Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/530

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.

Alton Towers, catalogue of sale in 1857, 468 America, its discovery, and Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd,


American arms and motto, 469 American Presbyterian on Scotch probationer, 67 Anaconda, its derivation, 184 Anawl = and all, 446 Ancestors, definition of, 170, 272 Anchorites and low side windows, 186, 392, 493 Andrewes (W. F.) on 'Secret History of the Court,'

208 Andrews (H.) on Burmese wedding customs, 505

Christening new vessels, 317

"Corner," eighteenth-century, 306

Drowned bodies, their recovery, 465

Events, great, from little causes, 476

Geese emblems of constancy, 365

Gloves at fairs, 188

Howth Castle, 193

Lynch laws in modern use, 116

New Year's Day superstitions, 351

'Pinch of Snuff,' 307

Potteries, Roman, 196

Race, curious, 487

Scaffolding in Germany, 170

Stripper, its meaning, 471

Wedding eve custom, 367

Yeth-hounds, 295 Andrews (W.) on beards, 508 Andronicus on books printed at beginning of century,


Anecdote, its source, 348, 512 Angels, their traditional representation, 407 Angels as supporters, 15 Angelus bell, its theatrical observance, 143 Angus (G.) on short a v. Italian a, 258

Boni Homines, 338

Churches, ancient, their dedication, 337

Cope and mitre, 14, 351

Corpus Christi, 454

Gladstone (Mr.), his heraldry, 466

Indexing queries, 474

Lancashire customs, 274

" On the carpet, " 96

Registering births and deaths, 131

Sex, " devout female," 325

"Table de communion," 251

Anonymous Works :

Albania, a Poem, 129, ,209, 253

Compere Mathieu, 348

Flora Domestica, 425

Life and Exploits of Duke of Wellington, 168, 315

New Zealand, a Poem, 147

Pinch of Snuff, 307

Rockingham ; or, the Younger Brother, 187, 272

Rodiad, The, 132, 218

Secret History of the Court, 208, 331

Social Life in Time of Queen Anne, 258

Sylvan Sketches, 425 Anscombe (A.) on era in monkish chronology, 92

Paul of Fossombrone, 115 Aphorism, notable, 45 Apperson (G. L.) on '" Down to the ground," 292

Apple, Bath, 228, 317, 375, 435 Apulderfield family of Kent, 147 Arabic star names, 15, 35 Arabs and agricultural science, 147 Archbishops, their style, 389 Archer family, 47, 435

Armstrong (T. P.) on great events from little causes, 476

Huguenot cruelties, 197

Port Arthur, 437

"Providence on side of biggest battalions," 487

Staircases, houses without, 357 Army Lists, 1642 to 1898, 406 Arnold (General Benedict), his death, 429 Arnott (S.) on Cheltenham, 396

Friars, orders of, 168, 472 Art, British, and decorative design, 505 Artistry, new word, 85 Ascetic, its derivation, 227, 418 Askew (Anne), her examination, 274 Ass braying for tinkers' deaths, 46 Astarte on ' Blackwood's Magazine ' and Maginn, 122

" Derring-do," 506

Duels in Waverley Novels, 169

" Sable Bhroud," 445

Towton, battle of, 203

Valentines, early, 410 Astley (J.) on a missing Bible, 112

Cound, village name, 48

Dewsiers, its meaning, 493

Valentines, early, 474 Athelstan or St. Neot, his biography, 301 Atherley-Jones (L. A.) on Ernest Jones, 31 Attwell (H.) on book-borrowers, 366

" On the carpet," 26

St. Viars, imaginary saint, 448 Augmentation Office, rolls in, 368, 457, 497 Auld Kirk = whisky, 368, 492 Australia, old English customs in, 485 Australian flora and fauna, 383 Authors, great, works attributed to others, 84, 316 Authors, their obscurities, 464 ; juvenile, 492 Autographs, best way of keeping, 268, 336 Awdeley (Hugh), his biography, 185 Axon (W. E. A.) on Mrs. S. F. Adams and Mrs. Stowe, 363

Beckford (William), 404

Gladstone (W. E.) as a verse- writer, 481

" Medicus et pollinctor," 141

Newman (F. W.), 251

Tennyson (Lord), Italian translator, 503 Ayeahr on Bonaparte's threatened invasion of England, 72

Building customs, 73

Ferribosco (Col. Henry), 95, 293

Fives=mixed ales, 132

Friars, orders of, 338

Hasted's ' History of Kent,' 445

Hempsheres, place-name, 431

Highland dress, 411

Horns on helmets, 347

Host eaten by mice, 274

Inns, noblemen's, 412

Measurement, correct, 306

Northfleet, skirmish at, 388