Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/278

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(Sir Isaac), viii. 512. Pillillew, use of the word, v. 484. Pope, misstatement by, iv. 204. Powdering gown, vii. 374. Prooshan Blue" in ' Pickwick,' vi. 18. Prussia, first horse-races in, i. 504 ; riding in, v. 494. Quare (Daniel), watchmaker, v. 474. Regimental nicknames of the British army, v. 440. Royal Exchange, the first, viii. 202. St. Clement Danes, ix. 136. Samplers, early, i. 184. Scafe (William), watchmaker, v. 312. Scudamore (Sir Clement), vii. 373. Sherlock (Dean), iii. 467. Shore (Jane), her residence, iii. 445 ; iv. 18. Stow's portrait, viii. 274. Sub : " Subsist money," vi. 354, 435 ; viii. 68. Suffolk name for ladybird, vi. 417 ; vii. 96. Sunday-school teachers, earliest printed instructions to, ix. 69. Trice, French caricaturist, iv. 187. Troy weight, tron and tronage, vi. 285. Weld (Sir John), v. 385. Welsh ales, i. 392. Welsh judges, iv. 50, 132. White (Sir J.), Lord Mayor of London, vii. 127. Williarme (Peter), watchmaker, vi. 65

V.-W. (H. S.) on Henry Seymour Conway, viii. 529. Cromartie (Earl of), ix. 107. Fenton (Sir Geoffrey), ix. 171. Guise (Francis, Duke of), viii. 353. Napoleon's attempted invasion of England, i. 16. " Now thus," vi. 478. Parish registers, entries in, ix. 33. Sepia etchings, iv. 427. Smith (Sir Thomas), of Parson's Green, ix. 132

Vade-Walpole(B. S.) on Col. Charles Godfrey, vi. 474. Mitchell (Col. H. Hugh), vii. 107. Viva, vi. 451. Walpole (Miss Charlotte), xii. 254. William the Conqueror's half brothers and sisters, viii. 525 ; ix. 36

Vsesac Mihm, its meaning, viii. 45, 128, 232

Vagabonds, early instances of the word, i. 506

Vails in 1764, protest against, viii. 82

Valance, Vallence, or Valence, its derivation, vi. 150

Valdarno the poet, ii. 208

Valentines, early pictorial, i. 248, 410, 473 ; ii. 458 ; v. 335

Valettus, its meaning, i. 472

Valia as a female name, its origin and meaning, vii. 447; viii. 75

Vallavine (Rev. Peter), his biography, i. 447

Valle"e, his ' Bibliographic des Bibliographies,' xi. 368, 410

Vallence, Valance, or Valence, its derivation, vi. 150

Valtyne on phrase in poem wanted, xi. 289. Popular myths, xi. 348

Valtyre on " But this I know," xi. 449. " How do I love thee,"xi. 49. Passage in Kingsley, x. 467

Vampires, Italian precautions against, i. 205

Van de Pump family, x. 226

Van der Goes (Cornelius;, his biography, vi. 28

Van der Neer (Artus), painter, date of his birth, xi. 128

Van Dyck (Sir Anthony), his tomb, iv. 189, 254

Vancouver (George), circumnavigator, his birthplace, viii. 504 ; ix. 34, 132

Vandalism, modern, xii. 466

Vanderzee (George), index to monastic records, i. 249 ; ii. 530

Vane (C. S.) on Senancour, xi. 429

Vane (Rev. Gilbert H. F.) on auction by inch of candle, xi. 353. Author of verses wanted, vii. 315. Busillis, x. 490. Church briefs, xi. 291. "In

Dominicis Augusti," ii. 226. Legend of St. Louis

of France, iv. 196. Marriages of persons already

married to each other, iv. 72. Marshalsea, xi. 116.

Metcalfe or Midcalf (Nicholas), x. 466. Petty (W.),

S.T.B., x. 508. Register entry, iii. 90. Wem, its

derivation, vi. 237

Vanhomrigh (Esther), Swift's Vanessa, ii. 327 Vanity Fair, earliest use of the term, ii. 29; iii. 15;

x. 488; xi. 234 Vapo on compulsory costume for Jews and Christians,

ix. 298. Exhumation of Henry IV., ix. 433 Varna, battle of, and the Papal fleet, vii. 405 Vase, Portland, plaster copies of, viii. 225, 330, 472 Vaughan (Dean), hymn by, xi. 308, 473 Vaughan (H.) on Colby family, vi. 108. Hadrian I.,

xi. 288

Vaughan (Henry) and William Wordsworth, xii. 146 Vaughan (H. M.) on Lady Sandwich and Lord

Rochester, v. 442

Vaughan (John), a survivor of Waterloo, xii. 85 Vaughan (J. W.) on nostoc, v. 108 Vaughan ( W.) on Commissioner of Church of Scotland,

ii. 149. "Twm Shon Catti," i. 52 Vautrollier. printer, his biography, v. 436, 524 Vavasour (Fanny), her portrait and biography, i. 87 Vazov (Ivan), Bulgarian poet, v. 106 Vedas, earliest European mention, viii. 464 ; ix. 55 Vega (Lope de), his 'Castelvines y Monte" ses,'xi. 44,

150, 336, 455 ; quotations from, xii. 287, 326, 410 Veirium, its meaning, viii. 120, 189 Veit=Guy, iii. 249, 490

Vellum and parchment, early prices of, vi. 328, 456 Velmatius, his Christeid,' vii. 87 Velton Abbey, its history, iii. 168 Venezuela, books on, vi. 27 Venison feast, its origin, xii. 47, 177, 253 Venison for the City of London, warrants granting,

iv. 225 Venn (Rev. Henry), his biography, iv. 497; v. 37,

193 Venn (J.) on "G. E.," portrait painter, x. 386.

Knuckle, his identification, iv. 209 Ventura (Angelo Benedetto) and his "Harp Ventura,"

ii. 368 Venuti (Marchesa Teresa), translator of Tennyson,

i. 503 Verax on abbey at Arley, Lancashire, iv. 130. Gate,

tavern sign, iii. 398 1 ' Verbatim as possible," viii. 482 Verbs, ending in -ish, i. 86, 136, 315, 355, 516; vi.

248, 312 ; vii. 182, 263, 393, 493 ; viii. 22, 210 Verdion (Theodora de), her extraordinary career, iii.


Verdure, its plural form, vii. 184 Vere (Aubrey de), twentieth Earl of Oxford, original

painting of, viii. 505 Vere (Sir Francis and Sir Horace), and the wars of

the Palatinate, vi. 28, 256 Verge and yard, their etymology, vii. 281 Vergers, statutes relating to, xii. 149 Vergilius of Naples, necromancer, xii. 408, 470, 509 Vergy (Gabrielle de) and her lover, vi. 329 Veritas on Charles II. and the episcopate, xi. 489.

Marat, vii. 228 Verity (A. W.) on Shakespeare and music, v. 171