Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/172

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. XL FEB. 28, 1903.

Defensibly1459, i. 438.

Delegacy.-U19-W, iii. 268, " the frere will sew nodir delegaci fro Rome."

Delivery. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxx, " the delyverey of the Toun of Cales." Ibid., " at the delyverey of

-2).-14 5 -2, i. 242, "that thei that be gilty may be ponysshed acordyng to her de-

e >lriance.-Circa 1468, ii. 324, " the said Paston shall have a loggyng withoute denyance ot

^Denunciation. 1453, i. 260, "the denuacicions ayenst him

Departure. 1460, i. 505, "we cam to London uDDon the Tewysday by none, nexst aftr our de- partour fro Norwich." Also 1468, ii. 331.

Deposition (sense 5). 1465, ii. 198.

Deservitor (not in). 1452, i. Introd. Ixxvii, " m ponisshment of deservitours and excuse of inno- cencie."

Defray. Ull, iii. 5.

Diffuse, v. 1456, i. 380, "for the matter was defused and dubble intendemeutz after dyverse mennys appynyons."

Dimiss. 1460, i. 533, "in to the tyme that myn maister and ze have dimisse me wit myn suerte." Cf. dismiss, deriv.

Discharge, sb. 1451, i. 195.

Discomforture.U6l, ii. 60, " weche was to me ryght greete hevyues and discomforture nough in my trouble."

Discontinue. 1450, i. 158.

Discourage, sb. 1479, iii. 266, "wher in I have as yet non other dyscorage."

Discouraging. -1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxix, " to the grete discoragyng of the soudiours of the said Toun."

Disopered (? not in). 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxviii, " [he] made more strong and fortified diverse places disopered by youre commaundement."

Displease, sb. (not in). 1475, Hi. 146, " in somoche

as he is not of power t'abide the disples of


Displeasure. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxviii, "and

caused the people to take grete displeasir." Also

1461, ii. 15-

Dispossedded (cf. dispossess, deriv.).? 1461, ii. 69, " she shal be dispossedded of that place in short tyme."

Distringax. 1451, i. 222, " 1 send yow a distringas ageynst Tudenham."

Double entendre. See " diffuse " above, and " In- tendment" in 'N.E.D.'

Doivn, v. ? 1451, i. 217, "[they] bad hym sey to me, verely the wall xulde doun a gayne." Ibid,. p. 219. Also 1448, i. 68.

Draw (cf. sense 59). 1455, i. 3135, " The Duk Buk is come inne, and sworn that he shal be rewled, and draw the lyne with theym."

/)iipfode=doublet.-1487, iii. 465.

Earable.t 1450, i. 182, "xl. acre lond erable."

Eat (cf. sense 4). 1469, ii. 348, " I eete lyek an horse, of purpose to eete yow owte at the dorys."

Eloqutncy.-l 1460, i. 547.

Emolument. 1459, i. 449, "all the profitez and availez and emolwements of the seyd maneris."

Empanel 1451, i. 198, "divers men that ben enpaneld." Also "inpanell," 1451, i. 215.

Empoint, empointment (not in) 1432-40, iii 416,

Enact. 1450, i. 105, "we pray that this be

enacte in this your High Courte of Parlement."

Encheck. 1459, i. 489, "Item, j. favon, encheked white and blewe."

Endanger. 1454, i. 281, " to the entente that the

sayd substanciall men shuld be trowblyd and


Endower. 1485, iii. 319, " to endover themselfs with all ther powers for the defence of them."

EnpaneL-l 1447, i. 65.

Enstrange.H55, i. 326, " to enstraunge ws from your mooste noble presence."

Ensurance. 1424, i. 15, "[they] tokyn ensurans

of the seyd William and Walter to stande and

obeye to here ordinaunce."

Entertain. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxviii, " to kepe and entretyn the said trues."

Escheatorship.Hod, i. 406, "tograunte you the narnyng of th' eschetorship of Norffolk."

Escu. 1469, ii. 374, " it shall cost a m 1 escuys."

Estrange. 1450, i. 105, "wherby ye have ben estraunged from the god loffe and assistence of the seid King of Arregon."

Excepting. 1432, i. 34, " This article is agreed, excepting suche persones as," &c.

Exchange (sense 4). 1449, i. 78, "Som cownsel me to haf a letter of exschawnge, thow it wer bode of xls. er lees."

Excommunication. 1459, i. 457, " he fallith in the centense of excommunicacion, doyng the con- trary to my last will."

Exhibit. 1467, iii. 443, "anewe contryved pro-

cesse that is exhibited and putte in my lordys

courte of Audience be fore his auditoure."

Exigent, sb. 2. 1451, i. 222, and 1455, i. 320.

Exorbitant. 1454, i. 273, "for the exhorbitant offence done to hym."

Extort. 1491, iii. 368, "they stelle, robbe, and exstorte his subjectes ther."

Extortions. 1451, i. 191, " of extorcious amercia- ments."

Extreat, sb. ? 1451, i. 218.

Fall out.UT2, iii. 43, "be cause I wyll not delyver Lovell the evydence, we fyll owte."

Ferosly (not in). 1455, i. 330.

Flagon. 1459, i. 469.

Fleet. 1454, i. 272, " that the seide Thomas Denys may abide in the seide prisone of the Flete."

Fringe, v. 1459, i. 479.

Furnish. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxix, "castell and forteresses which were wel furnysshed to have resisted youre enemyes." Also 1471, iii. 12.

Fyrmall (? not in). 1454, i. 308, " of whom I shuld have certevn evydences the maner of Saxthorp, and rentall and fyrmall."

Garees=Gueries ? 1473, iii. 89.

Garlement. 1459, i. 452, "garlementes of sylke or velwet."

Gamison, v. 1489, iii. 357, "The castell of Chaw- son was also garnisond with Frenshmen."

Glazer, v. Date of quotation should be 1473.

Himivard. 1450, i. 167.

Indemnity. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxx, " the salva- cion and indempnite of youre most roiale persone."

Inheritable.- 1450, i. 100.

Inquirendum. 1459, i. 440, " a newe inquirendum shal be taken at Wycham Markette."

Insatiate. 1452, i. Introd. p. Ixxviii, "insaciate covetyse."

Insurrection. 1450, i. 108.

Intolerable. 1424, i. 12, " to putte William Paston n drede and intolerable fere to be slayn."

Jacket. 1459, i. 476.