Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/52

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Books recently published :

Payne-Gall wey's (Sir R.) Crossbow, ix. 418 Peacock's (M.) Lincolnshire Tales, ii. 239 Pearson's (E ) Study in Philology, iii. 299 Peat's (A. B. N.) Gossip from Paris during the

Second Empire, xii. 358 Pembrokeshire Antiquities, ii. 139 Penn (William) Family of, by Jenkins, iv. 178 Pennell's (Mrs.) Over the Alps on a Bicycle, vi.199 Penny's (Mrs. F.) Fort St. George, Madras, vi.

220 Pepys's Diary, edited by H. B.Wheatley, Vol. IX.,

and Pepysiana, iii. 398 Percival's (J.) Agricultural Botany, Theoretical

and Practical, vi. 80

Perkins's (Rev. T.) Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory, v. 99 ; Churches of Rouen, vi. 519 ; Abbey Churches of Bath and Malmesbury and the Church of St. Lawrence, Bradford-on-Avon, viii. 115 ; Cathedral Church of Manchester, ix. 60 ; Amiens : its Cathedral and Churches, 260 ; Cathedral Church of St. Albans, xii. 340

Peters's (C.) King Solomon's Golden Ophir, iii. 40 Petty (Sir W.), Economic Writings, iv. 408 Phillimore's (C. M.) Dante at Ravenna, ii. 59 Phillimore (W. P. W.) Pedigree Work, vi. 179 Phillip (Admiral), by Becke and Jeffery, iv. 259 Phillipps's (F. M.) K rescoes in the Sixtine Chapel,

vii. 320 Phillips 's (M.) The Token Money of the Bank of

England, 1797-1816, vii. 499 Photograms of the Year, iv. 470 ; xii. 499 Pike's (G. H.) Oliver Cromwell and his Times,

iv. 160

Piper's (E.) Church Towers of Somersetshire, i. 518 ; ii. 199, 499 ; iii. 159 ; iv. 38 ; v. 117, 447 ; vi. 259 ; vii. 446 Pitt, by Lord Ashbourne, ii. 438 Playgoer, ed. by F. Dangerfield, viii. 356 ; ix. 80 Pleadings and Depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, ed. by H. Fishwick, v. 327; ix. 118 Plomer's (H. R.) A Short History of English

Printing, 1478-1898, vii. 59 Plumptre (E. H.). See Dcmte. Pope Anthology, 1701-44, edited by E. Arber,

iv. 529 Popular Ballads of the Olden Time, selected and

edited by F. Sidgwick, xii. 498 Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance, and Folk-lore, by Nutt and Arnold, vi. 520; by John and Faraday, x. 420 Porritt's (E.) Unreformed House of Commons

xii. 198

Portraits de 1'Enfant, viii. 515 . Potter's (M. A.) Sohrab and Rustem, x. 138 Power's (D'Arcy) William Harvey, i. 59 Powys (Mrs. Philip Lybbe), Passages from the

Diaries of, ed. Climenson, iv. 99 Prayer Book : Some Principles Historically Considered, by Legg, v. 179; First of King Edward VI., edited by V. Staley. xi. 360 Prescott's (W. H.) History of the Conquest o Mexico, ed. by Kirk, viii. 315 ; History of th Conquest of Peru, ed. by Kirk, ix. 259

Jooks recently published :

Provost's (E. W.) Glossary of the Dialect of

Cumberland, v. 259 Prideaux's (W. F.) Notes for a Bibliography of

Edward FitzGerald, viii. 456 Printers' Pie, xi. 499 Quarterly Review, ix. 399 ; xii. 179 Quennetl's (C. H. B.) Cathedral Church of

Norwich, i. 279 Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel, trans, by

Sir T. Urquhart and P. le Motteux, Introduc- tion by C. Whibley, v. 367 ; vi. 219 Raffety's (F. W.) Books worth Reading, iii. 500 Rait's (R. S.) Kingis Quair, ii. 180 Ramsay's (Sir J. H.) Foundations of England, ii.

478 ; Angevin Empire, 1154-1216, xii. 158 Rankin's (R.) Marquis d'Argenson and Richard

II., viii. 534

Rawle's (E. J.) Doones of Exmoor, xii. 139 Reade's (C.) Smith Family, xi. 80 Record Office Catalogue, Vol. II., ii. 100 ^ Records of the Borough of Leicester, edited by

Mary Bateson, iv. 139 ; x. 258 Red-Paper Book of Colchester, transcribed and

translated by W. G. Benham, x. 418 Registers of Burnley, 1562-1653, ed. by W.

Farrer, v. 407 Registers of Bury, 1590-1616, ed. by Rev. W. J.

Lb'wenberg and Henry Brierley, v. 407 Registers of Eglingham, in Northumberland,

1662-1812, transcribed by Miss K. A. Martin,

edited by H. M. Wood, v. 408 Registers of Ryton, in the County of Durham,

edited by Rev. T. Baily, x. 299 Registers of Wigan, 1580-1625, ed. by J. Arrow- smith ; Index by F. Wrigley, x. 59 Reid's (A. G.) Annals of Auchterarder, i. 420 ;

iii. 420 Reign of George VI., 1900-1925, with Preface

and Notes by C. Oman, iv. 429 Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, xi. 379 ;

xii. 318 Rhys's (J.) Celtic Folk-lore : Welsh and Manx,

vii. 158 Rhys (J.) and Jones's (D. B.) The Welsh People,

vi. 19, 131, 216, 297 Richard III., by Gairdner, ii. 178 Richardson's (R.) Coutts & Co., Bankers, v. 507;

vii. 260 Ridgeway's (W.) The Early Age of Greece, vii.

439 Rivett-Carnac's (Col. J. H.) Cup-marks as an

Archaic Form of Inscription, xii. 359 Roberts (A.) and Woodall's (E.) Gossiping Guide

to Wales, vi. 39

Robinson's (W. C.) Bruges, v. 448 Robson's (P. A.) Cathedral Church of St. David's,

vii. 440 Rochester and other Literary Rakes of the Court

of Charles II., x. 459

Roll of Alumni in Arts of the University and King's College of Aberdeen, 1596-1860, ed. by P. J. Anderson, viii. 56

Roper's (W.) Mirrour of Vertue in Worldly Greatnes, xii. 240