Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/191

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Moral Philosophers. The Laudable Society of Moral Philosophers had two truly laudable rules, one of which was that no member be intoxicated before nine o'clock, and another that any one who brought a new argument against religion should, upon paying six- pence, be admitted to membership.

Mug-house Club. See Timbs's ' Club Life,' p. 45. [See also ante, p. 67.]

The Mulberry Club, of which Douglas Jerrold was a member, held its meetings at the " Wrekin," a rustic-looking tavern, which, until about 1870, stood at No. 22, Broad Court, Bow Street, at the corner of the court. At these meetings a regulation was estab- lished that "some paper or poem, or conceit bearing upon Shakespeare, should be con- tributed by each member, the general title being 'Mulberry Leaves.'" See Hodder's ' Memorials of my Times,' cf. 'The Wrekin.'

The Society of Musicians held its meetings in the middle of the eighteenth century at the " Crown and Anchor " in the Strand. In the year of Waterloo the anniversary festival dinner of the "New Musical Fund," under the presidency of the Duke of Norfolk, took place at the same famous tavern, at half-past four o'clock, on Monday, 2 March. Cards of invitation to this effect, which bore a wax impression of the seal of the society, and were otherwise fine examples of the contem- porary engraver's art, were among some interesting discoveries of papers and coins made in 1895 by workmen employed in the demolition of 15, Chapel Street, Soho.

The Nobody Club. See Gent. Mag., Ixxvii. 173.

The No Nose Club.-See 'Secret Hist, of Clubs,' by Ed. Ward.

The Northern Society met at the " St. Paul's Head " Tavern, Cateaton Street (1799).

The Noviomagians were a club formed by Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries for the purpose of maintaining the social side of membership, " for the promotion of good- fellowship and antiquarian pursuits." Mem- bers dined once a month during the season at the old tavern next the burial-place of Joe Miller in Portugal Street. See the Cocked Hat Club.

The October Club. See Gent. Mag., vol. xxviii. p. 271, and ' The Secret History of the October Club,' 1711.

Odd Fellows. See Heckethorn's 'Secret Societies,' vol. ii. p. 311.

Old Carthusians. In the London Evening Post of 6 December, 1733, "Gentlemen Edu- cated at the Charterhouse" are invited " to meet at the Charterhouse Chapel, on Wednes- day the 12th Instant at Eleven o'Clock to hear a

Sermon, and afterwards an Oration as usual in the Hall ; and from thence to go and dine at the ' Crown and Anchor ' over against St. Clement's Church in the Strand.

" Tickets are deliver'd by the Porter at the Char- terhouse ; at the said 'Crown and Anchor'; and at Mr. Vincent's in Ludgate street.

" N.B. Stewards are provided for the ensuing

Old Harrovians. In the Daily Advertiser of 19 February, 1742, "Gentlemen educated at Harrow School " are desired " to dine at the 'Crown and Anchor' on Tuesday next the 23rd Instant, at Two o'Clock in the After- noon.

" Note. Tickets are to be had at the ' Crown and Anchor' aforesaid, or of Mr. Shuckburgh, Book- seller, near the Inner Temple Gate."

The Oriental Club. See 'The Oriental Club and Hanover Square,' by Alexander F. Baillie, 1901, and Cunningham's ' London.'

The Outinian Society. Established in 1818 at 190, Piccadilly, by John Penn, a descendant of the founder of Pennsylvania, it shortly afterwards removed to his house in Spring Gardens. Its meetings were also held at 10, New Street. The society was formed to promote matrimony. See 'The Outinian Society ' (in the Catalogue of the B. Mus. Lib.. Ac. 2265/2). The name Outinian (OUTIS, nobody) was suggested by the proverb, " What is everybody's business is nobody's."

The Overseers' Club. See ' Tavern Anecd.,' p. 147, and Timbs's ' Club Life,' p. 193.

The Club of Owls was accustomed to meet at a tavern with the sign of the " Sheridan Knowles," the last name in the literary world to be used as a tavern sign, which stood opposite the principal entrance to Drury Lane Theatre. It is apparently now a coffee-house. Sheridan Knowles himself was one of the patrons, and Augustine Wade, an author and composer of some fame, chairman. Pierce Egan and Leman Rede were among its mem- bers. The "Shakespeare's Head" in Wych Street was the last haunt of the club, so named at the beginning of the nineteenth century on account of the late hours kept by its members. Later, for one year, the " Shake- speare's Head " was in the possession of Mark Lemon, editor of Punch, then just married to Miss Romer, and a club of literati used to meet on the first floor.

The Plough and Steak Club (1797) met at the Navy Coffee- House in Newcastle Street.

The "Queen's Arms" (or Stroud Green) Club.-Stroud Green was formerly visited annually in summer time by the members of a society who styled themselves " The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Corporation of Stroud Green," who met at the "Queen's Arms," Newgate Street, which occupied the site, until