Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/113

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9 th S. XI. FBB. 7, 1903.]



" As if every man had the power of a Magistrate, to cut off him whom the People had devoved. P. 81.

" And pray'd a Bill might confirm it, to remove this Block out of the way, in which all Controver- sies would be sopited." P. 82.

" Long Speeches, full of hydropical swellings, took up the time to delay it." P. 83.

" Wo is to us, this Rupture was not a Date-stone, but a Mill-stone, whose Consequences have grounded us to Dust." P. 84.

" Yet is now impeach'd for taking the Gratuity of a Saddle, a piddling Trifle." P. 88.

" Neither was it a little Breath that could shake him from his Stalk, like a Douny Blow-ball." P. 90.

" All the rest of the Articles were goll-sheaves, that went out in a suddain blaze." P. 92.

" There would be no end to repeat with how many Quarrels this unfortunate Bishop was provok'd, yet his Adversaries did but dry-ditch their matters, and digged in vain." P. 98.

"No good Physician will try Experiments upon an accrased Body." P. 100.

" Therefore a Mind that was not degenerous, had rather provide for Dignity than Safety." P. 100.

" As if he had lighted upon one of the Oenethliaci, or Figure-Casters, that never portend a good Horo- scope to any." P. 115.

"Not reckoning by his Maundings and rough Language, which came from him to please the supervising Prelate." P. 116.

" After a long Argument of five hours at the least,

the Court did all vote that the Defence should

remain undispunged"'?. 120.

"Perhaps it may be with them as with Straddles in a Wood."-P. 126.

" So this bitter flam was but a leaden Dagger, and did not wound." P. 129.

" And when all the Stuff in the Letters are scann'd what Fadoodles are brought to light ? "P. 131.

" To slide this Cause with the most sly advantage into a hearing, Lincoln is kept in close Imprison- ment from All-hollantide till the end of Christmas." -P. 131.

"Lucilias had a scornful name given him by

the Military Dicacity of his own Company." P. 133.

"Strange Physick as ever was prescribed, for it was a Pill as big as a Pumpion."P. 136.

" Nay, when the stub of the Members were baffled, and spurn'd out of the House by the Ruffian Crom- well. ' r -P. 139.

" The rowlings and reciprocations of Fortune were strong on both sides." P. 140.

" So these were of no reckoning in the first sally of the tumultuous times, and such Ignotes were not courted, but pass'd over as a Pawn at Chess, that stood out all of Play." P. 144.

" Shall these crooked Rules obliquate those loyal Maxims, which are so strait in St. Paul?" P. 145.

" So Lesly and his Tykes were bloody and imperious." P. 149.

"He could not upon the known Law, which is the Merastone to limit and define all Causes for Life, Limb, Liberty, or Living." P. 149.

" If this Earl [Strafford] had not climb'd as high as the Weather-cock of Honours Spire, he had not known the Horror of a Precipice." P. 149.

" Ear-wiggs and Whisperers are no Counsellors."

"Which Pope Alexander, a notable Boutefeuoi those times in the Church of God, did tolerate, though not approve of ; as he apostyles that Article with his own Hand." P. 156.

" The Bishop pray'd the King to remember, that those Lowns had been in Hubbubs, and Covenants, and Arms two years together." P. 163.

" Win them man by man, inch by inch, somewhat may be gotten out of small pieces of business, nothing out of supervacaneous" P. 163.

" That he must not be a Steward to a Nobleman in his House ; and all the rest of this Palea and Garbage. "-P. 172.

"And when this was blown abroad, how the Trunch-men of the Uproar did/eer, and make riierry with it ! "P. 179.

"The Presbyterians, those Scalda-banco 's, or hot Declamers." P. 182.

" Young men lived idly, which made them want, and therefore were ready for Bustles and Commo- tions to boot-hale and consume." P. 182.

" In succession of days, none sate there before he had taken an Oath to bear true Ligance to him and his Heirs. "-P. 191.

"The resignation of that which preceded is, it looks not all like Popery than Presbyterism was disdained by the King." P. 197.

A. S.

THE BURIAL OF SIR JOHN MOORE. The following appeared in Truth, January 29th :

" One of my readers suggests that the historical inaccuracy in the poet's allusion to the 'dead of night ' and the ' struggling moonbeams ' is entirely attributable to the fact that the poem is not an original one, but a translation. He gives the following as the original, and says that it has reference to the burial of Col. de Beaumanoir at Pondicherry on December 8, 1760 ; but as he states that he gives the last fact from memory I dare say there will be room for still further corrections :

De minuit c'etait 1'heure et solitaire et sombre, La lune offrait a peine une debile rayon ;

La lanterne lusait peniblement dans 1'ombre,

Quand de li baionnette on creusa le gazon ! " Perhaps some reader of * N. & Q.' can give further particulars as to the French poem. The Rev. Charles Wolfe, the author of " Not a drum was heard," was born in Dublin, 1791, and died in 1823. A. N. Q.

[At 8 th S. viii. 145 was printed from the 'Edin- burgh Annual Register ' the passage wl^h inspired Wolfe to write his poem. Proof of this fact was supplied by MB. C. C. DOVE at 9 th S. vii. 463, so that Truth's correspondent has been misled by trusting to his memory instead of verifying his impressions by reference to ' N. & Q.']

"TAGNICATI," ZOOLOGICAL TERM. Every one who has corrected proofs knows what a fruitful source of error is the resemblance between the script n and u. Out of this one element of confusion have arisen many "ghost- words," but none more interesting than the zoological term which heads this note. TaHicati is a word of the Guarani language, the name of a kind of peccary, native in Paraguay. French naturalists wrote it tagnicati, substituting their gn for Spanish n. This legitimate orthography is to be found in many works of reference. It