Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/85

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AN. 22, '98.]



)bserves : " This lady had a bishop to her rather, an archbishop to her father-in-law 'our bishops to her brethren, and an arch- jishop to her husband." The four brethren were H. Westphaling, Bishop of Hereford W. Day, for eight months Bishop of Win chester ; W. Overton, Bishop of Lichfield and W. Wykeham, for three months Bishoj of Winchester. William Day, who succeedec his brother-in-law at Winchester, was himseli brother to George Day (t!556), the deprived but restored, Bishop of Chichester.

There were the Abbots Kobert, Bishop oj Salisbury (11618), and George, Archbishop of Canterbury (t 1 633) forming, with Sir Maurice Abbot, the Lord Mayor (t!642), that " happy ternion of brothers."

There were the Barnards, father and son : William Barnard, Bishop of Deny (11768), who married a sister of Archbishop Stone, of Armagh, and Thomas Barnard, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe (tl806), he of whom Dr. Johnson testified

My whole is a man in whose converse is shared

The strength of a Bar and the sweetness of Nard.

" Titus, the delight of mankind," otherwise Dr. Martin Benson, Bishop of Gloucester (t!752), married a sister of Archbishop Seeker. Bishop Bisse, of Hereford (tl721), was "a sacerdotum stemmate per quinque successiones deductus."

The Boyles form two episcopal groups. Michael Boyle (H702). successively Archbishop of Dublin and Armagh, the creator of the town of Blessington, was son of Richard Boyle (tl644), Archbishop of Tuam, and nephew to Michael Boyle (t!635), Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. The brothers Richard and Roger Boyle were respectively Bishops of Ferns and Leighlin and of Clogher ; and Bartholomew Vigors (t!721), Bishop of Ferns and Leighlin, was their sister's son.

For exact information as to the degree of relationship between the two Bishops Carleton, of Chichester the Calvinist George Carleton (t!628), whose son developed into a violent hater of Episcopacy, and Guy Carleton (t!685) I should be grateful. In his ' Sussex Worthies' Mark Anthony Lower found himself unable to clear up this point. I believe Bishop Guy to have been a son of, or first cousin to, Bishop George Lancelot Carleton, who abode in his native Cumberland.

Denison Cumberland, Bishop of Kilmore and father of Richard, the dramatist, was grandson to Pepys's friend Richard Cumber- land, Bishop of Peterborough (t!718).

John Dolben, Archbishop of York (t!686), was great-nephew to John Williams, also Archbishop of York, and married a niece of

his consecrator, Archbishop Sheldon. The bishopric of Bangor, intended, it is said, for his father, William Dolben, was in 1631, the year of the latter's death, conferred on his kinsman David Dolben.

Of the aristocratic Egertons we have Henry (t!746), Bishop of Hereford, and his son John (t!787), Bishop of Durham.

There are the two Fleetwoods : James (11683), Bishop of Worcester, and his nephew William, Queen Anne's " my bishop," whom she appointed Bishop of St. Asaph without his knowledge, and who died Bishop of Ely in 1723.

Robert Fowler, Archbishop of Dublin (t!801), was father to Robert Fowler, Bishop of Ossory, and to Frances, wife of Richard Bourke, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, who was son to Joseph, third Earl of Mayo and Archbishop of Tuam.

Joseph Hall, the poet and satirist, though in 1624 he refused Gloucester "with most humble deprecations," became three years later Bishop of Exeter, dying Bishop of Norwich in 1647 ; and of his four clerical sons, George (t!668) became Bishop of Chester.

The Hoadleys have been referred to in your columns.

Of the two Gilbert Ironsides, both father and son were Bishops of Bristol, the latter finding, moreover, his wife in "a fair and comely widow of Bristol," though at his death, thirty years after his father, in 1691, he had been for the last ten years Bishop of Hereford.

Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, was nephew to Cardinal John Kempe, who had also been Bishop of London (1421-26) before his translation to York and Canterbury.

John King, Bishop of London (1611-21), great-nephew to Robert King (t!557), the Bishop of Oxford, who sat at Cranmer's trial, was father to Henry King (t!669), the poet Bishop of Chichester. Dr. Edward King, the reigning Bishop of Lincoln, is, if I mistake not, the grandson of the Bishop of Rochester, Walter King (t!827), a great-nephew to Dr. Thomas King (t!801), who was Chancellor of Lincoln.

And here, with the return to our own times Deplete, by the way, with interesting instances), this note, which threatens to exceed all bounds, shall close. Or may I yet append a threefold query? I should be grateful for an exact identification of the sisters of Archbishops Seeker and Stone who married Bishops Benson and Barnard, no less than for the parentage of Guy Carleton, the second Bishop of that name of Chichester.

H.W. New Univ. Club.