Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/372

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NOTES AND QUERIES. V* s. x. NOV. s, 1902.

SCOTTISH CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FIRST SERIES OP ' NOTES AND QUERIES.' (See Jubilee Number, 9 th S. iv. 361, 391, 533 ; v. 89, 197 ; x. 252.) As it will become increas- ingly difficult for readers to identify early contributors to 'N. &, Q/,' I send the following short list of Scottish contributors to the First Series. If you should think it worth printing, perhaps it may induce some correspondent to send a longer and better one.

"D. Brewster" (vi. 80) was Sir David Brewster, K.H., LL.D., Principal of St. An- drews University, died 1868.

" R. Carruthers " (ix. 568 ; x. 239 ; xi. 7, 8, 203, 327 ; xii. 199, 379) was Robert Car- ruthers, editor of the Inverness Courier for fifty years, and author, died 1878.

" R. Chambers " (xii. 8) was Robert Cham- bers, publisher and author, died 1871.

" W. H. F." (ii. 309 ; iv. 350, 440, 501 ; x. 240 ; xi. 182 ; xii. 86, 254) was William Henry Fotheringhame, Sheriff-Clerk of Orkney.

"G. J. R. G." (vi. 6) was George John Robert Gordon, of Ellon, Aberdeenshire ; in the diplomatic service.

"David Laing" (iv. 174) was Librarian of the Signet Library, Edinburgh, and author, died 1878.

kt J. L." (vii. 441, 559 ; viii. 155) was James Laurie, Town Clerk of Edinburgh.

"J. L." (iii. 141; iv. 410, 473; v. 448) was John Lee, D.D., LL.D., Principal of Edin- burgh University, died 1859.

"W. Bell Macdonald" (vi. 299) was pro- prietor of Rammerscales, Dumfriesshire.

"J. M." (x. 65, 67, 264, 323; xi. 248, 265, 312, 408, 413, 424, 426, 462 ; xii. 404, 413, 417, 441) was James Maidment, advocate and author, died 1879.

" W. H. M." (vi. 299) was William Hugh Murray, a Deputy-Lieutenant, Ross-shire.

"W. H. S." (iv. 327, 427; v. 149, 450, 490; vi. 544) was W. H. Scott, M.D., Curator of Coins, Scottish Society of Antiquaries.

" J. A. S." (xii. 481) was J. A. Smith, M.D., Secretary to the Scottish Society of Anti- quaries.

" T. G. S." (iii. 38 ; iv. 213, 329, 343, 509 ; v. 89, 208, 283 ; vi. 300 ; vii. 507 ; viii. 326, 453, 521 ; xi. 36, 151, 154, 214 ; xii. 88, 95, 366) was T. G. Stevenson, antiquarian book- seller, Princes Street, Edinburgh.

" W. B. D. D. Turnbull "(i. 157) was William Barclay David Donald Turnbull, advocate, and author, died 1863. W. S.

JACOBUS EBER, OP STRASSBURG. I have had for some years among my papers, awaiting the " convenient season " for a closer examination, an undescribed issue from the press of Jacobus

Eber, of Strassburg, circa 1483. It is a folio tract of St. Thomas Aquinas, which claims a place as one of the Strassburg incunabula. Finding that it was unknown to Hain, Copinger, and Proctor, I showed it to my friend the librarian of the John Rylands Library, Mr. Henry Guppy, M.A., who, with his customary courtesy, saved me further research by identifying it as a product of the press of Eber of Strassburg. The tract may be thus described :

[Fol. 2 r.] Incipit Summa edita a sancto Thoma de aquino | De articulis fidei & ecclesie sacramentis.

[Fol. 10 v.] Incipit tractatus de p'iculis que con- tingu't circa sacramen | tu' eukaristie & de remediis eoru'dem ex dictis sancti Thome |

[Fol. 12 v.] Incipit Tractatus Thome de judeis ad petito' | nem Comitisse flandrie.

[Fol. 14 v.l Explicit Su'ma edita a Sancto Thoma de aquino. de articulis | fidei & Eccl'ie sacrame'tis. argentine imp'ssa. unacu' duob' tracta- | tibus a'nexis. Quor' primus tractat de p'iculis que co'tingunt cir | ca sacrame'tum eukaristie. & de remediis eoru'dem. Scd's vero de | judeis ad petit'onem Comitisse flandrie. Ex dictis sancti Thome. |

Strassburg [Jacobus Eber, circa 1483].

Fol., 14 leaves without pagination, signatures, or title-page, 39 lines to the full page.

Col. [a] 8, [b]6, of which [ajl blank.

The leaves are somewhat stained in the ample margins, and an industrious bookworm has left evidences of his labours. The blank spaces left for the capital letters have not been filled by the rubricator. The type used is identical with that in the edition of the 'Scala Coeli' of Joannes Junior, which, as the colophon informs us, was printed at Strassburg by Eber in 1483. There are only three books besides the 'Scala Cceli' recorded by Proctor as the work of this printer, and they are all three undated. His fetter R is unlike that of any other typo- grapher. The tract now described makes the number of books known to have come from Eber's press five. Mr. Guppy has not been able to trace any copy of this edition of the ' Summa de Articulis Fidei ' except that in my possession, and I have been equally unsuc- cessful. It is, of course, no novelty to find oooks that have escaped the notice of Hain, lotwithstanding the extent and accuracy of iis work. The remarkable catalogues of 31schki, Rosen thai, Voynich, and others con- tain many finds of this nature. It is, how- ever, desirable, I think, that all omissions should be recorded for the use of biblio- graphers.* I therefore send this note as a

  • Since this was written Cay. L. S. Olschki has

jommenced in his interesting bibliographical

ieriodical La Bibliofila a department for the

description of "Les livres mconnus aux biblio-

raphes." (See vol. iv. p. 167.)