Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/151

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9 th S. XI. FEB. 21, 1903.]



Appstil, v. (later). 1897, Gairdner, note, ii. 238, " This letter is apostyled in the handwriting of John Paston."

Appeachment. Somner in 'N.E.D.' should be Lomner.

Approvement. 1450, i. 131, " approwement of my londys. Also i. 174.

Articularly. 1459, i. 462.

Aspersion. 1459, i. 459, "and in the vertwe of the aspercion of Hise holy blood."

Assenting, vbl. sb. 1459, i. 457.

Assertion. 1425, i. 22, "the informacion and assercion of the seyd John."

Assist. 1432, i. 33, " that thei shul fermely and trewely assisten him in the excercise of the charge." Also 1452, i. 235 ; and 1461, ii. 30.

Astrict. 1459, i. 453, "the priour and covent of

Hiklyng be bounden and astrict be wryting

undyr here covent sealys to paye yeerly."

Attaint, sb. (law). ? 1447, i. 65.

Attempt, v. 1451, i. 214, "for to atempte and rere accions." Also 1452, i. 242.

Attestation. 1465, ii. 223, " the deposicionys and attestacionys off the wytteness."

Attornment. 1479, iii. 262, " I sent no word to hym to take no mony of theym [tenants] but ther attornement."

Attrochid (=atreach?). 1450, i. 101, "the seid

Charles. hath made open werr a yenst you in

your seid realme of Fraunce, and hath it attrochid unto hym."

Audit, v. 1457, i. 415, "to audyt the accompts of the resseyt and despense of my maister housold."

Augmentation. 1459, i. 449.

Available. 1444, i. 54.

Awarding (also vbl. sb.). 1450, i. 159.

Bail, sb. 1, sense 4. 1450, i. 154, "there to abyde with outen bayle or maynprice."

J B^e,s=baleen, 1489, iii. 347.

Bath. 1494, iii. 384, "thes be the namys that war mad Knytes of the Bath."

Benefactor. 1451, i. 227, " anye benefactor that avauncyth hem wyth londs."

Benote, v. 1 (later). 1459, i. 453, " with placebo, and derige, and messe of requiem benote for the soule of Dame Mary."

Black book. 1465, ii. 221, " the certeyn somme is writen in my blak book of foreyn reseytes that yere."

Blank, a. (sense 2). 1459, i. 456, " a blanke letter in parchemyn." Ibid., "blank chartrys.'*'

Board, v. (sense 9). 1465, ii. 197, "and they for to go to bord with the prustes."

Bondholder. 1 1466, ii. 283.

.Brewdeto.s-Brandreth. 1465, iii. 435.

Bribe, sb. (sense 2). 1451, i. 216, "but he [the sheriff] lokyth aftyr a gret brybe."

? Brunt, v. 1460, i. 534, " and for be cause of that he bronde me every day be John of Berney."

Capias. 1451, i. 222, "As touchyng the capias ageynst Pertrich."

Capital, sb. 2. 1467, ii. 336, "Item, for fiorysh- ynge of capytallis, v vrf."

Carrier (sense 3). 1465, ii. 220, "The berer of this lettir is a comon carier."

Carvel 1458, i. 429.

Casewell=ca.sua.\, i. 459.

Certificate. 1450, i. 136, "the certificat of the Dean of Poulys."

Certiorari. 1451, i. 222, "I send yow the cer- ciorari"

Challenge (law).? 1447, i. 65,

Chamber (sense 7). 1454, i. 286, "the seid Anneys shall bere the costages thereof the day of the weddyng, with swech chaumbeyr as shall be to the plesir of the seid Anneys."

Chamberlainship.l<l5Q, i. 128, " the Chamber- ley nship of Inglond."

Chancery-hand. 1448, i. 76, " Wrytyn with my nouoe chaunsery hand, yn hast." Also 1454, i. 285.

Chargeable. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxx, "a more strate nor chargeable prefe."

Chase, sb. (not in). 1459, i. 488, "Item, j. quar teler argenti, percel gilt, with j. chase a bought of rosys and levys."

C7mrtfy=shortly, i. 219.

Clue (so spelt).-1465, ii. 235.

Codicil -1459, i. 458, "articlys be me expressyd and conteynid in the seyd my codicill or codicillys."

Coercion. A. reference to Rolls of Parl. v. 346 in i. Introd. Ixxvi.

Commission (sense 3b). 1462., ii. 104, "Debenham hathe a comyscion of the Kyng expressed oonly for that schip named in hes comyscion."

Commotion. 1452, i. 242, "which causyth gret

comocyon in the seid shire."

CompellaUe. 1459, i. 448, " compellabill suffi- ciently in lawe."

Compert. 1456, i. 379, "my Maister Fastolf com- pert is spedde and demyd in the Exchequyer for hym a yens the Kyng."

Complainant. 1451, i. 212, " ther was nat one of the pleyntyfs ner compleynuantez ther."

Compromise, v 1450, i. 105, " the seid Duke of

Suffolk sufferd and causid the seid Duke of

Bretayne to be compremysid of the party of the seid Charles as his subget, frende, and allye."

Concern. 1459, i. 462, "all that concerneth or perteyneth to the fundacion of a college."

Conduit (sense 4).-1454, i. 288.

Confessional. Circa 1500, iii. 407, " Item, a confes- sionall, ijs."

Contenu.l 1451, i. 184, "I pray vow to be

right sadly adyysed of the coutynue of a bille of instruccion closid her ynne."

Contributory. 1461, ii. 77.

Control. 1451, i. 212, " Yelverton countrolled

the seid Prisot when he seid," &c.

(7oscAo?/w cup-shotten, ii. 327.

Corrigible. 1451, i. 189.

Courageously. 1 ! 1460, ii. 87.

Credibly. 1452, i. 229, " his Highnesse ys credy- byly enformyd."

Cuirass. 1450, s.v. Brigander in ' N.E.D.'

Curt baron (= ?). Circa 1500, iii. 406 (Inventory), "Item, iiij. gownes, xxvjs. viij^. Item, a curt baron, xld. Item, iij. gyrdylles, vjd."


Redmorion, Woodside Green, S.E. (To be continued.)


(See 9 th S. vii. 461; xi. 105.) 1. Authorship. In Blackwood 's Magazine for March, 1826, there is on pp. 323 to 334 an able review of Russell's * Life and Remains of Wolfe,' at the conclusion of which the reviewer called upon Russell to produce proofs that Wolfe had written 'Sir John Moore,'