Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/202

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Warton (1785 and 1791), and by Mitford, Keightley, and Browne. I believe Todd(1809) was the first to insert a comma after " him," and this lias been followed by Masson. The commentators have made no remark on the passage, with the exception of Warton, who records that " the author of the essay on the genius and writings of Pope has observed that here is an imitation of Petrarch's third sonnet." C. C. B.'s reading appears to me to be correct. WYNNE E. BAXTER.

The question here is as to the punctuation of the couplet

Nature in awe to Him Had doff 'd her gaudy trim.

" The lines," it is alleged, " are usually printed with a comma after him" As this involves the consideration of reprints, it may not be amiss to examine versions easy of access. I have the ode in a reprint of the " Aldine Poets "; in * Milton's English Poems,' 2 vols., Clar. Press ; in Warne's " Chandos " edition ; in Palgrave's ' Golden Treasury,' original and revised ; in Henry Morley's " Library of Eng- lish Literature," vol. ii. ; in Mrs. Woods's 'Third Poetry Book '; in Mr. Gosse's * English Odes '; and in Palgrave's ' Treasury of Sacred Song.' In the first six the only punctuation mark is a comma at the end of the second line. Mr. Gosse gives the first line in the form " Nature, in awe to Him," and in this arrangement, curiously enough, he is sup- ported by Palgrave in the ' Treasury of Sacred Song-' THOMAS BAYNE.


Abraham Ezekiel, of Exeter, see ' Diet. Nat.

Biog.,' vol. xviii. p. 107. Henry Moses (1782 1-

1870), see ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' vol. xxxix. p. 179.


TENNYSON'S ' LORD OF BURLEIGH ' (9 th S. xi. 4,75). Dr. William Meteyard, having a large tamily, went to Shrewsbury to educate his sons. The 'Dictionary of National Bio- graphy' states that this was in 1818, and that his daughter Eliza was born in Lime Street Liverpool, and adds that her father luoved to Thorpe, near Norwich, in 1829.

1 do not know when he returned to Shrews- bury, but iny mother remembers him living at i 47, 48, or 49, Abbey Foregate, before 1836. Inese houses face the east end of the church, and are on the old road. The voting list of 1 states that he was living in Whitehall Street, which is quite near. In the Abbey Church Register of Burials: "No 1008

' White

His granddaughter, Mrs. Meredith, think; that he was at one time in the army as i

surgeon. From the inscription on the tomb Dhis is very unlikely. She does not know of iiis having lived at Wem.

In ISt. Giles's Churchyard, about twenty yards from the east window, there is a raised bombstone with the following inscription : Here rests all that was mortal

of William Meteyard

he was surgeon to the Shropshire Regt

of Militia upwards of forty years

he was born August 24, 1777, and died January 15, 1842, aged 65.

On the other side is an inscription to the memory of his wife Mary, younger daughter of Zebedee Beckham, of Great Yarmouth. She died at Bicton, near Shrewsbury, 25 March, 1863, aged seventy-five, and was buried in the general cemetery at Shrews- bury. She appears to have married in 1805. HERBERT SOUTH AM.

Miss Meteyard's father was surgeon to the Shropshire Militia, and resided at Shrews- bury. I know this direct from my father, who was acquainted with the family.

K W.

There is a notice of Miss Meteyard in the 'D.N.B.,' vol. xxxvii. p. 308, where it is stated that " Silverpen " was born in Liver- pool in 1816, and died in 1879. LYSART.

MONA (9 th S. xi. 48). The Isle of Man and Anglesey are each styled Mona, and the word is not uncommonly used as a baptismal name for females, especially the children of Manx or Anglesey folk who have chosen exile on the mainland of Great Britain The word is, I believe, a Celtic one for island ; it is also Spanish for a female monkey, which may in some cases give an added appropriateness to its use as a personal name.


Mona is an island of Denmark, in the Baltic, to the south-west of the island of Zealand. Anglesey also, known to the Britons as M6n, was called by the Romans Mona. Then there is Pomona, the largest of the Orkney group. J. HOLDEN MACMICHAEL.

SORTES EVANGELIC^ : ST. EUGENIA (9 th S. x. 183). In the treatise ' Instructions Sacerdotum,' by Cardinal Franciscus Toletus, S.J., printed Lugduni, 1678, at p. 230 may be found the following annotation under the subject ' De Irregularitate ex Defectu Cor- poris,' lib. i. cap. Ixiii. :

"Nonnullse sanctag rnulieres, Dei spiritu ductse (ut existimare licet) virilem sexum mentitse inter viros religiosos laudabiliter vixerunt. Eugenia Philippi Augustalis in JSgypto Prsefecti filia, Christi fide suscepta, nuptias Aquilii Consulis, cui fuerat desponsala aversata virilem induta vestem,