Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/276

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[9 th S. I. APRIL 2, '98.

occur to a person after he has quitted a com- pany in which he has been engaged in some discussion ; that is to say, when he is half-way down the stairs he suddenly thinks of some telling repartee which he might have made or some clinching argument which he might have used, but failed to do so, and then he says to himself, "Oh, why didn't I say that?" But, alas ! it is too late. It has a Molierish look about it. PATRICK MAXWELL.


ALFRED WIGAN == LEONORA PINCOTT. Tallis's Dramatic Magazine gives as the date of marriage of these two well-known actors 5 August, 1839. On Wigan's death the Daily News and the Era said that the event took place in 1841. The Gentleman's Magazine is silent. Can the precise date be fixed 1


ROBERT FITZSTEPHEN sailed to Ireland in 1168 with Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, and Maurice FitzGerald. What descendants did he leave ? E. E. THOYTS.

Sulhamstead Park, Reading.

" SPALT." In what dictionary is this word to be found ; and what is its derivation ? The meaning hereabouts in the Eastern Counties is " short in texture," " easily broken," as a carrot may be snapped in two ; it is also used of wood. I have often heard the word, but never saw it in print till recently in the Agricultural Gazette, where a writer speaks of rhubarb as being tender and " spalt " (p. 254). WM. GRAHAM F. PIGOTT.

Abington Pigotts.

["<poft=brittle, tender" (Wright, 'Provincial Dictionary').]

LAW TERMS. What is the proper extension of the two law terms indicated in the follow- ing extract by abbreviations 1

" Breve Domini Regis de Recto patens Maiori et Ballivis de recte tenendo Willelmo filio Galfridi et aliis Q. versus Ricardum Allen deforc. de uno mes- suagio," &c.


HENDERSON. Can any one give me information about " Henderson of the Bush of Ewes"? In Dumfriesshire he is often spoken about ; but I have got nothing more satisfying about him than tradition. Was he descended from the family of Alexander Henderson ? FRANCIS HENDERSON.

DRAYCOT, co. WORCESTER. In looking over some notes on a family named Warner I find it stated that William, son of John Warner, was born at Draycot, and baptized on 8 July, 1627, in its parish church (Blockley). I beg

to ask if Draycot is at present known in the topography of Worcestershire, and whether it is a mere hamlet or the private country seat of some family. C.

AUTOGRAPHS. Can you tell me the best way of keeping autograph letters 1 I have tried several ways, but am not satisfied. If kept loose in an album, a leaf for each letter, the first careless person who turns them over leaves them in disorder, and perhaps dis- placed. Yet the charm of an autograph letter can only fully be found by taking it into the hands. W. HENRY ROBINSON.

CHAMBERS'S * INDEX OF NEXT OF KIN,' &c. Will some one kindly inform me where to write for the advertisements referred to in this book ? In the 1872 edition one is referred to an address in Brixton ; but a letter I addressed there has been returned to me by the Post Office. F. A. JOHNSTON.

18, Lower Sloane Street, S.W.

PORTRAIT OF SERJEANT JOHN GLYNN. Some years ago I saw an engraving of Serjeant-at- Law John Glynn who was Recorder of London 1772-1779. Could any reader inform me who was the engraver, and where I should be likely to obtain a copy 1 ROBERT GLYNN.

COINS. Can any of your readers help me to identify two pieces of money lately coine into my possession ? They are copper (I believe), not thicker than note-paper, and measuring a little more than half an inch across ; no date. On one side is a crown surmounting a harp ; round the edge the letters F. R. A. E. T. H., F. B., REX. On the reverse, a crown, with two daggers or swords crossed inside, the handles and points show- ing above and below the crown. Round the edge, CARO. D. G. MAG. BRI. The edges of the coins have apparently been clipped, so some letters are no doubt gone. The coins belonged to an old man aged ninety-three, who said

they were " mites.'


HERALDS' VISITATION OF HAMPSHIRE. Can any one tell me where I can obtain a copy of the Heralds' Visitations of Hampshire between 1530 and 1686 1 HENRY G. B. GOLDWYEE.

Kimberley, S. Africa.

DUCHIES OF SLESVIG-HOLSTEIN. Who were the last Danish Dukes of Slesvig-Holstein 1 What were their family names ? One lost his ducal rights about the year 1838 at the close of Frederick VI.'s reign. What was his family name? Count Capri vi asserted in the Reichs- tag that in the next war Germany would have to face Denmark on the question of the