Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/267

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288. Dickensiana : ' David Copper-field,' ix. 391.

Donsel, iv. 295. Dragon tree, ix. 411. 'Eikon

Basilike' motto, xi. 389. Gratitude defined, vii.

89. Grotto at Margate, xii. 192. Macabaa, a

kind of snuff, vi. 234. Mannings and Tawell, xii.

311. Milton, poem attributed to, vi. 238. Muham-

med, or Mohammed, xii. 55. Nelson letter, x.

425. Rather, ix. 138. Twopenny-halfpenny dime.

vi. 334. Wade (General), i. 334. Welter, xi. 457 T. (W. A.) on horse equipment, v. 148 T. (W. R. M.) on monastic sheep-farming, x. 176 Taafe family, vi. 189, 258, 353 Tabby all over, meaning of the phrase, xii. 249, 312,


Tabitha on CatVMeat Square, v. 148 Table, word in doctor's recommendation, xii. 144, 271 Table de communion = communion rails, i. 25, 251; ii.

33, 211; iii. 471; iv. 73 Table linen, marks on, x. 95 Tables, game of, v. 435, 501 Tablet in Bryanston Square, ix. 288 Tablets, mural, to illustrious personages, xii. 503 'Tablettes d'un Spectateur,' Parisian diurnal, 1879,

viii. 482

Tacamahaca, a resin, origin of the name, xii. 406 Tacitus and Shakespeare's Henry VI.,' xii. 105 Tackle, naval pronunciation, xii. 257 Tagnicati, zoological term, xi. 105, 196 Tailors as soldiers, iv. 341, 486. See Hanltwood. Tails, West-Countrymen's, vii. 286, 410; viii. 87,

192, 334, 488 ; human beings in Africa with, x. 198 ' Takmi,' or ' Zakhmi Dil,' Indian air, vii. 507; viii.


Talbot (C.), printer of book tablet, vii. 408 Talbot (Lady Elizabeth), her maiden nam, ix. 369 Talbot (J.) on Addams family, ii. 225 ; iii. 303. De

Ros family, i. 7. Hicks (Lieut. Zachary), x. 327.

Home Alley, London, x. 289. Nicholson family

and Charity, iii. 188. Sub : subsist money, vii. 356.

Talbot (C.), printer of book tablet, vii. 408. Talbot

mausoleum, i. 348. Talbot surname and family, vi,


Talbot mausoleum, Dorking, Surrey, i. 348 Talbot surname and family, vi. 242, 412 ; vii. 336 Talboys family pedigree, ix. 427 4 Tales of the Genii,' by Rev. James Ridley (Sir Charles

Morell), v. 474 Tallant (Miss Anne), authoress, her biography, x. 508 ;

xi. 92 Talmud, proverbs and stories in, vi. 501; status of

women in, xi. 221; Carlyle and, xii. 425 Taltarum surname, its origin, v. 28, 131 Tamban : sampan : kampan, Eastern boat terms, vi. 6 Tambourello, the game, xii. 329, 434 Tancock (O. W. ) on doubtful grammar, ii. 431 ; tran- scripts of register, i. 306 Tandem, early uses of the word, x. 308, 455 ; xi.

256, 353

Tandy (James Napper), his biography, x. 7 Tankage, its meaning, v. 28, 253 Tankersley, near Sheffield, legend of, xi. 253 Tannier, botanical term, xi. 465 Tapestries of Henry VII., viii. 365 Tapestry, its makers, i. 288, 372 Tapp (Lieut. John Edward), Royal Artillery, xii. 207

Tapping and tipping, the words, vii. 105, 191, 337,


Tapster, use of the word, vi. 327 Tara Hall and Roman measures, xi. 121 Tarbock, Minshull, and Caldwell genealogies, iv.


Tarleton (Col.), portrait by Reynolds, iii. 488 Tarr=little island, ii. 46, 415 Tar rier= terrier, use of the word, x. 406, 493 Tartar or Tatar, xii. 185, 376 Tartar cloud, conventionalized, ii. 529 ; iii. 38 Tartarus and its vapours, iii. 229, 370 Tasborough family pedigree co. Suffolk, viii. 65 Tashlich, Jewish custom, vi. 128, 195, 291 Tasker (A.) on Man in the Iron Mask, ix. 328 Tasso, his incarceration in Ferrara, xi. 444 Taster silver, in inventory, xii. 288, 510 Tata on memorial brass, ii. 88, 213 Tatar or Tartar, xii. 185, 376 Tate ( W. R.) on corn-crake, iv. 57. Dead fold, iii. 153.

"Drenching of a swan," ii. 196. "Fond," i. 365.

' History of England,' eighteenth-century, v. 189.

Outlander, use of the word, iv. 465. Rounds or

rungs, iii. 117. Stripper, its meaning, i. 471. Two

of a name in one family, vii. 5 Tate (Rev. W. R.), his death, vii. 60 Tattoo on tattooing in Japan, i. 358 Tattooing in Japan, i. 368 Taunton, Easter custom at, ix. 365 Taunton (Rev. John), of Axbridge, ix. 9, 151 TavarS (F. L.) on ' Bradshaw's Railway Guide,' ii.

164. Burns's prophecy, ii. 526. Charles I. relics,

ii. 513 ; iii. 418. Houses without staircases, iv. 55.

Yew trees, their age, ii. 53 Tavern, notable old London, iv. 98 Taverner (Capt. Samuel), his biography, iv. 9 Taverns, surnames derived from, ii. 184 ; old London,

vii. 69, 154, 236, 309, 354. 432, 513 ; viii. 43, 209,

345, 479, 509 ; in Seven Dials and Soho, vii. 487 ;

viii. 94, 151 ; and coffee-houses, 1765-6, viii. 224,

345, 509 ; ix. 72 ; x. 60, 322

Tavern Signs :

Bay Horse, vi. 169, 315

Beetle and Wedge, ii. 505 ; iii. 134

Belle Sauvage, vi. 115

Bull and Last, vii. 128, 254, 331, 411; viii. 54,


Catherine Wheel, Oxford, xii. 188, 293 Crown, vii. 309

Dirty Old Man, ix. 428, 512 ; x. 73 Four Crosses, ix. 312 Gate Hangs Well, ii. 526 ; iii. 216, 315, 398 ; iv.

33, 95, 196

Half Moon, vi. 168, 257, 356, 413, 611 Loggerheads, iii. 68, 171 Man loaded with Mischief, i. 269, 353 Pin and Bowl, vii. 133 Queen's Arms, temp. Elizabeth, iv. 98 Salutation, Newgate Street, and Charles Lamb,

v. 315

Savoy Weaver, xi. 127, 236, 293 Ship, Greenwich, xii. 306, 375, 415, 431 Tim Bobbin, xi. 68, 297 Tumble-down Dick, x. 60