Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/356

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Lady Wentworth, is in existence? The print after Kneller is well known, but where is the original full length vide Granger? EBOK.

' LE COMPARE MATHIEU.' I should be pleased to learn the name of the author of a book entitled ' Le Compere Mathieu ; ou, les Bigar- rures de 1'Esprit Humain.' The copy I have consists of three small volumes, and was printed in London in 1770, "Aux Depens de la Compagnie." I have seen the last two volumes of an edition published in Paris in 1803 or 1805; the first was unfortunately missing. I may add that the contents of this extraordinary work do not belie its title. I have vainly looked for information as to its authorship in the libraries to which I have access. JOHN T. CURRY.

[It is by 1'Abbe- Henri-Joseph Dulaurens, 1719-97, the declared enemy of the Jesuits, the author of ' Les J6suitiques,' ' Le Balai,' ' La Chandelle d' Arras,' and many other irreligious or scandalous productions, for which he was condemned by the Ecclesiastical Chamber of Mayence, in 1767, to im- prisonment for life, dying in the convent of Maria- baum. It was printed in 1766 in Holland, under the rubric of "Londres" or " Malte," and has been frequently reprinted in three volumes or four sometimes with illustrations after Horace Vernet and others. It was condemned in 1851 as outraging public and religious morality, and has been trans- lated into many European languages.]

JAMES NICHOLSON. Can any one give me the names of the father and mother of James Nicholson, of Durham, cordwainer, who died in 1681 ? S.

SOURCE OF ANECDOTE. What ancient sculptor was it who said, " The gods see it," when asked why he took such pains over the back part of a statue, which would be out of sight ; and where may the story be found ?

G. H. J.

HONGKONG AND KIAO-CHOU. Since the original sense of the names of three capital Chinese towns and territories viz., Pe-kin = northern town, Nan-kin = southern town, and Ton-kin = eastern town or territory (being of the same origin as To-kio=the eastern capital, in Japanese) has been established beyond all doubt, it seems desirable to ascer- tain the real meaning in Chinese of the above names. Hongkong is generally sup- posed to denote fragrant water. Is this explanation quite correct? And what does Kiao-Chou (or Kiao-Tschau, as the Germans spell it) mean in Chinese ? INQUIRER.

EIPLEY. Allen, in his 'History of York,' says that about 1378 A.D. Sir Thomas Ingilby married the heiress of the Ripley family, and thus acquired the estate, including Ripley

Castle, near Ripon. Can any one give me particulars of the Ripley family before that date ? Were Ripeslay and Rippell' (temp. King John) and Rippeling' (temp. Henry III.) the same name differently spelt ? What were the Ripley arms other than those given by Burke ? The name seems to have been spelt Repley occasionally. A. CALDER.

Alma Cottage, Lympstone, South Devon.

"FOOL'S PLOUGH." In Mackenzie's 'History of Northumberland' it is stated that some individuals formed a " fool's plough," and all the money they collected was given to build a bridge. What is a " fool's plough " ?


PORTRAIT OF BEN JONSON. Where can I find a portrait of Jonson (I think) with the motto "Hos ego versiculos fecit alter tulit honores"? F. J. BURGOYNE.

Brixton Oval, S.W.

REV.LOCKHART GORDON. Who was the Rev. Lockhart Gordon, who abducted Mrs. Lee (Lord le Despencer's illegitimate daughter) from her house in Bolton Row, Piccadilly, in January, 1804? Gordon and his brother Loudon were tried at the Oxford Assizes and acquitted. Their mother had gone to school with Mrs.

Lee at Kensington.

J. M. B.

JUDGE FAMILY. I am seeking information respecting the family of Judge in Somerset- shire, thought to have been located near Bath nearly two hundred years ago, and related to the Judges, D'Arcys, and Rochf orts of county Westmeath. I should be much obliged for any particulars, genealogical or otherwise, or for any references which would enable me to gather information. I am not aware of any printed pedigree from which the branch could be traced. ALICE STRONG.

RAOUL HESDIN. Is the 'Diary of Raoul Hesdin' (John Murray, 1895) a genuine docu- ment or a fiction ? If genuine, where and under what circumstances was it found ? The name of the writer of the preface is not given anywhere, and he is very careful not to give us any information as to how the MS. came into his hands. Nevertheless, in some respects it reads like a genuine document. M.

TALBOT MAUSOLEUM, DORKING, co. SURREY. Will some correspondent kindly furnish a full description of this structure, which stands in St. Martin's Churchyard, Dorking, includ- ing particulars of all interments, inscriptions, armorial bearings, &c. ? It was erected by Henry, fourth son of Dr. William Talbot, Bishop of Durham, subsequently to his pur- chase, in 1746, of Chert Park, near Dorking,