Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/220

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. XL MARCH 14, 1903.

thought that there was a distant connexion between the two families. Several children were born of this marriage, but all appear to have died in infancy, their burials being regis- tered at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, London, in which parish the regicide was living between the years 1649 and 1653. Within two years of his death, at the end of 1662, Katherine Harrison, widow, married, probably at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, Robert Barrow, of St. Giles's, Cripplegate. In the licence for this marriage (Faculty Office) Robert Barrow is described as "widower, aged 40," and Kathe- rine Harrison as widow, aged 35." Her second husband, who is also known as " Colonel Robert Barrow," made his will on 4 April, 1670, and in it describes himself as of " Haggerston, in the parish of Hackney, co Middlesex, esq." This was proved on 9 April, 1673, by his widow, who is described as " Katherine Leigh, alias Barrow, the relict," she having already, some time between Octo- ber, 1672, and April, 1673, married her third husband, Dr. Thomas Legh, son of Col. Henry Legh, of High Legh, co. Chester. On 7 May, 1700, letters of administration were granted to "Thomas Legh, lawful husband of Catherine Legh, late of High Legh, co. Chester, deceased." It does not seem that the thrice-married Katherine left surviving issue by any of her husbands.

From the same source we learn that the regicide was the son and heir of Richard Harrison, a successful and respectable butcher who held the office of Mayor of Newcastle- under-Lyme four times between 1626 and 1648, and who died in 1653 thus in part at least confirming the statement in 'The Mystery of the Good Old Cause' which says, respecting Harrison, that he was "a man of very mean birth, being the son of a butcher in or near Newcastle-under-Lime." At the same time the tradition that he was a native of Nantwich, in Cheshire, is shown to have no basis. \\r. j) t PINK

Lowton, Newton-le-Willows.

Noble, 'Lives of the Regicides,' says that Harrison left a wife and children in a state of destitution. His sole legacy, apparently, was a Bible. It would be interesting to know whence Noble derived his information.


Many articles have appeared in ' N. & O ' with reference to Thomas Harrison, but only the under-mentioned refer to his posterity His son Samuel is named in 3 rd S. h 374 anc j copies of the death registers of three sons, with particulars of other members of the

family, will be found in 6 th S. ii. 382. The marriage of his granddaughter to Thomas Willing, on 16 July, 1704, is given in 1 st S. ix. 350. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

'ENGLISH KINGS: AN ESTIMATE ' (9 th S. xi. 148). The book which H. A. B. means is probably 'Estimates of the English Kings from William the Conqueror to George III.,' by J. Langton Sanford, &c., published in 1872 by Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co. The ' Estimates ' originally appeared in the Spec- tator. I shall be happy to lend H. A. B. my copy. T. M. FALLOW.

Coatham, Redcar.

The following is most probably the book required. It is now out of print, but is no doubt easily procurable second-hand, 'Esti- mates of the English Kings from William the Conqueror to George III.,' by J. Langton Sanford (Longmans, 1872). These ' Estimates ' were reprinted from the Spectator.

WM. H. PEET. [Replies also from M. F. H., 0. 0. H., and others.]

PFJRCELL FAMILY (9 th S. x. 386 ; xi. 14, 58). Unable to visit Westminster, I am yet able to state on the authority of Dart (1723) that a shield, with Purcell and Peters arms baron and fern me, is to be seen underneath the well- known inscription :

"Here lyes Henry Purcell Esq' Who left this Life And is gone to that Blessed Place where only his Harmony can be exceeded. Obijt 21 mo die Novembris Anno ./Etatis suae 37 mo Annoq Dom':

IflOK" *

The Purcell arms there are : " Barry wavy

of six and ; on a bend three boars'

heads couped." The plates in the book are not coloured. For the colour difficulty, and the genealogical question thereby raised, see the. first reference above. It is to be hoped that some one will act on MR. PAGE'S practical suggestion. In Purcell's 'Sonatas ' (1683) his arms are represented as identical in design and colour with those of the Shropshire family, a fact which at least may be indicative of a belief that he was so descended. There is a Shropshire tradition (as yet unproved, nor yet disproved) that he was born at Con- dover in that county. Musicus.

EQUATION OF TIME (9 th S. xi. 128). This is due principally to two causes : the varying velocity of the earth in its orbit according to its distance from the sun, and the obliquity of the ecliptic or earth's orbit to the equator for time must be reckoned by angles of which the apex is the pole of the earth's rota- tion, not that of its orbit in which the sun