Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/230

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Impe'ria," ix. 47. Moore (Edward) : James Moore,

ac. 811. Wind folk-lore, ix. 338 B. (G. E.) on Londres, ix. 35, 295 ; x. 56. St. Dials,

xii. 49

B. (G. H.) on Bohun : Plugenet families, v. 269 B. (G. V.) on "Chevaux orynges": "Feuilles de

lattier," viii. 86

B. (H. A.) on Warlow family, ix. 155 B. (H. B.) on Irish and Scotch old houses, x. 408 B. (J.) on author and typesetter, viii. 269. Beginning

of a new century, xii. 125. Boulder stones, vii. 27.

Good Friday and parsley, vii. 264. Infant Saviour,

xii. 292 B. (J. A.) on Charles Lamb and 'The Champion,'

vii. 131. "Often have I seen," x. 208 B. (J. B.) on county histories, iii. 308. Mill Bay,

Plymouth, ii. 497. ' Oxford Argo,' iii. 312. Saint- hill (S.) and his Basque studies, iii. 432 B. (J. F.) on beads in the East, x. 277. Beyle :

Stendhal, xii. 127. Exemption from poor tax, xi.

133. Whig token, x. 489 B. (J. H.) on Anglo-Saxon words for birds, x. 348.

Duncalfe, xi. 289. Folk-lore in Brittany, xi. 444.

Hoastik carles, v. 72 B. (L.) on John Gough Nichols, vi. 149 B. (L. C.) on Lord Frederick Markham, ix. 486 B. (M.) on cardboard models, iii. 407. " First love is

a rank exotic," x. 68. Idyl or idyll, iv. 8. ' Mrs.

Newington,' iii. 447

B. (M. A.) on decade in French calendar, iii. 253 B. (M. E.) on Beni-Israel, xii. 190 B. (M. L.) on Edward Jones, iii. 389 B. (N. K.) on lines on the skin, vii. 27 B. (B.) on "Breeches" Bible, i. 146. "Broaching

the admiral," i. 350. " By Jingo," i. 276. Fables,

early versions of popular, i. 405. Joy, remembrance

of past, i. 123, 414, 494 ; ii. 252. Mead and Welsh

ale, i. 391. " Mess of potage," ii. 17. Milton and

the North, ii. 56. " Play old gooseberry, " i. 452.

' Prodigal Son/ i. 136. Shakespeare Folios, i. 449;

ii. 211. Shakespeariana, i. 283. Skelton (John), i.

291. Wade (General), i. 209. "Who stole the

donkey ? " i. 495

B. (S. K.) on Defoe at Tooting, ix. 207 B. (S. W.) on James Eccleston, ix. 428. Edwards

(W.), ofEglwysilan, ix. 47 B. (T.) on Earl's Palace, Kirkwall, v. 426. St. John

of Jerusalem, iii. 411. " Sair saunt for the Crune,"

ii. 407. B. (V.) on ancient Scottish custom, vi. 375. Carlyle,

quotation from, vi. 338. " Glorious uncertainty of the

game," viii. 164. Gratitude, vii. 172. Jacobite papers,

new, viii. 363. Johnson (Dr.), vii. 176. Political

pamphlets and big sales, viii. 383. St. Pancras

borough arms, x. 287

B. (V. H.) on "Coll. Beg. Oxon.," ii. 187 B. (W.) on " Non terra sed aquis," vii. 247 B. (W. F.) on dive, xi. 230. " Felicity," inwards of a

pig, iii. 3. " Gadget," its definition, iii. 488. Jug,

puzzle, iii. 49. Latin couplet, iv. 28. Pinaseed,

iv. 336. " Play the goat," viii. 302. Warth, xi. 112 B. (W. H.) on Eucharis, actress, iii. 377. Nelson and

Freemasonry, iii. 331 B. (W. J. B.) on Berkshire carol, iii. 307 B. (W. S.) on links with the past, iv. 319

B. (W. W.) on pedigree of Sir James Richards, x. 428

B.-C. (J. H.) on novels with same name, i. 269

B n on English travellers in Savoy, v. 58. Pip, xi.

366. Voltaire engraving, v. 95

B n ( J.) on ' Budget of Paradoxes ' : Diderot, ix. 25 R n (J. 1\) on hedge in Bacon, vii. 489. "John

Company," vii. 34 Babbating, use of the word by Shakespeare, vii. 407 ;

viii. 21

" Babbi Lion of Prague," iii. 149 Babbit and Easter egg, iii. 488 ; iv. 91 Babbits and rheumatism, xii. 126 Babel (Jean and Daniel), their sepia etchings, iv. 380,


Rabelais (Francis), quotation from, iii. 208, 336 ; and Shakspeare, iii. 224 ; vii. 162, 255, 330, 474 ; viii. 206, 314, 472 ; his last moments; xi. 72 Race between bachelors and maidens, i. 487 Race cup, chalice as, viii. 162, 272, 394 Races of mankind, xi. 169, 236, 372, 498_ Racing, use of tlie word by grinders, viii. 104, 150,

291, 347 ; ix. 32 Rackstrow's Museum, its history, : ii. 208; v. 269, 366,


Racova, its locality, x. 489 ; xi. 16 Radcliffe (Dr. John), his pedigree, i. 108 Radcliffe (John) on Capt. F. Abney-Hastings, iii. 271. Acland of Chtttlehampton, ix. 31. Adelbright, Rex Norfolciae, v. 257. ' Annals of Gaming,' iii. 35. Anne of Austria, vi. 318. Arms: of European countries, viii. 248 ; of married women, ix. 113 ; of Le Neve Foster, 316 ; of knights, 328. Arrand and Darrand, vii. 75. Arthurian puzzles, iii. 112. Arundel : Walden, vii. 155. "Ask no questions," iii. 47. 'Attur. Acad.,' vii. 198, 519. Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus), iii. 374. Authorized Version, iv. 352. Authors of books, vii. 277. Ballywhaine, its etymology, vi. 412. Barclays of Mathers, vii. 412. Barlow (Rev. F.), viii. 290. Beamish family, iii. 172. Bear and ragged staff, iv. 484. Bermudas Company, iv. 233. Bingham family and arms, iii. 355. Blackham family, vi. 512. Boole (George and Mary), iv. 526. Bourchier or Bourgchier family, iv. 158. Box (Godfrey), iii. 212. Brabant (Duke of), x. 132. Brampton family, iii. 13. Breadalbane family, i. 372. Bristow family, ix. 171. "Bull and Last," vii. 255. Burden family, iii. 477. Burial- place of William, son of Henry I., vi. 518. " Buried, a stranger," i. 376. "Buried for truth," ii. 77. Carmichael family, i. 454. Carnwath (Earl of), iii. 271. Caron House, iii. 193. Carroll (Sir William F.), vii. 134. Castle Carewe, Pembroke, x. 93. Chal, Romany, iii. 373. Chancellor of England, ii. 137. Charleton: Carey, vi. 133. Charleton (Knightley), x. 231. Chester (Ranulph, Earl of), ix. 112. Cinnamon of the ancients, iv. 482. Clan- molinespick, iii. 454. Cleburne: Bowes: Ward, ix. 351. Coat of arms, vi. 497. Cogan : Barry : Boche, iii. 274. Collier (Margaret), iii. 98. Cooke family, ii. 254 ; iii. 74. Cornish armoury, iv. 356. Coronation Anecdotes,' viii. 170. Coronation Stone, viii. 154. 'Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum,' ii. 495. Crawford family, viii. 193. Crolly family, ix. 152. Cromie (Sir Michael), v. 136. Cronbane halfpenny, iii. 457. Cross on the Car-