Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/249

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sto^e, in mediaeval chuiches, v. 457; vi. 114

Sedley (Sir Charles), his death and biography, i. 32 ; his * Grumbler,' iii. 67; his escapade, 1663, viii. 157

Sedley family, x. 286, 391

See-saw, dialectal word for, xii. 89, 151

Seeds, duration of life in, vii. 129, 328, 437 ; their retarded germination, x. 287, 358; xi. 52, 155, 216, 331

Seeing-glass=looking-glass, ii. 164, 313

Seek or seeke, its meaning, v. 26 ; vi. 211, 291, 416

Seekers after truth, viii. 460

Seers family, i. 309

Seetabuldee, prints of the battle of, vii. 149

Se"gur (Comtesse de), her biography, vii. 427, 495

Seion, evangelizer of Wales, xii. 421

Seiriol on manuscripts at Paris, vii. 189

Sele=a yoke for cattle, iv. 435, 508

Selectmen, U.S., iv. 169, 238, 311

Self-ends, use of the word, xi. 285

Selfode, etymology of the word, vii. 89; viii. 170

'Selimus' and Edmund Spenser, vii. 61, 101, 142, 203, 261, 324, 384

Selion, its meaning, i. 204, 391

Seller (John), his biography, iv. 23, 43

Selion (At. G.) on Molyneux, ix. 148

Selwyn (George), his curious taste, iii. 245, 435; and J. Heneage Jesse, vii. 122, 178, 274

Sempill or Semple family, xi. 229, 436

Senancour (Etienne Pivert de), his last words, xi. 429

Senator at Rome, vi. 508

Seneca and Browning, v. 167; his 'Natural Ques- tions,' vi. 387; translations of his works, vii. 132, 258; St. Paul, ix. 290, 351, 427; x. 37

Seneschal, history and functions of the offioe, xi. 248, 354

Senex on army rank, v. 47. Billington (Mrs.) as St. Cecilia, v. 335. Thebal, identification of, v. 337

Senga on Aspidistra, iii. 356. Chink of woods, v. 498 ; vi. 235. Dryden's oaks in Scott, 273. Haydon (B. R.), v. 271. Lawrence (Sir T.), picture by, v. 237. Tolpatchery, vii. 170. Virtues and vices, v. 444

Sepoy Mutiny, its literature, i. 208, 313

Septuagenarian on fashion in language, x. 337

Septuagint, lexicon to, ii. 68, 133

Serendipity shop, meaning of the term, xii. 349, 430

Sergeant-at-Arms : Yeoman of the Guard, v. 355 ; vi. 235, 376

Sergeant of the Catery, the office, vii. 169

Seriff, meaning of the word, v. 246, 345, 486

' Serjeant Bell and his Raree-Show,' its authorship, x. 126, 195, 470; xii. 306

Serjeants-at-Law under James I., x. 26

Serjeantson (R. M.) on William Bretteyn, LL.D., xi. 49. Christening door, xi. 249. Clarke (Samuel), D.D., x. 408 ; xi. 95

Sermon, comic dialogue, in Italy, viii. 309, 433 ; ix. 17

Sermon, change in meaning of the word, xi. 26

Sermon, in a sonnet, i. 105; in proverbs, xi. 462

Sermon, marriage, at Twyning, xi. 346

Sermons, temp. James I., i. 321, 433 ; ii. 33 ; Mohammedan, iv. 381; metrical, ix. 352 ; Corona- tion, 601

Sero on analogous titles of books, x. 350

Serocold (R.) on Acland of Chittlehampton, viii. 464.

Stewart of Athenry, Bart., vi. 469 Serpent's feet, legend of the, x. 481; xi. 70 ; xii. 112 Servandoni (Chevalier), architect, his biography, i. 88,


Ser very = service room, iii. 365, 498 Servian dynasties, xii. 86 Service, daily, in country churches, i. 136 Sesame, origin of the name, ix. 284 Sessions, use of the term in the House of Commons,

xi. 306

Settle, its derivation, i. 245 ; ii. 316 Seven, its association with place-names, viii. 525 ; ix. 98 " Seven Ages," source of the, ix. 46, 197, 298, 432 Seven Dials, taverns in, 1740-60, vii. 487 ; viii. 94,

151 ; in ' Sketches by Boz,' xi. 448, 494 Seven stars, setting of the, xi. 109 Seventeenth-century queries, x. 408, 511 ; xi. 70 Several, uses of the word, v. 412, 504 Sevign< (Madame de), criticism on her character, ix.


Seville, its capture, iii. 327, 395, 457 Seville and civil oranges, pun, xii. 170, 205, 335 Sevres china, iv. 28 Sewardstone, its locality, iii. 67, 156 Sewell (C. W. H.) on Edwin Drood ' continued, xii.


Sewell (Dr. J. E.), his nickname, xi. 195 Sewers, commission of, viii. 485 ; history and duties,

ix. 76

Sex, " devout female," i. 325 ; third, ii. 366 Sexagenarian on iron pavement in London, v. 52 Sexdecim Valles in topography of Yorkshire, xii. 186 Sexten. See Argentine. Sexton on bones at the Resurrection, xi. 136 Sexton's tombstone, x. 306, 373, 434, 517 ; xi. 53,

235, 511 ; xii. 115, 453 Seymour (Mrs. Laura) and Charles Reade, xii. 243,

312, 517 Seymour (Mary), cousin german to Edward VI., xi.

268, 358 Seymour (T.) on epitaph at Whitby, iii. 166. Lynch

laws in modern use, i. 4:77. Plantagenet chair, vi.

333 ; Powell (Foster), pedestrian, vi. 57. St. Paul's

Cathedral foundation stone, i. 256. St. Syth=St.

Osyth, i. 16, 238. Scott's 'Antiquary,' ii. 56.

Shagreen, its manufacture, iv. 115. Spoons, old, ix.


Shaa or Shaw (Sir John), his bequests of rings, xi. 308 Shaddick (H.) on church bells, xi. 354. Divet, x. 395.

Hewitt (William), surgeon, x. 473, Teens, x. 417. Shaddock, Chinese fruit, v. 168, 217 Shadwell (Dr. C. L.), his ' Registrum Orielense,' xi.


Shadwell (John), his biography, v. 515 Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley, first Lord), anecdote

of, x. 209, 271 Shagreen, its manufacture, iv. 68, 115,171, 310,352,


Shakespeare (Ellinor), of Herts, vi. 450 Shakespeare (Thomas), register entry, 1625, iii. 108 Shakespeare (William), his grandfather, i. 41, 113,

213, 275 ; baptized and buried in same church, 68 ;

pseudo-relic, 226, 295, 350 ; his theatre at New-

ington Butts, 386 ; and the sea, i. 504 ; ii. 113, 189,