Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/38

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Bibliography :

Hawker (R. S.) t his MSS., iv. 168, 232, 255,

309, 400

Heine (Heinrich), xii. 103 Heraldry, ii. 527 ; iv. 470

Heuskarian, viii. 377, 477 ; xi. 287, 355, 396 ; ' xii. 285

  • Histoire de Sable,' ii. 528

History, universal, vii. 488 ' History of a Noble Convert,' iii. 448 'History of England,' eighteenth century, v. 127,


' Homish Apothecary,' iv. 68, 172 Hood (Robin), viii. 263 Hoyarsabal of Cubiburu, xi. 287, 355, 396 Hubert (Sir Francis), his ' Life of Edward II.,'

iv. 9

' Hue and Cry and Police Gazette,' ii. 267, 335 Index, its definition, iii. 444 : form of compila- tion, iv. 12

"Infant's Library," iv. 129, 216, 250 Ingelow (Jean), novel by, i. 14, 498 Inglis (Charles), i. 465 " International Library of Famous Literature,"

v. 24, 215

James (Major Charles), i. 106 Job, xi. 248

Johnson's ' Lives of the Poets,' xii. 68, 129, 175 Jonson, Gabriel Harvey, and Nashe, xii. 161,

168, 263, 342, 403 Kastner (J. Const.), xi. 428 Keats (John), his ' Eve of St. Agnes, iv. 26 ; his

'Fragment of the Castle Builder,' 25, 75 ; his

spelling, xi. 305, 372 Kendall (William), his 'Poems,' iii. 246 Khayy&m (Omar), v. 6

' Kilmarnock Mirror and Literary Gleaner,' ii. 68 Kipling (Rudyard), i. 101 ; iii. 468 ; ix. 5, 89; xi.


Klopstock's Stabat Mater,' xii. 56, 134 Kotzebue, xi. 487 Lally-Tolendal, vii. 303

Langtoft (Pierre de), his ' Chronicle,' iv. 147, 236 Lawson (Wilfrid), his ode in the ' MUSEB Angli-

oanse,' iv. 282, 386 Lever (Charles), ' Gerald Fitzgerald ; or, the

Chevalier,' iv. 148 ; 'A Day's Ride,' 517 Lewis (Rev. John), M.A., i. 208 Lloyd (Mary), iii. 369 London churches, iv. 349, 466 Longfellow's ' Wreck of the Hesperus,' xii. 129 Luther (Martin), his 'Table-Talk,' i. 12 ' Lyra Apostolica,' xi. 228 Mackay (John), his ' Court Characters,' v. 165 Mandeville (Sir John), his ' Travels,' iv. 25 Mangan (James Clarence), i. 246 Manners, deportment, and etiquette, vii. 388 Manuscripts, illuminated, xi. 248 Marie de France, twelfth-century poetess, iv. 189 Marlborough (Dowager Duchess of), c. 1710, xii.


Maxwell (James), iii. 86, 152 Merivale (Herman), his ' Essays on Landscapes,'

iv. 249 'Merry Tales of Men of Gotham,' iii. 386

Bibliography :

Military, vi. 266, 325

Milk, xii. 385

Milton (John), xi. 88, 107, 191, 193, 365, 475 ; xii. 56 '

Moliere, first edition, v. 266, 421

Montague (Walter), xi. 421, 482

Moore (Miss Frances), iii. 125, 272

Myths, popular, xi. 451

Nash (Richard), xii. 15, 116, 135, 272, 335, 392, 493

Newman (F. W.), i. 189, 251

Newman (J. H.), his ' Lectures on the Pro- phetical Office of the Church,' iv. 109, 177

' Nooks and Corners of Westminster Abbey,' iii. 268

Norton (Mrs.), ii. 108

Novels with the same name, i. 269, 332

Oliphant (Mrs.), her novels, ix. 65

Osborne (Dorothy), xi. 445 ; xii. 81, 230

Palmer (Thomas), i. 172

Parkes (Bessie Rayner), iii. 169, 254

" Parley's Penny Library," iii. 145, 233, 335

' Pars Oculi,' i. 165

Peace (John), ' An Apology for Cathedral Ser- vice,' iv. 419, 523

Peter the Great in England, xii. 127

Philately, x. 81, 239, 333, 432, 470

' Pilgrim's Progress,' first edition, vii. 264, 269

Polwheile (Theophilus), iii. 268

Pope's ' Dunciad,' vii. 349

Procter (Adelaide), ' Star of the Sea,' i. 48, 97

' Progress, The,' xi. 482

Psalter, French, i. 368, 492 ; Latin, 1457, ii. 283

Publication by subscription, xii. 327, 378

R printer of the fifteenth century, xii. 241

Rastell (John), ' Pastyme of People,' ii. 266

RecWs 'Geographic Universelle,' iv. 186

Rimes in books, iv. 249

Romance Book of the Gospels, ii, 268

Rovinsky (D. A.), 'Russian Folk- Pictures,' iv. 535

Royer (Jean Baptiste), i.' 367

Rye House Plot, i. 68, 212, 372 ; ii. 34, 175

Rylands Library, Manchester, iv. 326

Sahara, vi. 68, 174, 259

St. Helen, Queen of England, iv. 1 82

St. Jerome, best edition of his works, v. 148

Savonarola, xi. 485

Scattergood (Dr. Anthony), his edition of the Bible, xii. 281, 303, 395

School library of the seventeenth century, xii. 435

' Scots Magazine,' i. 265

Scott (Sir Walter), Waverley Album, iv. 29 ; early issues of Waverley Novels, v. 181 ; ' The Corsicans,' xi. 487

Scottish MSS., v. 8

Seller (John), his ' Booke of Punishments of the Common Laws of England,' iv. 23, 43

Shakespeare, First Folio, iv. 496 ; xi. 429

Shakespearian, i. 69, 225, 449 ; ii. 25, 85, 211, 506, 523 ; iii. 64, 105, 216

Shelley, v. 67

Silvius (Eneas), xii. 68, 151

Simcoe (Lieut. -Col. J. G.), xii. 46

Skeat (Prof. W. W.), xi. 377