Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/46

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Books recently published :

Cunningham's (W.) Alien Immigrants to England,

i. 159 ; Essay on Western Civilization, ii. 99 ;

viii. 195 Gust's (Lady E.) Records of the Cust Family, iii.

118 Gust's (L.) The Master E. S. and the Ars

Moriendi, iii. 158 Daisy, The ; or, Cautionary Stories in Verse,

1807, iv. 509

Dalbiac's (P. H.) Dictionary of Quotations, ii. 65 Dandliker's (K.) History of Switzerland, translated

by E. Salisbury, iii. 198 Daniell's (F. H. B. ) Calendar of State Papers, ii.


Danks's(W.) Ripon Cathedral, iv. 80 Dante : at Ravenna, by Phillimore, ii. 59 ;

Dictionary of Proper Names by Toynbee, 358 ;

Essays on, by Witte, iii. 139 ; Divina Commedia

and Canzoniere, trans, by Plumptre, iii. 399 ;

iv. 58 ; Studies in, by Moore, iv. 79 ; Life by

Plumptre, ed. by Butler, v. 466 ; English

Commentary, byTozer, viii. 115 ; Vita Nuova,

trans, by F. de Mey, xii. 219. Danton, by Beesly, iii. 239 Darwin's (C.) Origin of Species by Means of

Natural Selection, viii. 495 Dasent's (Sir G. W.) Popular Tales from the

Norse, xi. 438 Dasent's (J. R.) Acts of the Privy Conncil, ii.

179 Dauze's (P.) Index Bibliographique, iii. 39 ; vii.

118 ; viii. 116

Davies's (R.) Chelsea Old Church, xii. 499 Davis's (C. T.) Dictionary of Wandsworth, v. 467 Davis's (F.) City of Silchester, iii. 100, 177, 256,

354 Dawson's (W. F.) Christmas : its Origin and

Associations, x. 500 Day's (E.) Social Life of the Hebrews, vii. 359,

518 Dayot's (A.) L'Image de la Femme, iv. 549 ;

Napole'on raconte par 1'Image, xi. 98 De Necessariis Observantiis Scaccarii Dialogus,

edited by A. Hughes, C. G. Crump, and

C. Johnson, x. 519 De Tabley's (Lord) Poems, xii. 358 Deane's (M.) Book of Dene, Deane, Adeane,

iv. 319

Dearmer's (P.) Cathedral Church of Wells, ii. 259 Debrett's Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, vii. 20 Deeds relating to East Lothian, transcribed and

translated by J. G. Wallace-Jataes, v. 327 Descent of the Sun, trans, by F. W. Bain, xii. 279 Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the

Public Record Office, x. 60 Devon Notes and Queries, xi. 439 Dexter's (D. W.) Cricklewood, xii. 100 Dickens (C.) : To be read at Dusk, &c., i. 218 ;

Minor Writings, vi. 339 ; India-Paper Edition,

viii. 416 ; ix. 520 ; xi. 359 ; Rochester Edition,

viii. 456 ; Life and Writings, by Kitton, x. 159 ; Life by Forster and Gissing, 439; Fireside Edition, xi. 359, 399, 480 ; xii. 60, 140, 340, 379 ; in French by Gausseron, xii. 139

Books recently published :

Dickinson's (W. H.) King Arthur in Cornwall,

vi. 400

Dictionary of National Biography, i. 58, 338 ; ii. 38, 298 ; iii. 18, 298 ; iv. 79, 298 ; v. 39 299 ; completion, vi. 58; Supplement, viii. 275 375 ; Index and Epitome, xi. 338 Dictionary of the Terms of the Canting Crew, iii.

458 Digit of the Moon, a Hindoo Love Story, trans.

by F. W. Bain, v. 158 ; xii. 279 Dilke's (Lady) French Painters of the Eighteenth Century, iv. 358 ; French Architects and Sculptors of the Eighteenth Century, vi. 499 ; French Furniture and Decoration in the Eighteenth Century, viii. 356, 414 ; French Engravers and Draughtsmen of the Eighteenth Century, xi. 58 Dimock's (A.) Cathedral Church of Southwell, ii.

359 ; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, v. 240 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, ed. W. R. Roberts,

viii. 155

Directory of Titled Persons for 1898, i. 100 Dix-huitifcme Siecle, iii. 79 Dix-neuvieme Siecle, vii. 99 Dixon's (R. W.) History of the Church of Eng- land, ix. 198

Dobell's (B.) Sidelights on Charles Lamb, xi. 340 Dobson's (A.) William Hogarth, i. 199 Dodge's (W! P.) Piers Gaveston, iv. 199 Dodgson's (E. S.) Le Verbe Basque Trouve' et DSfini, iv. 140 ; Pierre d'Urte and the Bask Language, xi. 39

Dolet (Etienne), by Christie, iv. 388 Don Juan, XVIIth and XVIIIth Cantos, xi.


Doones of Exmoor, by Rawle, xii. 139 Dorling's (E. E.) Register of Choristers of Salis- bury Cathedral, iii. 320 Douglas's (W. S.) Cromwell's Scotch Campaigns,

1650-1, v. 259

Draper's (W. H.) Alfred the Great, vii. 279 Drummond's (H.) Stones Rolled Away, vi. 280 Dry's (W.) Nights at the Opera, xi. 440 Dryden Anthology, 1675-1700, ed. E. Arber, iv.


Dryden (J.), Essays, ed. by W. P. Ker, vi. 19 Dublin- Printed Books, Catalogue of Early, ii. 159 Duff's (A.) Theology and Ethics of the Hebrews,

x. 18

Duignan's (W. H.) Notes on Staffordshire Place- names, ix. 219

Dunbar Anthology, ed. E. Arber, vii. 479 ; ix. 79 Dunbar's (Sir A. A.) Scottish Kings : a Revised Chronology of Scottish History, 1005-1625, iv. 58 Duttons of Dutton, in Cheshire, Memorials of the,

viii. 26

Duval's (R.) La Littdrature Syriaque, iv. 260 Dyce's (A.) Glossary of the Works of William

Shakespeare, revised by H. Littledale, x. 139 Dyer's (T. F. T.) Old English Social Life, iii. 139 Dyer (T. H.) and Hassall's (A.) History of

Modern Europe, viii. 235 ; ix. 220 Earle's (Bishop) Microcosmographie, xii, 358