Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/428

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. x. NOV. 22, 1902

less, it will appeal to a large number of readers. Its text and general appearance remain worthy of all praise.

Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance, and Folk- lore. No. 11, The Mabinogion. By Ivor B. John, M.A. Nos. 12 and 13, Parts 1 and 2, The Edda. By Winifred Faraday, M.A. (Nutt.) THREE more parts have been added to this admir- able series of '* Popular Studies in Mythology." Besides instructing the reader in what works he may best study the respective subjects, these brochures give the latest results of critical inves- tigation. The first of Miss Faraday's introductions to ' The Edda ' deals with the divine mythology of it, and the second with the heroic. Both are useful in enabling the student to disentangle the expression is scarcely too strong the various deities and heroes. Mr. John mentions a French transla- tion of ' The Mabinogion ' by M. Loth which is more faithful than the rendering of Lady Charlotte Guest, in which, for the sake of delicacy, passages are softened and sometimes omitted. He should not speak of Lady Charlotte Guest as Lady Guest. A critical edition of ' The Mabinogion ' is said to be required.

Dramatic Lyrics and Romances, and other Poems.

By Robert Browning. (Frowde.) To the " Oxford Miniature Edition," printed on the unsurpassable India paper, have been added Browning's lyrics and romances, ' In a Balcony,' and other works, selected from 'Pauline' (1833), 'Poems' (1849), 'Christmas Eve and Easter Day' (1850), and ' Men and Women ' (1855). A delightful work it is, a veritable pocket classic. As one with shelves overloaded and congested, one cannot but feel that if all books could be printed on this delightful paper our libraries might hold double the number 01 books they now contain.

The Lost Manuscript of the Reverend Lewis Ron has been reprinted at the Landi Press, Florence, from 'N. & Q.' of 19 July (9 th S. x. 41-3), with addi- tions and comments. The writer still seeks in- formation concerning the present whereabouts of the missing chess manuscript, which he hopes may be sent to us or to the Librarian of Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, New York.

MESSRS. CASSELL & Co. have begun anew edition, revised and enlarged, of their admirable Encyclo- pedic Dictionary, the value of which remains un- surpassed by competition. It will be issued in nionthly parts at 6d. net, with seventy-six coloured illustrations executed especially for this issue, and with a supplementary volume. The first coloured illustration is a capital picture of anemones. For the purposes of the general reader a more useful compilation does not exist.

To Blackie's " Little French Classics" have been added a delightful selection from Daudet's early works and some edifying passages from Buffon. The series is excellent for school purposes and for self-instruction.

DEATH OF MR. SAMUEL TIMMINS, F.S.A., J.P. One of the most conspicuous and popular of Bir- mingham citizens passed away on the 12th inst. in the person of Samuel, or, as he preferred to be called, Sam Timmins. Member of a firm of Bir- mingham manufacturers, Mr. Timmins, who was

born on 27 February, 1826, and educated at the Edgbaston Proprietary School, in the intervals of work wrote in the Birmingham Journal, a weekly periodical which preceded the Birmingham Daily Post, dramatic criticisms, essays, descriptions, and other matter. Under the signature Este, long familiar in our columns, he contributed to the Weekly Pout a column of local notes and queries. In 1866 he edited and wrote in ' The Resources, Products, and Industrial History of Birmingham.' A student of Shakespeare and a keen collector of books, he edited a reprint of the two texts of ' Hamlet,' became a member of various Shakespeare societies at home and abroad, and took a great part in founding the Birmingham Free Reference Library. After its destruction by fire he was largely instrumental, by his exertions and his gifts, in forming it afresh. He was also a trustee of Shakespeare's birthplace, and took an active part in the social, municipal, and literary life of Bir- mingham. A warm supporter of George Dawson, he undertook, at the request of the family, to write a life of this famous teacher, and had made some progress with the work, when it was destroyed in a fire. In 1889 he contributed to Stock's series of " Popular County Histories " a ' History of Warwickshire ' (see ' N. & Q.,' 7 th S. ix. 219). In the Second Series of 'N. & Q.' his name appears to communications chiefly on Shakespearian subjects, and he continued to write in our pages, under his own signature or that of Este, until his retirement through failing health from active life. The last communication that can be traced from his pen is on ' The Chevalier d'Eon,' 8 th S. xi. 344. Mr. Timmins was a highly cultivated man, and might be regarded as a model citizen. Full particulars concerning his career may be found in the Birmingham Daily Post for the 13th inst.

goiicts to Comstron&fttts.

We mtist call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to

Eut in parentheses, immediately after the exact eading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

M. T. MARTIN ("Cupid," &c.). From Lyly's ' Cupid and Campaspe,' Act III. sc. v.


Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lisher " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

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