Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/48

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Books recently published :

Fry's Royal Guide to London Charities, xi. 39 Furneaux's (H.) Agricola of Tacitus, ii. 119 Furmvall (Dr.), English Miscellany, vii. 139 Gairdner's (J.) History of Richard III., ii. 178 Gairdner (J.) and Brodie's (R. H.) Letters an<

Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII., iv. 279 Gardiner's (S. R.) History of the Commonwealth

and Protectorate, 1649-60, vii. 218 ; Oliver

Cromwell, viii. 335 Gardner's (Alice) Studies in John the Scot

(Erigena), v. 528 Garnett's (R.) Essays of an Ex-Librarian, viii. 435 Gasc's (F. E. A.) Concise Dictionary of the

French and English Languages, viii. 255 Gaspary's (A.) History of Early Italian Litera

ture, vii. 140

Gasquet's (F. A.) Eve of the Reformation, iv. 468 Gatty's (Mrs. A.) Book of Sun- Dials, enlarged

and re-edited by H. K. F. Eden and E. Lloyd,

vi. 359

Gaveston (Piers), by Dodge, iv. 199 Gee's (H.) Elizabethan Clergy, ii. 500 Gell's (Mrs. L.) More Excellent Way, ii. 540 Gentleman's Magazine Library : English Topo- graphy, x. 269 ; xi. 498 George VI., 1900-25, iv. 429 Gerard's (J.) The Popish Plot and its Newest

Historian, xii. 140

Gibbs's (J. A.) Cotswold Village, iii. 40 Gierke's Political Theories of the Middle Ages,

translated by F. W. Maitland, vii. 399 Gilchrist's (J. G.) Itinerary of the English

Cathedrals, ed. by the Rev. T. Perkins, vii. 520 Gladstone, by Sir E. W. Hamilton, ii. 440 Glasgow Archaeological Society Transactions, x.

19 ; xii. 79

Glasgow University Graduates, by Addison, i. 259 Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, i. 400 Goethe : Hermann und Dorothea, viii. 456 Goimne's (A. B.) Traditional Games, Vol. II., ii.


Gomperz's (T. ) Greek Thinkers, vii. 259 Gonville and Caius College, by Venn, iii. 240 :

ix. 480 Gooch's (G. P.) Annals of Politics and Culture,

vii. 319

Gordon's (C.) Old Bailey and Newgate, x. 440 Gordon's (H. L.) Simpson and Chloroform, i. 180 Gough's (E.) Bible True from the Beginning, i.

200 Gower (J.) Complete Works, edited by G. C.

Macaulay, v. 58 ; viii. 176 ; x. 418 Gower's (Lord R. Sutherland) Tower of London,

ix. 38, 178 Grace Book B., Part I., ed. by M. Bateson, xii.


Graham's (A.) Roman Africa, x. 259 Graham's (R.) S. Gilbert of Sempringham and

the Gilbertines, viii. 56

Grammont's Memoirs, ed. by G. Goodwin, xi. 219 Grant's (A. J.) The French Monarchy, 1483-

1789, vii. 179

Gray (T.) Letters, ed. by D. C. Tovey, vi. 520 Great Masters, 1400-1800, xii. 378, 439, 479

Books recently published :

Greene's (W. T.) lairds of the British Empire, i. 240

Gregory's (Lady) Cuchulain of Muirthemne : the Men of the Red Branch of Ulster, ix. 458

Grey's (H.) Trowel, Chisel, and Brush, iv. 179; Pocket Encyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge, iv. 509

Grieb's Dictionary of the English and German Languages, edited by A. Schroer, ix. 279 ; x. 239

Grierson's (J. H.) Silent Trade, xii. 280

Griffiths's (E. H.) Lyra Fumosa, v. 467

Groome's (F. H.) Gypsy Folk-Tales, ii. 439

Gross's (C.) Bibliography of British Municipal History, i 100 ; ii. 119 ; Sources and Litera- ture of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485, vii. 100

Growoll's (A.) Three Centuries of English Book- trade Bibliography, xii. 178

Guingamor Sir Launfal - Tyolet The Were Wolf, rendered into English by J. L. Weston, vi. 419

Gwyn (Nell), Story of, by P. Cunningham, xii. 479

Hackwood's (F. W.) Christ Lore, x. 478

Hadden's (J. C.) George Thomson, i. 99

Haggard's (H. R.) Farmer's Year, iv. 339

Barnes's (C. H ) Complete Memoir of Richard Haines (1633-86), v. 219

Hakluyt's (R.) Principal Navigations, &c., Vols. I. and II., xii. 418

Hales's (Prof. J. W.) The Fame of King Alfred, xii. 159

Halifax (Marquis of), Life by Foxcroft, ii. 339

Hall's (H.) Mr. Pickwick's Kent, iii. 440

Hallett's (C.) Cathedral Church of Ripon, viii. 295

Hamilton's (Sir E. W.) Mr. Gladstone, ii. 440

Hampstead Annual, 1899, ed. by G. E. Matheson and S. C. Mayle, v. 100

Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society Transactions, 1898, iv. 39

Harbottle (T. B.) and Dalbiac's (P. H.) Diction- ary of Quotations (French and Italian), vii. 239

Harcourt's (L. V.) Eton Bibliography, i. 278

Hardy (W. J.) and Bacon's Stamp Collector, i. 219

Harris's (M. D.) Life in an Old English Town, i. 459

Harrison's (H.) Place-names of Liverpool Dis- trict, ii 120

Harrison's (W. G.) Some of the Women of Shake- speare, i. 500

Harrisse's (H.) Cabot, i. 460

Harvey (William), by Power, i. 59

Harvey's (Rev. A. J.) The Coming Unity : the Problem of the Churches, ix. 500

Hazlitt's (W. C.) Supplement to Coinage of European Continent, iii. 359 ; Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine, xii. 269

Headley's (F. W) Problems of Evolution, vii. 19 Healey's (C. E. H. C.) History of Part of West

Somersetshire, viii. 194

Heath's (F. G.) Fern World, i. 239 ; Autumnal Leaves, iii. 100