Birkie, card game, i. 468
Birmingham: Brumagem, x. 22, 112, 196
"Birmingham's drees," meaning of the term, x. 409, 471 ; xi. 33
Birth, consulting stars at, ii. 385
Birthday cake with candles, German custom, viii. 344, 486 ; ix. 96
Births, their registration, i. 131, 213 ; registers of British colonial, ii. 108
' Bisclavret,' derivation of the word, xii. 46, 112
Biscuit ware, origin of group in, xi. 28
Bishop, "Lord," the title, i. 47, 230
Bishop in the game of chess, xii. 269
"Bishop of Brooks" in volume issued by Historical Manuscripts Commission, ix. 286
Bishopric of Mons Maranus, vii. 208, 250
Bishop's Head and Foot at Penwith, Cornwall, vii. 409, 471
Bishop's Stortford, borough of, x. 89
Bishops, their ' Licences for Prostitution,' iv. 200, 277 ; Welsh Nonjuring, iv. 268 ; portraits depicting their ornaments, viii. 206, 289, 392; their signatures, ix. 9, 118, 239, 272; Coronation dress, ix. 506; x. 34, 112 ; three in one tomb and of one family, x. 476
Bishopsgate Street and Broad Street in 1677 as residential quarters, ix. 146
Bishop-Wearmouth, co. Durham, rectors of, x. 409
Bisk, use and meaning of the word, xii. 186, 375
Bismarck, its etymology, i. 84
Bissona, meaning and derivation, vi. 268, 338, 476
Black (A. & C.) on Scott queries, viii. 48, 453. Shuttles, its meaning, vii. 477
Black (C. B.) his guide-book to ' Normandy and Picardy,' xii. 346
Black (W. G.) on endorsement of bills, i. 53. Bookbinding question, i. 73. Chalices of wood, ix. 89. Christian name, brothers bearing same, i. 446. Erlking= elf king, iii. 487. Funerals, burning trees at, i. 266. Imaginary or invented saints, xii. 127. Jews covering at grace, i. 226. Kipling (John Stewart), vii. 48. Lobster, order of the, i. 46. Owen (Robert), of New Lanark, vii. 9. Picture restoring under Napoleon I., ii. 184. Political nicknames, Chamberlain and Billow, ix. 186. Pre- Reformation practices, xi. 134. Riding the marches, i. 426. Ritual: quotation from Glad- stone, xi. 209. Rotten Row, i. 217. St. Kilda, " stranger's cold " at, i. 85. " Sitting on the fence," ix. 84. Stewart (Rev. James Haldane), vii. 88. Tapping and Tipping, vii. 337. Tithe, its origin, vii. 286. Vampires, Italian precautions against, i. 205. Verifying references, ii. 324
Black (William), beacon in memorial of, vii. 446
Black as a badge of mourning, x. 87, 212
Black Canons at Great Missenden, xi. 101, 251, 352
Black cats and the Mahrattas, xii. 69, 115
Black ivory =slaves, vi. 268, 452
Black sanctus, its meaning, i. 37, 406
Blackacre, Widow, in Wycherley's ' Plain Dealer,' v.
Blackall (Dr. Offspring), Bishop of Exeter, xi. 464 Blackburn, some recollections of bygone, v. 85 Blackburne (Archbishop), anecdote of, iii. 484 Blackcap, its meaning, iii. 428
Blackfriars, Mountfichet Castle, vi. 25, 91; St. Anne's
Church, vi. 48, 117, 238, 330; xii. 517; the
order, bridge, and theatre, vii. 40
Blackham (A.) on Blackham family, vi. 409
Blackham family, vi. 409, 512
Blackheads, use of the word, vii. 169, 253 ; xii. 434
Blackheath, Ranger's Lodge, its history and design,
viii. 204
Blackie & Son on 'The Two Duchesses,' vii. 471 Blacking for boots and shoes, ii. 514 ; iii. 216 Blackmore family of Bishop's Nympton, viii. 343, 468 Blaokmore (J. F.) on " Paying through the nose," ii. 48 Blackstone Edge, Roman road over, x. 302 Blackstrap, origin of the word, vi. 505 ; vii. 33 Blackwood (A.) on Glengarry, use of the word, v. 372 Blackwood (W.) on 'The Moss Rose,' viii. 148 Blackwood's Magazine,' and Maginn, i. 122, 212 ; bibliography, 266 ; its thousandth number, iii. 81, 117
Blair (D.) on Australian flora and fauna, i. 383. Australian nomenclature, ii. 124. Bentham (Jeremy), ii. 165. James I. and the preachers, i. 321 Blair (David), his death, iii. 280
Blair (Sir O. H.) on angels and their representation, ii. 16. Arms of Berkshire towns, i. 353. Beoket (Thomas a), ii. 32. Castles, heraldic, i. 414. Cer- vantes on the stage, i. 398. Churches, ancient, their dedication, i. 337. Corpus Christi, i. 453. Gordon family, ii. 235. Honourable, the title, ii. 292. Houses without staircases, i. 210. Huguenot cruelties, i. 197. "In Dominicis Auguwti," ii. 337- McLennan's ' Kinship in Ancient Greece,' i. 217. Monks and friars, i. 513. Murray (Sir C.) and Goethe, i. 363. Nationality, its constitution , ii. 216. Oath of allegiance, i. 216. ' Secret History of the Court,' i. 331. ' Veni, Creator,' i. 497. Wellington and Ney, ii. 257 Blair (R.) on brick dated 1383, iv. 157. "None"
with plural verbs, iv. 544 Blaisdell, the name, iv. 55, 75, 158 Blaise (Madam), her portrait, i. 47, 90, 233 Blake, bis iron railway, v. 268, 443 Blake (John), of Langport, Somerset, ii. 288 Blake (Admiral Robert), his sisters, i. 285 Blake (William), books illustrated by, i. 454 ; fireflies and glowworms, x. 365 ; sale of his drawings, xi. 285
Blakemore, near Crewkerne, and Robert Ford, iv. 519 Bland (John), Edinburgh actor, c. 1773, xii. 207, 277,
Bland (Maria Theresa), 1769-1838, singer, her inter- ment at St. Margaret's, Westminster, vi. 342 Blandford (G. F.) on French Embassy, Albert Gate, i. 295. Navy of late seventeenth century, i. 53. Pictures of taverns, viii. 209 Blandford farthing, i. 514
Blaney (Elizabeth) and Dr. Johnson's father, vi. 6, 93 Blanket family of Bristol, vii. 68, 155 Blantyre family, viii. 424
Blashill (T.) on carriages . pack-saddles, vii. 92. Chink of woods, vi. 154, 314. Crooked Usage, Chelsea, xi. 217. "Hill me up," viii. 112. Hooper (Daniel), i. 377. Longevity, xi. 378. Raleigh, its pronunciation, xii. 497 Blatheramskate. See Blether amskite.