Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/21

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Casti, iii. 486. Skull writing, iv. 25. Socrates,

saying of, viii. 339. Spider-eating, viii. 304.

Tartarus and its vapours, iii. 370. The as part of

title, xi. 16. Waller (Edmund), iii. 352. Well and

fountain verses, viii. 242. Whitman's hexameters,

vii. 246. Wilkie (Prof.), his 'Epigoniad,' iii. 107.

Wordsworthiana, vii. 42. Wowerus's ' Shadow,'

viii. 285

Auld Kirk = whisky, i. 368, 492 Aungier family, vi. 169 ; vii. 13 Aurata societas, use of the term, xi. 148 Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus), Graves's translation of

his ' Meditations,' iii. 249, 374 Aurora borealis, poete on, ii. 423 Austen (G.) on gates of Sandwich, vi. 209 Austen (Jane), reference in ' Northanger Abbey,' viii.

284 Austin (Alfred), Poet Laureate, his ' To Arms ! ' v.

6, 277 ; his birthplace, vii. 426 Austin family of Ashton and Oundle, xi. 167 Australia, old English customs in, i. 485 ; Bentham's

prophecy about, ii. 165 Australian flora and fauna, i. 383 Australian nomenclature, popular, ii. 124 Austria (Archduke of) in Shakespeare's ' King John,'

ii. 386

Austria and the Isle of Man, x. 69 Austwick, Yorkshire, people called Hoastik carles,

16, 72

Auterac (Joseph), his biography, vii. 8 Author and avenger of evil, reflections of the, ix. 22,

229 .

Author and reference wanted, vii. 195 Author and typesetter: Dr. Spencer T. Hall, viii.

205, 269 Authors, works attributed to others, i. 84, 316 ; their

obscurities, i. 464 ; ii. 438 ; juvenile, i. 492 ; their

mistakes, vi. 407, 474 ; viii. 181, 252, 334 ; x.

226 ; crowned, viii. 366 Autocarist, use of the word, xi. 395 Autocrat, Russian equivalent for the word, x. 6, 55,

153 Autograph Cottage, Islington, and W. Upcott, ix.

368, 454 ; x. 75 Autographs, best way of keeping, i. 268, 336 ; ii. 35,

175, 195 ; collection of, xii. 149 Autonym : anonym, book terms, ii. 322 ; iii. 53, 172,

217, 432

Autremyte, ghost-word, ii. 341 Avarum, it locality, xii. 92

Avary, origin and meaning of the word, xii. 349, 453 Avenell (William) and King Robert Bruce, xi. 228 Averay or Alured. See Cornburgh. Avice, pronunciation, iii. 248 Avignon : " Sur le Pont d' Avignon," xii. 170 Avis, the Order of, v. 457 ; vi. 72, 216 "Away with," use of the term, ix. 348, 477 Awdeley (Hugh) his biography, i. 185 ; ii. 135 Awdry (T.) on crong, its meaning, vii. 433. Pett

(Phineas), xi. 451

Axholme, Isle of, and Simon de Montfort, xi. 189 Axon (Ernest) on parish registers, iv. 149 Axon (W. E. A.) on Adam the Carthusian, xii. 373.

Adams (Mrs. S. F.), and Mrs. Stowe, i. 363. Ains-

worth (Harrison), x. 97. Aphikia, wife of Jesus

ben Sirach, xii. 222, 261. Arms of continenta cities, ix. 472. Beckford (William), i. 404. Black armlet for mourning, viii. 520. Book of Tobit, xi. 481. Bookselling, history of, xii. 316, 490. Bronte (Charlotte), v. 449. " Bucks" and " Good Fellows" in 1778, iv. 225. Cannibalism of Ethne the Dread, vii. 266. Caxton (W.), his good priest, v. 310. Charlotte (Queen) as an author, v. 373. Chaucer and Horace, iii. 224. Chinese analogue of Ben Jonson's ' Alchemist,' xi. 23. Chinese novel, iii. 23. Ciega (La) de Manzanares, iv. 28. Cockfighting in the last century, iv. 62. Coco de mer or double cocoa nut, vii. 417. Coleridge marginalia, xii. 61. Compulsory costume for Jews nd Christians, viii. 521. Couvade, vii. 507. Cowper (W.), bis letters, v. 478. Cup-turning in fortune-telling, xi. 226. De Quincey and Hugo Grotius, vi. 401. De Quincey and the story of ' Aladdin,' vi. 487. Dickens (C.), in Welsh, iii. 225 ; his Anthony Humm, iii. 443. Eber (Jacobus), of Strassburg, x. 364. Epitaph, well-known, ii. 229. Ethiopio ' History of the Blessed Men,' vii. 21. Evans (Chancellor Silvan), xi. 394. Extraordinary abstinence, iv. 107. First gentleman of colour to receive knighthood, ix. 190. Fitzgerald (E.), two early poems, iii. 441. Footprint of the Prophet, xi. 126. Forshaw (Rev. Charles), v. 421. Foster (Frank), viii. 368. George II., a son of, v. 106. Gipsies in England, v. 186. Gipsy prince, missing, iv. 182. " Ghili," Romani, iii. 366. Gladstone (W. E.) as a verse- writer, i. 48; iii. 16. Goat, a travelled, x. 25. Godkin (Edwin Lawrence), xii. 438. Greek epigram, ix. 273. Haines (Richard), ix. 498. Halfpenny periodical post, viii. 419. Hawtrey (Dr.), his Nugse,' x. 261, 498. ' Hymns Ancient and Modern,' ix. 36. Intemperance, war, pestilence, and famine, vii. 390. JelaUeddin, xii. 326. Jesus, saying attributed to, ix. 326. ' John Adroyns in Devil's Apparel,' viii. 459. Johnsonians, Liverpool sect, iii. 284. Khayyam (Omar), v. 6. Lafontaine, v. 512. Lando, monograph on, v. 385. Latin riddle of Leo III., xi. 114. Legend of St. Luke, xi. 465. Legend of the serpent's feet, x. 481. "Le trecente cariche," vii. 234. Leo of Modena's Hebrew-Italian sonnets, iv. 188. Lizard folk-lore, vii. 67. Lloyd (Thomas), republican, xii. 378. Magi, xi. 346. Mahomet's coffin, viii. 80. Maltese language and history, xi. 91. Maxwell (J.), his translation of Herodian, iii. 86. " Medicus et pollinctor," i. 141. Miller of Sans Souci, an Oriental analogue, viii. 119. Miraculous likenesses of Jesus at Tiberias and Berithus, ix. 481. Moir's ' Table Talk,'xi. 505. Montagu (Walter), xii. 77. Newman (F. W.), i. 251. "Now thus," vi. 478. Oliver and Arthur, ix. 494. Olympias and Kisagotarni, vi. 467. "Owen Meredith "at the Devil's Bridge, Luchon, vi. 62. Partridge lore, viii. 202. Patmore and Swedenborg, vii. 411. Persian legend, xii. 45. Philips (Sir Richard), x. 407. Photography, its discoverer, v. 464. Pickwick (Mr.) as teetotaler, iii. 141. Pilate (Pontius), xii. 405. " Power of the dog," vii. 106. Prohibition of heathen wine among the Hebrews, vii. 145. Rechabites and the Fortu- nate Islands, vi. 261. Regiments, their mottoes v. 389; their nicknames, 161, 224, 263. Richter's