Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/60

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Bronte topography, vii. 469

Brooch of Lorn, its history, x. 268, 357 ; xi. 12

Brook and Brookes families, ix. 167

Brooke (A. S.) on Sir Humphery D'Wyvill, viii. 43

Brooke (Sir Arthur), inquired after, vi. 490

Brooke (H.) on Hwfa family, i. 289

Brooke (Henry), his ' Gustavus Vasa,' xii, 226

Brooke (Robert, Lord), his biography, ii. 165

Brooke (Thomas), author of verses, his family, iii. 425

Brooker (F. Gr.) on Margery, variant of Margaret, vi.

151 Brookes (Dr. William) and the Wenlock Olympian

games, v. 513

Brook's Market, its locality, v. 368 Brooks (F.) on felicitous misprint, ii. 145. Rutene,

xi. 28 Brooks (Phillips), D.D., window in St. Margaret's,

Westminster, xii. 1, 63, 123, 164 Brooks (Thomas), his biography, iv. 478 ; v. 54 Broom (John), of Poole, and Capt. Cook, vii. 48 Broseley pipes, collection of, viii. 104, 170 " Brotherhood of Fools," accounts of the, v. 95 ; vi. 32 Brothers bearing same Christian name, i. 446 ; ii.

51, 217, 276, 535; iii. 34, 438; iv. 74; v. 54, 322;

vi. 174 ; vii. 5, 91 Brothers Mayor and Town Clerk at same time, v. 8,


Brou, its church and whereabouts, iv. 280 Brougham (Lord), his confession, vi. 103, 234; his

reported death in 1839, xi. 206 Brown (A. R.) on R. L. Stevenson, v. 336 Brown (F.) on Sir Samuel Brown, 1660, viii. 385.

Cuckland, viii. 384. Prynne's ' Life of Laud,' xi.


Brown (G. M.) on bookbinding question, ii. 417 Brown (J.) on Lord's Prayer in verse, x. 190 Brown (J. R.) on Corney House, Chiswick, v. 138.

Danish Church, Wellclose Square, v. 492. Oglan-

der family, xi. 34 Brown (Lancelot), landscape gardener, his biography,

vi. 268, 355

Brown (Sir Samuel), 1660, of Arlesey, Beds, viii. 385. Brown (Tom) and Dr. Fell, iii. 87, 193 Brown (W.) on Kit-Cat portraits, x. 316 Brown (W. H.) on a domestic implement, i. 489.

Little Gidding : Stourbridge Fair, viii. 332.

Sewardstone, iii. 156

Brown family, vi. 28 ; ix. 228, 352 ; x. 217 Browne (D.) on Boniface the Bavarian, iii. 288. Irish

troops at first Crusade, i. 145. Lavinia, the name,

iii. 148. Smith (Sir Nicholas), ix. 193. " Tring,

Wing, and Ivinghoe," iii. 349. Browne (Edward George Kirwan), his biography,

i. 153 Browne (G. A.) on old church at Canterbury, v. 26.

St. Bees, ix. 267

Browne (R. H.) on Sheffield family, xi. 328. Browne (Sir Thomas), his ' Pseudodoxia Epidemica,'

viii. 81, 191, 270, 335; his skull, ix. 85; quota- tion in his works, x. 8 ; his marriage with Dorothy

Mileham, 427; xi. 12 ; his reference to Lipsius,

xi. 46

Browne (W. K.) on Paola Rolli, ii. 226. Browne (Wogan) and Romney, iv. 438 Browne family, vii. 389, 430

Browne family arms, ix. 290, 492 Browne-Mill family documents, iii. 347, 433 Browne-Mill (George Gavin), his biography, iv. 267 ' Brownie of Blednoch,' by W. Nicholson, viii. 442 Browning (Elizabeth Barrett) : J. R. Lowell on ' Aurora Leigh,' iii. 244 ; iv. 95 ; and Cowley, iv. 85 ; poem on Italian wars, vi. 448 ; her ' Sabbath Morning at Sea,' xi. 354

Browning (Robert) : passage in ' The Ring and the Book,' i. 32, 177 ; accented words in ' Muleykeh,' 366 ; reference in ' Pacchiarotto,' ii. 428 ; his ' La Saisiaz,' iv. 304 ; misprint in his works, 394 ; passage in 'Luria,' 516 ; * Meeting at Night ' and ' Parting at Morning,' 535 ; passage in ' Luria,' v. 55 ; intended emendation in his ' Parley ings with Christopher Smart,' 124 ; and Seneca, 167 ; first edition of his ' Paracelsus,' 188 ; " Hoti" in, 494 ; his ' Pied Piper of Hamelin,' vii. 148 ; lines in

  • Dls AHterVisum,' viii. 184, SOS ; his epilogue to

' Asolando,' ix. 47, 173, 276 ; and Ruskin, x. 328 ; "Green and yellow" in ' Sordello,' xi. 168; ' Quarterly Review ' on, 248 ; his use of the word "gallantry, "269, 511 Browning Society's publications, iii. 427 Bruce (George), his biography, iii. 348 Bruce (Michael), vii. 466 ; viii. 70, 148, 312, 388,527 ; Robert Burns, and John Logan, ix. 95, 209, 309, 414, 469, 512 ; x. 69, 130, 449; xi. 11, 132 Bruce (Robert), locket containing relic of, v. 85 ; his heart and Sir Simon Locard, vi. 186, 258, 392 ; and William Avenell, xi. 228 Bruce-Angier (C. J.) on Angier, Anger, or Aungier

family, vi. 169 Bruggencate (K. ten) on Goethe's ' Mason-Lodge,' ii.

37. ' Shakspeare and the Faust Legend,' iii. 147 Bruhl (Count de). d. 1855, memorial at Chingford,

xii. 189, 275, 331, 373

Brumell (Rev. E.), friendship of eighty years, viii. 341 Brummel (Beau) and Barbey d'Aurevilly, ix. 8, 96,


Brummell family, i. 248 ; ii. 94, 312 Brunanburh, site of, viii. 100, 150, 253 Brune (Marshal), his relatives and portrait, vi. 149 Brushfield (T. N.) on artists' mistakes, v. 33. Bath and Buxton, xii. 414. Booksellers' blunders, iv. 324. Broken on the wheel, vii. 196. Carrick, vii. 208. China (Emperor of), as ploughman, ii. 156. Church briefs, xi. 289. Clarke (W.). his projected work on natural history, i. 63. ' Comical Pilgrim's Pilgrimage,' iv. 27. Devonshire parish registers, iv. 106. Elizabethan worthies, their descendants, x. 310. Flogging at the cart tail, vii. 214. Gorges (Sir Ferdinando), xii. 252. Hair powder, ii. 147. Infectious disease among cattle, vi. 158. Pepys (Mrs. Samuel), xii. 18. Ralegh (Sir W.), engraved portraits of, v. 68 ; his signature, vii. 191 ; in America, xii. 250 ; his burial, xii. 289, 451. St. Augustine's chair, iv. 379. Song wanted, viii. 228. 'Soul's Errand,' x. 191. 'Vicar of Wakefield,' xi. 187. Wooden horse, military punishment, v. 253. Wright (Thomas), M.A., fl. 1685, vi. 335. Yeed or Yeedith, iii. 369 Brutus on ' Adeste Fideles, ' xi. 287. Gun, ix. 106. Metrical psalter, x. 54. Mint, the, iv. 506. Miss- ing statue, xi. 447. Nash, Richard, xii. 273,