Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/97

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Dryasdust, origin of the name, ii. 325 Dryden (John), sonnet on, iv. 143, 252 ; and other poets, v. 353, 482 ; his ' Absalom and Achitophel,' vi. 88 ; his house in Soho, viii. 262 ; his brother in America, 364, 471 ; his brothers, x. 149 ; on play- bills, xii. 248 ; on propagation of light, 504 Dryden (John), surgeon, of Jamaica, his biography,

xi. 29 Dryden (M.) on King, banker, xii. 29. Norton family,

x. 508. Reynolds, xi. 510 Dry den's oaks in Scott's ' Ballad of Rosabelle,' v. 149,


Drydeniana, iii. 165

Dryhurst, place-name, its etymology, ix. 366 Drywood, meaning of the name, xii. 327 Du Bois (S.), seventeenth-century painter, viii. 245,


Du Cane (Sir E. F.) on Desborough portraits and relics, viii. 497; ix. 175; x. 133. Royal personages, ix. 257

Du Cange on the cries of animals, x. 86 IDu Deffand (Madame), Walpole's letters to, i. 247 Du Plessy family, old French, i. 248, 432 Dual number, in provincial German, vii. 449, 517;

viii. 215

Dubious on animals in people's insides, xi. 467. In- geminate, xii. 49

Dublin, its liberties, i. 6, 171 ; Georgian inscription,

307 ; death-rate in, iii. 468 ; iv. 34 ; bleeding image

in Christ Church, iv. 127, 311, 407, 527 ; v. 55 ;

St. Michan's Church and Henry Brooke, xii. 226 ;

Mrs. Jordan's theatrical career in, 285, 418

Dublin booksellers, records of, viii. 184, 228, 428

Dublin parish registers, xi. 209, 272, 418

Dublin University and records of the Inquisition, i. 609

Dubois (Margaret) = Alexander Maclean, xii. 8

Duckett (Sir G. Floyd), Bart., his death, ix. 420, 447

Duckworth family of Lancashire, i. 228

" Ductus litterarum," its translation, ii. 407 ; iii. 193

Dude, its pronunciation in America, vi. 450 ; vii. 15 ;

its origin, xii. 92

Dudeney (H. E.) on Malachy Dudeny, v. 416 Dudeny (Malachy), his biography, v. 416, 479 Dudley family arms, iv. 398, 484, 545 Dudley family of Wiltshire, xi. 408, 496 Duel, in 1698, iv. 497 ; definition of, viii. 102 ; six- teenth-century, x. 48 Duels : in the Waverley Novels, i. 42, 169, 330 ; in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century, viii. 364, 491 ; ix. 94, 175 ; of clergymen, xi. 28, 92 353 ; xii. 54, 112

Duff (E. G.) on list of book sales, vi. 213. Smith (Richard) and his library, ix. 347. Solemne (Anthony de), first printer at Norwich, vii. 331 Duff (William), his biography, i. 129 ; iv. 328, 401

v. 28

Duffield (W. B.) on siege of Siena, i. 370 Duffy (Sir C. G.), his Two Hemispheres,' xi. 226 Duignan (W. H.) on Achill Island, vii. 133. Ash place-name, xii. 211. Birmingham: Brumagem, x 22. Cann Office,- viii. 451. English mile, v. 498 Hock- : Ocker-, xi. 208. Icknield Street, viii. 17 Preen, Salop, iii. 418. Salop, xii. 237. Signs, x 356. Walton, place-name, iii. 107. Woore, place name, v. 128 ; vi. 157 ; vii. 134

Duke, origin of the title, ix. 329, 455 Dukery, the, references to, vii. 369 )ukea or jukes, stablemen's term, v. 7, 92 )ulwich Gallery, portraits in, viii, 83, 134 )umas (Alexandra), p&re, ' The Son of Porthos,' vi. 69 ; passage in ' Lea Mohicans de Paris,' 329, 494 ; records of him in England, ix. 248 Dumas on cats and dogs, xii. 8 Dumont family, xi. 87 Dun in the mire, game, xii. 323 Dunant (Henri) and the Red Cross Society, iii. 225 Dunbar=Ogilvy,v. 69 Dunbar family of Grangehill, i. 88 ; iii. 6 Duncalfe family, xi. 289, 392, 476 ; xii. 270, 357 Duncan (Dr. D.), Huguenot minister at Barnstaple,

xii. 426 Duncan (R.) on painted and engraved portraits, viii.


Dundas (L. G.) on Dundas family, iii. 268 Dundas family, iii. 268 Dunfermline earldom, i. 78, 156 Dunheved on early mention of actresses, vi. 104.

"Adelphi drama": " Adelphi guest," vi. 186.

Blackheads, vii. 253. Cornburgh, Alured or Averay,

ii. 423. Cornish measures, xii. 384. Custice, viii.

16. George as a feminine name, ii. 473.

George IV.'s coronation rejoicings, x. 3. Hogen-

store : Hognor bread, iii. 265. Lift, early mention

of a, vi. 313. One and all," Cornish motto, v.

148 ; x. 168. Pock-fretten, iv. 514. Posts in

1677, i 326. Registrar, parish, iii. 167. Renfred,

Christian name, v. 460. Smith (Sir Nicholas), x.

353. Stickit or stickin minister, iii. 229. Dunkerley (T.), supposed son of George II., v. 106, 237 Dunkin (E. H. W.) on Standsfield, ix. 414 Dunlop (Rev. Sam.), settler in New York State,

1741, x. 88

Dunmow or Dunwich, a bishop's see, x. 44, 210, 312 Dunn (C.) on lineal descendant of John Wickliffe, vi.

33. Sister Churches, iii. 173 Dunn (E. A.) on German prophecy, xii. 330 Dunn (R.) on drawings by Sir John Gilbert, v. 108 Dunnet and Dunnett families, viii. 444. Dunnets of Scotland and of East of Anglia, viii. 45 Dunning (G. H. J.) on Augmentation Office, i. 368 " Duns " man, vii. 220 D unstable, Guild of St. John the Baptist, its register,

v. 187

Dunstable Court Leet, observance of, xii. 85 Dunter, its meaning, i. 34

Dunwich or Dunmow, a bishop's see, x. 44, 210, 312 Duppa (Bishop), his ' Cavalier Soldier's VadeMecum,

vi. 266

Dupuy family, xii. 147, 253 Durand (C. J.) on 16th Light Dragoons, i. 356.

4 The Red, White, and Blue,' iv. 503 Durbach (Anna Louisa), her poem on bride of

George III., xi. 444 Durham (Bishops of), their styles and titles, viii. 324,

493, 531

Durham Account Rolls, words in, iii. 221 ; vi. 235 Durham Cathedral, lectern in, viii. 483 ; ix. 135, 374 Durham topography, i. 53 Durie (W.) on shoehorned, its meaning, vii. 289 Duroy suits, iii. 145