Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/220

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Proverbs and Phrases :

History repeats itself, iii. 407

Hoist with his own petard, i. 287, 331

Hoity-toity, i. 135, 197

Hold up oil, vii. 493

Homo additus Naturae, iii. 448

Honours are easy, vi. 229

Hook it, xi. 348 ; xii. 33, 156

Hop the twig, ix. 189, 314 ; x. 16

Hoping against hope, x. 63, 196

Hopping the wag, v. 25, 154, 346

Horizon of practical politics, i. 507; vi. 209

Horny-handed sons of toil, ii. 127, 231

Horse sense, i. 487; ii. 32, 131

Humble pie, ii. 286

Hutching about, vii. 165, 271

If the ice bears a man before Christmas, x. 506

If you feel the wind come through a hole, vi. 346

If you throw crumbs into the fire you are feeding

the devil, viii. 383 II faut souffrir pour tre beau, xi. 128, 255, 337;

xii. 352

Imperium in imperio, iv. 69, 135, 254 In an interesting condition, ix. 328, 431 ; x. 73 In petto, xi. 289 In the John Trott way, vii. 48 In the swim, vii. 29, 137, 237 Jack-up-the-orchard, ii. 27, 194 J'ai vcu, vii. 105, 198 Jingo : By Jingo, i. 227, 276, 350, 411 John-a-Duck's mare, iii. 90 Join issue, vii. 405 Keep your hair on, ix. 184, 335 ; x. 33, 156, 279 ;

xi. 92, 195, 318 ; xii. 136 Key, golden, i. 98, 314 Key of the street, ii. 88, 234 King of Bantam, iv. 419, 488, 526 ; v. 18, 94 Kiss the rod, iii. 228, 433 La fe endrycza al sobieran ben, v. 187, 258, 421,


Labouring oar, vi. 248 Lady-Day Day, ix. 447, 517 Lamp-post : To the lamp-post, i. 266, 395 Laurence, Lazy, vi. 97, 252

Le bon temps oil nous e"tions si malheureux, x. 497 Le mot de Cambronne, iv. 265, 355, 541J; vi. 195 Le roy le veult, vii. 264 ; viii. 268 Leap in the dark, xi. 466 Leaps and bounds, x. 113 Lee oers for meddlers, and crutches for wild

ducks, x. 307, 475

Let them all come, vi. 426 ; vii. 35, 157 Lie in one's throat, v. 146 Life is not all beer and skittles, vii. 88 Like a thresher, iv. 106, 171, 234, 254 Like one o'clock, vi. 198, 305, 376, 473 Lincoln was, London is, and York shall be, xi.

229, 331

Lincolnshire sayings, xii. 514 Literary log-rolling, v. 208 Little Englander, i. 128 Living wage, vi. 486 Long and short of it, i. 91 Lucid interval, xi. 87, 137 Lucky as a calling duck, viii. 484

Proverbs and Phrases : Lug the coif, vi. 87, 196 Lungs of London, vii. 89 Lynx-eyed, iii. 32

Mad as a hatter, vi. 448; vii. 251, 396 Maiden speech, iii. 187

Man in the street, ii. 7, 131 ; x. 107 J xi. 73 Many a seven, iv. 263 Mend the fire, iv. 439, 488 Mending or ending, ii. 424 Mere man, vii. 506 ; viii. 193 Mess of pottage, i. 466 ; ii. 17; ix. 384 Money is a good servant, c., ii. 447 Moonshine in water, xi. 332 Mortui non mordent, viii. 262 Mother of free Parliaments, xi. 289, 357 Moving heaven and earth, vi. 229 Mutual admiration society, iv. 417 Ne pas valoir les quatre fers d'un chien, v. 312 Nemo me impune lacesset, x. 95 Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring,

v. 125, 290, 437; vi. 15 Nez a la Roxelane, i. 67, 169, 494 Nick the pin, viii. 264 Nines : Dressed up to the nines, i. 57, 211, 338 ;

x. 387, 456 ; xi. 34, 90 No deaf nuts, v. 316, 399 Noblesse oblige, i, 228, 473 ; y. 468 Nobody's enemy but his own, i. 416 Nodus Herculis, xii. 313 Nose and nosatame, viii. 484 Not half, x. 385, 471 Nothing like leather, vi. 426, 510 Odium theologicum, viii. 483 Odour of sanctity, viii. 483 ; ix. 54 ; x. 298, 358 Old England, vi. 230, 291 Old original, viii. 245, 311 On his own, i. 304, 433 Only too thankful, ix. 288, 370, 457; x. 13, 151,


Otium cum dignitate, v. 385 Out of rodex, xii. 5 Owl in ivy bush, vii. 16, 116 ; ix. 157 Parliamentary language, i. 27; iv. 442 Parson's nose, viii. 113 Parting of the ways, xii. 309, 377, 415 Passing the time of day, iii. 427; iv. 72 Passive resistance, xi. 267 Patch : Not a patch upon it, i. 175 Paying through the nose, ii. 48, 231 Peace, retrenchment, and reform, iii. 287, 334 ;

vi. 256, 397; x. 348, 412, 496 j xi. 176,515;

xii. 333

Peace at any price, xii. 367, 495 Peace with honour, vii. 240 Penny in the forehead, viii. 104, 189 Pennyworth : A good pennyworth, iv. 436, 522 ;

v. 73

Perfide Albion, vi. 229, 357 Pillars of knowledge, xi. 390 Pillars of the Lord, xi. 390 Pinpricks, vi. 188 Pip in the webe, iii. 49, 115 Play old gooseberry, i. 147, 293, 452 Play the goat, viii. 302, 510