Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/216

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Potts (R. A.) on author of Hymn wanted, vii. 232.

Coleridge (S. T.), x. 114. FitzGerald quotation,

ix. 232. " Galling yoke of time," xi. 412. God's

silly vassal, xii. 447. Johnson's prayer, xii. 516.

Opie (Mrs.), her novels, ix. 372. 'Palenque,'

xi. 308. She Stoops to Conquer,' xi. 249. " Pou sto " in the ' Contemporary Review ' xi. 425,

516 Pouilly (Jean Levesque de), translation from his

works, vi. 168 Poultrell (Hugh), Lancashire landowner, eleventh

century, ix. 288 Poultry, the, its whereabouts and history, iv. 228 ;

bookselling in, 383, 466 ; St. Mildred's, 478, 528 Pounamu, Maori lucky stone, xii. 384 Pound Day, its observance, x. 5 Powdering gown, vii. 268, 374, 473 Powdering slippers, vii. 488

Powell (Foster), Yorkshire pedestrian, v. 436 ; vi. 57 Powell (Harriett), actress and singer, ix. 267, 512 ;

x. 145 Powell (H. Y.) on the Chesapeake, iii. 378. Costume

of clergymen, v. 385. Devizes, origin of the name,

v. 88. Welsh surnames, iv. 216 Powell (Rev. John), rector of Stourmouth, ii. 189 Powell (Thomas), his biography, v. 67 Power (Madame Jeannette), her biography, iii. 387 Power (Michael N.) and Baron Grivegne'e, vii. 409,

476 Powerscourt (Lord), his ride from Paris to Fontaine-

bleau, iv. 349, 433

Powlett (Charles), first Duke of Bolton. See Bolton. Pownall family of Cheshire, i. 427 Powney family, viii. 144, 251 Pownoll (Jacob Arkwortb), date of death, v. 316 Pownoll (Philemon), banker, o. 1800, vi. 128 Poyer family arms and motto, x. 428 Poyntz (Thomas), tapestry by, i. 67 Praed (W. M.), his poetical enigmas, v. 26, 75, 176 Prague, lines on the city of, xi. 407, 450, 471 ; and

Bohemia, xii. 382 Praia, Portuguese name in Hong Kong harbour, x.

Pratt (G. F.) on game of cocklebread, vi. 7. Kitty- witch, vii. 9

Prayer, laconic, 'Iliad' xxiii. 770, xi. 126, 255; Latin, of Johnson, xii. 389, 516

Prayers to the point, instance of, x. 325

Precedence, solution of questions of, xi. 68, 195, 257: xii. 57, 211

Pre-Celtic Britain, lingual traces of, x. 227, 298

Preceptory of Dinmore, its records, ix. 207

Preen, Salop, origin of the name, iii. 259, 418, 492

Preface, its definition, iii. 228

Prefaces, the three most famous, iii. 488 ; iv. 54, 97; custom of writing, 479; v. 15

Prefect of Studies on Stonyhurst cricket, i. 416

Premier. See Prime Minister.

Premier Prudent, a French office, xii. 69, 212

Premierships of the Victorian era, x. 105

Pre-mortem, new word, i. 289

Prendergast (H.) on meaning of " gast," vii. 308

Prenter (N. H.) on Shakespearian^ ix. 222

Preparatory to, use of the term, xii. 312

Pre- Reformation practices in English churches, x. 468; xi. 55, 134, 291, 474

Presbyter on earth mother, ix. 48. Holy unction, i. 408. Sibylline oracles, ix. 289. ' Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,' viii. 343

Prescott (H. W.) on 'Tennysonian Ode,' viii. 248

Presley (J. T.) on 'The Boke of Good Workes,' viii. 204

Press, freedom of the, v. 469

Pressgang songs, vi. 28, 96

Prester on Jeremiah Clifton, ix. 147

Preston (Thomas), musicseller and printer, xi. 448

Preston (W. E.) on Bradford token, vii. 408

Preston Guild, celebration every twenty years, v. 96

Preston-on- Wye, bell inscription at, xii. 68, 152

Prestonkirk, old rules of its school, ix. 226

Pretender, the Young, in London, September, 1761, ix. 306 ; his ride through Macclesfield, xii. 169, 314

' Pretty Woman,' a sketch, xi. 509

Price (F. G. Hilton) on coronation advertisement of 1685, x. 166. Gwyn (Nell), vi. 350. Hammersley's Bank, i. 257. "Marygold," sign of the, vi. 135. Penny, vii. 38. Pepys (Samuel), 1716, xi. 433. Shops in Cheapside,1650, xii. 295. Shore (Jane), iv. 57. Smous, its meaning, vi. 493. Sweezing or squeezing watch, x. 467. Trinity Sunday folk-lore, xi. 298

Price (G.) on "In an interesting condition," ix. 431

Price (G. C.) on moon through coloured glass, i. 328

Price (Henrietta Maria), her biography, ii. 448; iii. 17

Price (Capt. Joseph), his letter to Edmund Burke, vi. 509

Price (Major-General), d. 1747, x. 209

Price (T. G. B.) on parish register of Broad wood- Widger, viii. 259, 392

Price on a head, introduction of the custom in Britain, viii. 244

Prices in 1734, iii. 145

Prickard (A. 0.) on motto for laundry porch, vii. 215

Pricket candlesticks, x. 228, 376

Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on accorder, xii. 296. African names, ii. 52, 193, 357. Albert Gate, iv. 357. Aldersgate, i. 431. Aldgate and White- chapel, iv. 269, 441 ; v. 134. American invasion, vii. 413. Anne (Queen), x. 431. Argyll Rooms, old, xi. 426. Arlington, its etymology, iii. 398. Arnold (Matthew), iv. 249. Aylwin, iii. 428. Bank of England and Heberfield, i. 97, 229. ' Banter,' xi. 316. " Bar sinister," ix. 152, 316. Barre* (Col. Isaac), vi. 405. Bath, Order of the, v. 50. Bayswater, its etymology, i. 154. Berners family, vi. 278 ; vii. 70. Bertolini's Hotel, ii. 158. Bibliography, i. 294. "Birmingham's dress," x. 471. Book terms, iii. 53, 217. Bourchier or Bourgchier family, iv. 157. Bungay, place-name, x. 273. Burnt sacrifice : mound burial, viii. 151. Cambridge Heath, South Hackney, ix. 205. Camp- ball, the game, i. 19. " Carking care, its mean- ing, vii. 426. Carteret Street, Westminster, x. 346. Castle Carewe, x. 214, 373; xi. 91. Cavendish (Henry), v. 94. Charing Cross, iii. 405. Chelsea, its etymology, i. 264; ii. 350. Cheltenham, its etymology, i. 510 ; ii. 210. Chiswick, ii. 210. Christmas carols, xi. 494. Clare Street, iii, 377-