. 227

Motor, whiz-gig as synonym for, xi. 9, 115

Motorities, use of the word, xi. 395

Mottoes :

Almsdish, xi. 108 Chelsea Borough Council, xi. 185 College of Surgeons, i. 435

Cornish, "One and all," v. 148, 424 ; x. 168, 252, 290

Mottoes :

" Custodi civitatem, Domine," ix. 485 ; x. 11, 53

Cutlers', vi. 106

" Defais le [sic] foi," i. 46

" Dieu et mon droit " at Hampton Court, xi. 490

" Dry weres agan Dew ny," i. 231

" Efficiens et finis sunt sibi invicem causae," iii. 249

"Fert, fert, fert," xi. 95

" Fortune, infortune, fort-une," xi. 5

" From caf to caf," xii. 7, 59

" Habent sua sidera teges," ii. 227, 355

" Hie et Ulubris," i. 381; ii. 70; iii. 310

"Hinc lucem et pocula sacra," i. 29, 105, 216

" Hortus utramque," &c., xii. 428, 495

House, vi. 366 ; viii. 443, 469 ; ix. 56

" Ich dieh," its derivation, x. 309, 372

"In lumine lucem," i. 116

" La fe endrycza al sobieran ben," v. 187, 258, 421, 481

" Lamh Foistineach an Uachtar," i. 47, 132

Laundry porch, vii. 68, 176, 215

Lowndes, " Ways and means," ix. 10, 57

"Lustrum sine filliatione," vi. 469; vii. 12, 312, 432

" Moult me tarde," iii. 88, 257

'N. &Q.,'iv. 474; viii. 162,269

" Ne vile veils," xii. 507

" Nemo me impune lacesset," ix. 427

" Nunquam retrorsum," xi. 427

" Non terra sed aquis," vii. 247, 395

" Now thus," vi. 387, 477

Ordnance Office, viii. 124

Pottery, iv. 128, 193

" Prends-moi tel que je suis," i. 113

Proud, iii. 204

Regimental, v. 389

"Sapit qui Deo sapit," i. 408

" Scientia fiducia plenus provocare," vii. 368, 478; viii. 270

" Semper eadem," xii. 466

"Sohohodeane,"xii. 98

"Sohou, Sohou," xii. 7, 98

" Son comfort et liesse," xii. 249

Sundial, iv. 9 ; vii. 467; viii. 89

" Suscipere et finire," xi. 427

"Vangvt ni besses," iii. 48, 235

Venetian coin, viii. 385, 507

"Vestigia nulla retrorsum," ii. 348; iii. 71, 218 Mottoes, their origin, xi 327, 394 Mouchard, police spy, viii. 340, 467 Mouldy, its slang meaning, i. 145 Moule (H. F.) on swallow's song, ii. 471 Moule (H. J.) on Bingham family and arms, iii, 356. Blessing cattle, iv. 95. Carnafoj. ;. Igy. Cattle, foreign, in England, ii. 5~ Chink of woods, vi. 236. " Church gift," vi'ii. 248. Eggiste, iv. 357. Golden Horn, xi. 1; Hymn, ii. 369. Little Gidding: Stourbrif[g e Fair, v iii. 227. Lollard Towers, vi. 75. Machine = public coach, ix. 116. Meggs (Vincent};' ii. 28. Moated mounds, vi. 416. Photography, it$ discoverer, v. 464. Room-panelling, English, iii. 35 \ Seeds, their retarded germination, xi. 216. Silc' Qes ter, church (?) at, ii. 158. Through- stone, ii. 15b Wren (Sir Christopher), ii. 417