Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/540

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.

Foster (V.) on Gainsborough's lost ' Duchess,' 346 Fourdrinier (D.) on ' Mediaeval Oxford,' 36 Fowke (F. R.) on Anne May, 88

New Year's Day superstitions, 249 France, genealogies of North-East, 46, 114 Franciscans, rule of life of Third Order, 408, 456 Frazer (W.) on Samuel Wilderspin, 332 French Embassy at Albert Gate, 164, 294 French Peerage, 15, 171, 478 French prisoners of war in the Savoy, 128, 212 French Psalter, early editions, 368, 492 French titles of nobility on sale, 308 Fret, vintner's word, 333 Friars, orders of, 168, 338, 472 Friars and monks, their difference, 364, 455, 513 Frobisher family, 508 Frog : " Cutting the frog," 303 Frost (T.) on Samuel Wilderspin, 332 Fry (E. A.) on monastic records, 249

Windows, low side, 392 Fry (J. F.) on " Nez a la Roxelane," 169 Fulham, biographical queries relating to, 9, 114 Funeral, gipsy's, 304 Funerals, trees burnt at, 266 Fynmore (E. J.) on Gentleman Porter, 33

James I. and the preachers, 433

G. (A. B.) on aristocratic ghosts, 134

Stewkley Church, Bucks, 58

Zodiacs, ancient, 103, 202 G. (H. F.) on arms of the see of Worcester, 427 G. (M. N.) on rifled firearms, 377

Kent (Duke of), 176

Pung, its meaning, 397

Tyrawley= Wewitzer, 373

Windward and Leeward Islands, 431 G. (R. F.) on Queen Charlotte, 407

' Courses de Festes et de Bagues,' 508 G. (T.), his identity, 157 G. (W. J.) on three impossible things, 368 G. (W. R.) on bicycles in thunderstorms, 350

Bookbinding question, 152 Gadsden (W. J.) on Lord Bo wen, 56

Holloway, manor house at, 81 Gaidoz (H.) on bookbinding and damp, 28

McLennan's ' Kinship in Ancient Greece,' 167, 217 Gainsborough (Thomas), at a country house, 68 ; his

lost ' Duchess,' 346 Galpin (G.) on low side windows, 392 Gamlin (Mrs. Hilda), her death, 320 ; on imported pictures, 104

Whalley (Dr. T. S.), 211 Garbett (E. L.) on bicycles in thunderstorms, 351

Foot measure, 496

Heraldry, its restoration, 491

Houses without staircases, 210

On or upon in place-names, 475

Winchester Cathedral, 206

Windward and Leeward Islands, 431 Gardiner (R. F.) on " Dressed up to the nines," 57

Tirling-pin, 18

Gasc (F. E. A.) on " Mascot," 312 Gates of London, 1, 431 Gaufre. See Gofer.

Gayer (Sir John), Governor of Bombay, his biography,


Geese, wild, as emblems of constancy, 365 Gentleman Porter, his office, 33, 50, 450 George = penny roll, 74 George II., his statue at Dublin, 307 Gerish (W. B.) on Christ's half dole, 129 Kitty -witches, 388 Mallei* family, 32 Rye House Plot, 68 Valentines, early, 410 German schools, secondary, 368 Germany, scaffolding in, 72, 170 Ge'rome (Jean Le~on), his ' Pollice Verso,' 445 Gervas (Robert), his biography, 207 Ghosts, aristocratic, 134, 175 Gibson (Rev. Charles Bernard), his biography, 308,


Giffard family and arms, 427 Gilmour (T. C.) on " Abraham's bosom," 516

Parnell pedigree, 511 Gipsy funeral, 304

Giraldo Cinthio, original edition, 147, 273 Glacial epoch and earth's rotation, 291, 335, 417, 457 Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.), bibliography, 436, 492; his heraldry, 466 ; coincidence on day of his death, ib.; nature's portrait of him, ib.; as verse- writer and translator, 481 Glanis on Stradling : Lewis, 408 Glass fracture, phenomenal, 14 Glendalough on St. Kevin and the goose, 467 Gloves at fairs, 188, 375, 492 Glynn (Serjeant John), his portraits, 268, 392 Glynn (R.) on De Kellygrew family arms, 269

Glynn (Serjeant John), 268 Godwin (G.) on Hugh Awdeley, 185 Basse (William), 161 Bracegirdle (Mrs.), 223 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' 66 Gomersall (Robert), 44 Sedley (Sir Charles), 32 Goethe (J. W. von), passage translated, 328; and Sir

Charles Murray, 363 ; his ' Mason-Lodge,' 428 Gofer and goffering iron, 367, 489 Goldwyer family, 127, 195, 428 Goldwyer (H. G. B.) on * Reading Mercury,' 428 Gomersall (Robert), his will, 44 Gordon (Rev. Lockhart) and Mrs. Lee, 348 Gorgotten, artist, his biography, 467 Goudhurst, Kent, its derivation, 87, 154, 337, 374,

418, 472

Gould (I. C.) on Queen Boadicea, 94 Ringers, their articles, 424 Shot of land, 454 Grahame (J.) on "Bill, the whole Bill," 112 Grave : Vin-de-grave, 52 Graves (A.) on Lady Elizabeth Foster, 194

Sir J. Reynolds's 'Mrs. Pelham,' 13 Gray (Sibyl) and her well, 508 razzini (Anton Francesco), his ' Seconda Cena,' 507 reek type, early, 287 Greek-German lexicon, 69 Teen table, its meaning, 156 reen (C.) on memorial figure sculpture, 74 Grresham law, 308